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Netanyahu seeks to preempt Palestinian statehood initiative w/ plan that entails settlements and ‘Jewish state’ preconditions

Aug 01, 2011

Philip Weiss

Israeli television is reporting that Netanyahu is going out with a peace plan that refers to the ’67 borders, apparently in an effort to stem the Palestinian bid for statehood at the U.N. I’m told that the plan is much like a US plan given to the Quartet in July, which Daniel Levy described last week at Foreign Policy– yes referring to the ’67 lines but annulling them by asserting that settlements must be part of the future Israeli state. The draft also says that Israel is the state of the Jewish people. And honors Israel’s refusal to negotiate with the new Palestinian unity government!

Below are accounts of the news at AP and Reuters, and then Levy’s description of the U.S. draft plan.

Associated Press:

In a speech about the Middle East in May [May 19], Obama proposed negotiations based on the pre-1967 line with agreed swaps of territory between Israel and a Palestinian state. Netanyahu reacted angrily, insisting that Israel would not withdraw from all of the West Bank, though that was not what Obama proposed.

Now Netanyahu is basically accepting that framework, according to Channel 2 TV, offering to trade Israeli territory on its side of the line for West Bank land where its main settlements are located.

The official [who confirmed the TV report to AP], who has been briefed on the talks, spoke on condition of anonymity because the contacts are still in progress. He said he would not deny the TV report, while refusing to confirm the specifics. He emphasized that Israel would not withdraw from all of the West Bank.

“We are willing in a framework of restarting the peace talks to accept a proposal that would contain elements that would be difficult for Israel and we would find very difficult to endorse,” he said, answering a question about the Obama proposal.

Part of the reason, he said, was that Israel is seeking to persuade the Palestinians to drop their initiative to win U.N. recognition of their state next month, something the Palestinians are doing out of frustration with stalled peace efforts.

Palestinian officials said they had not received such a proposal from Israel.


Israel has told Middle East power brokers it was ready to discuss a proposed package on borders with Palestinians to help Western powers revive stalled peace talks, an Israeli official said Monday.

The official denied reports by Israeli and other media outlets that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had backed down from an earlier rejection of President Barack Obama’s proposal to negotiate a pullback to so-called 1967 borders.

But he suggested Netanyahu had signaled a new readiness to aid last-ditch U.S. and European efforts to renew talks frozen since last year in anticipation of a Palestinian threat to seek a unilateral United Nations mandate for statehood in September.

Levy in Foreign Policy:

The U.S. presented to its Quartet “partners” a suggested one page text that looked rather like an exercise in cherry picking Obama’s recent speeches by the Israeli Prime Minister’s office (given the recent traffic between Jerusalem and Washington and the end product it is reasonable to speculate that that is precisely what happened). The American pitch went something like the following: the proposed text is a reflection of the President’s speech, the Quartet had encouraged the President to give such a speech, the President had taken some political heat for the speech, the Quartet had even endorsed the speech (which it did in a May 20 statement), therefore the Quartet should now stand united behind the American draft, demonstrate to the Palestinians that they have no alternative but to accept the Quartet position, resume negotiations, and drop the U.N. idea. The text was quite clearly pre-cooked with the Israeli leadership, so no problem of acceptance from Israel.

Except that the U.S. text was not a faithful rendition of what the Quartet had endorsed — namely, the May 19 State Department speech of the president — but rather a hodgepodge of language from that speech, from the May 22 speech at the AIPAC conference, and of elements never before endorsed by the Quartet and even contradicting the existing positions of the EU and others. Hence the stalemate — and not altogether a shock given Jerusalem’s apparent co-authorship of the text.

So here are the details. To recap: President Obama’s May 19 speech spent 1,040 words addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Obama described the conflict, touched on Israeli and Palestinian aspirations, and made a case for a solution being more urgent than ever in the context of the Arab awakening. The President then made news when, in calling for a resumption of negotiations, he stated that “the basis of those negotiations is clear,” and then spent 170 words providing the parameters of a borders and security first approach to achieving two-states (his reference of the 1967 lines in particular drew attention). He closed out this part of the speech by saying “these principles provide a foundation for negotiations.” The U.S. draft proposal presented to the Quartet did include the President’s language from the May 19 speech, but it also included a whole lot more, all of it skewing, extremely uni-directionally, in Israel’s favor. To the simple May 19 border language of “based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps,” the U.S. added the following from the May 22 speech:

“The parties themselves will negotiate a border between Israel and Palestine that is different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967, to take account of changes that have taken place over the last 44 years, including the new demographic realities on the ground and the needs of both sides.”

This is essentially America asking the Quartet to endorse illegal Israeli settlement activity that has taken place since 1967 (and in phrasing this as “the parties themselveswill negotiate a border…” the U.S. is deviating from its own previous policy of not dictating to the parties). Compare that to the official position of the European Union: “The European Union will not recognize any changes to the pre-1967 borders including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties.”

Remember, the Quartet issued a statement endorsing the president’s May 19 speech; it has never endorsed the May 22 speech.

The U.S. text also included language about Israel that was spoken on both May 19 and May 22 but was not part of the principles or foundations for negotiations set out on May 19 (and it is these principles that the Quartet endorsed). As follows:

“A lasting peace will involve two states for two peoples: Israel as a Jewish state and the homeland of the Jewish people.”

Again, this is terminology that neither the EU nor the Quartet has endorsed in the past.

Of you, everything around reminds me

Aug 01, 2011

Yousef M. Aljamal

כל דבר מסביבי מזכיר לי אותך

In Limbo, I loved to live and carry on. In love, I fell with him. He was everything to me, a brother, a friend, a man, a shaman. All efforts and time I have exerted, by doing my best to spend the rest of my life without him, were in vain. They ended up with failure. He follows me everywhere I go like a shadow, a destiny. His picture appears to me wherever I direct my eyes. He is not dead.

The street, the room, the moon, the school, his books and notes, his old friends, his pictures while smiling, Baba and our new born youngest brother remind me of him. Every day I leave home and see his friends, who insist on reminding me of him, I forget him not. Everywhere, I see him, I feel him.

The other day as I was making some potatoes to kill my hunger, he approached and asked for some. I refused. Someone pressured me; I accepted. It was by sunset when he added sugar to the potatoes instead of salt, mistakenly. Remembering him doing so unintentionally adds insult to my great injury for losing him, intentionally. Trying to forget him reminds me of him again and again.

A riddle: who is he?

It would be no exaggeration to say that he was my past, present and future. He was the one who corrected me, preached me and sometimes got mad at me. I wish that he could live longer to get mad at me more and more. He was not an ordinary man. His life was short and swift as summer’s clouds. Life without him, to me, is as long as eternity.

He was the salt of this land, the hope of hopeless and the relief of souls, the helping hand of powerless and the smile of those who always burst into tears in wars, for losing their beloved. I still remember him coming to his friends and throwing a kettle of tea at them. They escaped, however it was empty!

Had not the murderers thought of all these merits before claiming his life by the dawn? They would not. I bet. They were asked to shoot to kill. I assure. It was not enough for them to murder him in darkness. They were not satisfied with this. Now, they are carrying out a new war against us, a war on our memories to forget their crime. We insist not to forget. We will not forget. We will remember him twice, YES, twice.

We lived for a while together in love. Today, I look around, I don’t see him. Eye and heart weep for him. Sadness winds as a storm. His love nests at my heart and will never leave. Hours in waiting for him lasts days. We, Palestinians, are used to wait. We wait our beloved to return, our injury to be hailed and our tears to be draught on our cheeks before enemies see them. We wait for the crossing to be open, the permission to be issued, the bullet to be fired at us and FREEDOM and JUSTICE to prevail. Brother, Will not you return back along with freedom? Hopefully, I am still waiting for you, period.

Crossposted at Yousef M. Aljamal’s blog He who is brave is free

At Daily Kos, ‘cyclonbabe’ says the Israel/Palestine issue has split the progressive movement

Aug 01, 2011


We’ve run a few posts responding to the banning of Mondoweiss from the popular website Daily Kos.Weiss response. And mine. Well yesterday I lifted another comment straight out of the ‘diary’ where the announcement of the banning occurred. I urge everyone to open the link and view the hostile response to this comment. I’m posting it here because I agree with cyclonbabe, I think the Israel/Palestine issue threatens to split the progressive movement right up the middle. The Mondo ban is a polarizing move and I believe America’s support for Zionism continues to rip and tear at the foundation of our democracy.

MW is one of the Best sites on the web

by cyclonbabe

It is one of the few that has not given in to the angry posse of defenders of the indefensible, MW provides a living record of the slow, painful take over of the West Bank, the strangulation of Gaza, the colonialist-settlement xenophobic movement that’s taking over Israel, aided and abetted by the israel-right-or-wrong crowd in the US and elsewhere. true to the historical task that good jewish people took upon themselves throughout history, MW is bearing witness to a slowly advancing horror show, one in which the jewish people of this country are deeply complicit.

By banning [parts of] MW the zionist hasbara does not want people to see, by taking sides with the ones who justify – or prefer to hide – the horrible things Israel is doing, the enormity of the human rights violations committed by – and supported by jewish people – MB – and DK have now taken sides. And in so doing open up the yawning gap that has been splitting up the progressive movement for a long time.

I expect that whatever McCarthyte policies take over in in Israel – which they are – as we all see – they will seed off-shoots in this country, as they are in canada and Australia, and we, who care about liberal values and human rights, will have to stand and watch as reactionary forces rip what they helped sow..

We, who resist the march of oppression and slide into the deepest darkness of the soul – the Conradian disintegration of morals and conscience now unfolding – should be prepared for what’s to come.

Unfortunately, the I/P issue has split the progressive movement already – and it is one of the reasons we can never have any real influence in this country. Just watch some of our “heroes” in congress and see them dangle, helpless, before the march of the know-nothing right. They – and us – and Obama – will all continue to be be cowed, because we are split right in the middle, because honesty and openness have been banished from our midst..

When a progressive like MB seeks to tar – and bar – a truly progressive exercise in progressive discourse like MW, then we should know that the center – our center, the Bernie Sanders center – cannot hold. Our energies, our donations, our discourse will be sapped. And there, in the breech – the crazy shall walk among among us. Look to washington politics if you really want to see what rabid, israel-firstism has wrought. m

(I’d like to add that I appreciate the opportunity to post these recent threads. Sometimes we miss opportunities to speak directly to progressives from the other side of this divide and I think I can speak for many supporters of this site in claiming this banning has provided an avenue for important discourse. I’m planning on making the most of it! signed, annie)

A representation of Israeli soldiers

Aug 01, 2011

Audrey Farber

If this is what happens to photographers who “misrepresent Israeli soldiers,” here is my rebuttal:

In the last eight or nine months, Nabi Saleh has become more and more the epicenter of military violence against non-violent protesters in the West Bank. In a situation where protesting is not just against the wall but against the very nature of the occupation, the soldiers have become more and more brazen in their aggression against the villagers and the protesters.

From the start, non-violent protesters are surrounded by heavily armed soldiers.

Tear gas is launched from army trucks blocking the road out of the village before anything other than marching and chanting has taken place.

The soldiers begin their game of cat-and-mouse.

Children are targeted, only temporarily at an advantage for better knowing shortcuts through the homes and streets of Nabi Saleh, a village on a hill.

The onslaught begins, and continues.

Soldiers try to force their way into a home…

…and watch the house from the outside. When it gets too crowded with protesters seeking refuge from the gas, they command the house be emptied.

A woman is chased back into her house; perhaps her garden is deemed closed military territory by the power-drunk young soldier in charge.

This was the last time I was allowed so close to him.

B’Tselem watches as his hand is checked for rocks. In a few minutes his father will have to present the soldier with the boy’s papers.

As the soldiers gain the upper hand in the maze of homes, they begin shooting from roofs rather than below walls.

A young Nabi Saleh boy shows me bullet casings he has found in the streets around his home left by weeks and weeks on end of soldiers. (And I thought West Philly was dangerous.)

A young man from Nabi Saleh drops to the ground. A tear gas canister has grazed the back of his head, and within minutes he will be surrounded by a pool of blood. Spent tear gas grenades litter the square around him. If you could see, not fifty yards to the left, a troop of soldiers stands with guns at the ready. I stand in their way, in front of the fallen, banking on the fact that 1. I am white, 2. I am a girl, and 3. I have a camera.

All photos are from Nabi Saleh, December 17, 2010. All photos are my own.

This is a crosspost from Audrey Farber’s blog.

Is Yerushalmi’s motive for anti-Shariah campaign his contempt for Palestinians, ‘a murderous non-People’? ‘NYT’ can’t touch it

Aug 01, 2011

Philip Weiss

Over the weekend, there was a long, somewhat-helpful piece in the Times about David Yerushalmi, the Hasidic Jew who is leading the campaign against supposed “Shariah law” in the U.S., a campaign that demonizes Muslims. But the article left me wondering: how much of Yerushalmi’s campaign has to do with Israel, and why doesn’t the Times ever go near that angle? Reporter Andrea Elliott does write:

His interest in Islamic law began with the Sept. 11 attacks, he said, when he was living in Ma’ale Adumim, a large Jewish settlement in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. At the time, Mr. Yerushalmi, a native of South Florida, divided his energies between a commercial litigation practice in the United States and a conservative research institute based in Jerusalem, where he worked to promote free-market reform in Israel. After moving to Brooklyn the following year, Mr. Yerushalmi said he began studying Arabic and Shariah under two Islamic scholars, whom he declined to name. He said his research made clear that militants had not “perverted” Islamic law, but were following an authoritative doctrine that sought global hegemony…

If you want to know what Yerushalmi thinks about Israel and the occupied territories he lived in, you have to go to other sources. Richard Silverstein says that Yerushalmi is a Kahanist. He writes:

Even Yerushalmi’s name is fake.  His family birth name is Beychok, born of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants to America.  To be clear, I’m not saying that Yerushalmi’s legal name isn’t that.  I’m talking about the underlying motivations regarding Jewish nationalist identity that are involved in such a name change.  Yerushalmi means “from Jerusalem.”  Yerushalmi is as much a resident of Jerusalem as I am.  He doesn’t live in Jerusalem nor do I.  Let me make clear that I have no problem with Jewish olim changing their name once they move to Israel, taking Hebrew names such as Yerushalmi.  But to do so when you live in America is pure preciousness.  He wants to tell you that he supports the settler concept of the eternal inviolability of Jerusalem as a Jewish city and capital.  He wants to tell you he believes in the whole nine yards of ultra-Orthodox extremism regarding God’s sacred gift of all of the Land of Israel to the entire Jewish people in perpetuity.)

And here is Paul Berger writing in The Forward about Yerushalmi a couple weeks back and making it clear that Yerushalmi is a Jewish fundamentalist on his view of the “chosen people.”  Berger found a 2007 article by Yerushalmi that says:

“One must admit readily that the radical liberal Jew is a fact of the West and a destructive one. Indeed, Jews in the main have turned their backs on the belief in G-d and His commandments as a book of laws for a particular and chosen people. These Jews, the overwhelming majority, have embraced modernity in its entirety.”

I found that Yerushalmi article here, and it’s clear that the dude is a wild-eyed zealot on Israel– and that he (like me) regards the Palestinian issue as a core issue between the west and Asia.

…Jimmy Carter’s (yes, Jimmy Carter’s!) analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian problem is a heroic effort to detach reality from the blanket of lies and deceptions known as the Israeli response to the Palestinians. In what one might describe as a curious oddity, a non-People with the most murderous of intentions created almost single-handedly by the 20th century’s greatest terrorist has become the cause célèbre of white Christian and non-Christian conservatives. For these conservatives, much like the Jew hating Leftists, the Palestinians and their righteous claim for national political existence has been despicably denied them because Jews ran from Europe during and after the Second World War to take land which they had not occupied in any real way since the destruction of the Second Temple. And the kicker for this brand of conservative is that but for the presence and despicable behavior of the Zionists, the West would be living quite peaceably with the 1.3 billion Muslims the world over.
If you are reading this essay and don’t understand this position is so contrary to fact that it can only be plausibly described as blindness, then either you know nothing of the history of this region or of the people and faiths which populate it, which in and of itself says much given its centrality in our lives, or you too are blinded to what should be obvious to any serious and reasonable mind.

…[The] Leftist or Elitist critique… reduces its claims to one of two positions on the Jewish State: either the Jews have no business in Palestine and that this vicious, murderous non-people of clans and tribes known as Palestinians do; or, the Jews might have some right to a small, indefensible Jewish State but the Palestinian claim is “equally” valid and the UN vote on the Partition Plan was the world’s resolution of these equally competing claims and therefore Israel ought to retreat to the original borders determined by the world body in a democratic vote or minimally to the pre-1967 armistice lines.
I would argue, although I will not do more than merely assert it to be so here, that for a Christian to take the position that the Jewish homeland is not Israel or that it is not even what is derisively described as “Greater Israel” is something akin to a positive result on a Litmus test for the dark forces which have themselves contributed over the years of the Jewish Diaspora to the problem we all face today with Jewish liberalism.

It is clear that the Jewish right to the land of Palestine is at the heart of Yerushalmi’s thinking. You have to wonder whether his anti-Shariah campaign was motivated by his hatred for Palestinians (much as Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz’s shift to neoconservatism in the 70s came out of concern over what the Democratic Party threatened to Israel).

The Times reporter says she spent hours talking to Yerushalmi. Too bad that the New York Times won’t turn the page on this angle.

(It’s not unlike this July 24 piece by Scott Shane that mentions Islamophobic writers Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller without citing their views on Israel, which are core in Geller’s case.)

Hanin Zoabi: ”irrational racism’ is part of the new ruling consensus in Israel . . . It’s a psychological ethnic cleansing.’

Aug 01, 2011


MK Zoabi: Racism is part of the ruling consensus in Israel
AIC 31 July — “When it comes to the rights of Palestinians in Israel, there is no difference between opposition and coalition.” The AIC interviews MK Hanin Zoabi, who is concerned that racism has become part of Israeli national consensus, and everything outside of this must now be criminalized.

And more news from Today in Palestine:

Land, property, resources theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing
Israel continues to plough through Salfit farmlands
SALFIT (PIC) 31 July — Israeli bulldozers have continued to plough through farmland in the northern West Bank province of Salfit, locals said. They reported that bulldozers have been leveling land and crushing boulders round the clock to pave the way for roads to be built near 19 nearby Jewish settlements. Also being excavated is land on the western side of Salfit city as well as in the towns of Kafr al-Deik, Deir Istya, and Burqin, where new industrial building and expansion is taking place. The area is known by settlers as West Ariel, which lies near an Israeli industrial area called Burkan. Crushing machines have been brought to the site to break down stones for the manufacture of raw materials used to pave the roads and also to pave the way for building more settlement units and large-scale factories.
Israeli unit raids Wadi Hilweh, one arrested
Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) 31 July —  An Israeli special forces unit raided Wadi Hilweh this evening, arresting a 14-year old boy. Hamoudeh Raid Siyam was taken from his house by officers, who were aided in the operation by settler bodyguards who are active in the region. Siyam was taken to the City of David archaeological settlement before he was transferred to a police centre for interrogation. Israeli units currently remain posted outside an Elad-linked settlement in Wadi Hilweh district of Silwan.
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Silwan resident run over by military jeep, clashed sparked
Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) 31 July — An Israeli military jeep ran over an elderly Silwan resident last night, who was then prevented from receiving medical attention by soldiers. Witnesses state that Ahmed Malhi, 51, was deliberately run over by an Israeli jeep at 11pm last night. Soldiers were then reported to have threatened residents with arrest when they tried to approach Malhi to offer their assistance. Malhi had been on his way home to Al-Farouq district near Jabal al-Mukaber when the jeep ran over him in Bir Ayyub district. The attack sparked violent clashes between local youth and Israeli soldiers, who fired tear gas and rubber bullets at the crowd
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Military raids village, one kidnapped and one wounded
Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) 31 July  — A large force of Israeli troops and undercover officers stormed Silwan last night, kidnapping a local man.Mazen Odeh, 23, who was shot by Israeli settler guards last year, was seized by troops. Several other unidentified minors were reported arrested. Israeli forces fired live ammunition and sound grenades at local youth, who returned the attack with stones. At least one Palestinian resident was wounded
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Settlers set fire to 150 dunums of Palestinian land in Nablus
NABLUS (WAFA) 31 July — Israeli settlers from the settlement of ‘Shvut Rahel,’ built on  Palestinian land in Jaloud, a village south of Nablus, set fire to 150 dunums of the village’s land Sunday, said Ghassan Doughlas, Palestinian official responsible for the settlement file in the northern West Bank. Doughlas said, “The fires are still burning in the Palestinian fields. This is not the first time that settlers attack these lands.”
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Israeli forces
Palestinian lady miscarries after choking on tear gas in in Al-Khalil
Al-KHALIL (PIC) 31 July — A Palestinian pregnant woman miscarried at dawn Saturday when tear gas grenades fell onto her home in the old city of Al-Khalil. Local sources said that Israeli troops during a raid on Palestinian neighborhoods in the old city fired without reason a heavy barrage of tear gas grenades randomly and some of them fell on the house of this woman. They said the woman miscarried after she choked on tear gas and was rushed to hospital for medical treatment.
VIDEO: September’s hope? / Tamar Fleishman, Machsom Watch
Palestine Chronicle 29 July — …One afternoon at Bir Zeit checkpoint: …An hour and a half after this event started, the commander ordered the women and children to load off the bus. They now arranged another line up. They were ordered to place their IDs on the ground and to empty their bags. At that point the soldiers realized that they hadn’t yet preformed a physical inspection on the men- each and every one of them was now inspected: shirts, shoes, belts, pockets… What else? The uniformed men had a brainstorm and came up with the idea that Yusef (the driver) should perform the “Neighbor Procedure” (an action forbidden by international and Israeli law). He was told to unload all the language, the shopping bags, and all students backpacks- anything that was inside the bus. He was told to open, to shack, to browse: new clothes , personal belongings, books, note books, new shoe boxes … it was a real and endless fest of violation of privacy, and it was all done in the name of security. [See VIDEO here]

Israeli commander says he’s waiting for one stone so his soldiers can f*** this village up / Joseph Dana, Frank Tamimi Kahn
31 July — Great photos and tweets from al-Walaja
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6 activists arrested near Bethlehem
JERUSALEM (Ma‘an) 31 July — Israeli border guards detained six protesters Monday in the occupied West Bank, activists said. The six demonstrators — three Israelis, one Palestinian, and two from abroad — were accused of throwing stones. The activists were protesting land confiscation to make room for Israel’s wall in the Walaja village northwest of Bethlehem.
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Egypt turns back Rafah travelers after Sinai clashes
Daily Star 31 July —  GAZA CITY: Egypt turned back 450 travellers seeking to cross at the Rafah border point after an attack on a Sinai police station, Hamas officials said on Sunday. The Hamas-run interior ministry said that the 450 would-be travelers, some of them patients seeking medical treatment, were turned back at the border on Saturday. Palestinians in Gaza have accused Egypt of creating unnecessary hold-ups at the crossing, the only one open to residents of the coastal territory, and the interior ministry said it had a backlog of some 30,000 travel applications. In a statement, the ministry gave no details on why the travellers were turned back, but the incident came after Egyptian forces arrested 12 men, including three Palestinians, in connection with an attack on a north Sinai police station. [and what was their excuse before?]
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Crisis of medical supplies in Gaza shoots up
GAZA (PIC) 31 July — An official at the Palestinian health ministry said that the list of medical supplies that ran out in the Gaza Strip has risen to 180 types of medicines and 149 of medical disposables … Qudra criticized international human rights and health institutions for not moving swiftly to find radical solutions to the crisis that have plagued Gaza over the past five years and threatened the lives of patients. He pointed out that the latest victim of this crisis was five twins who suffer from lung atrophy and incomplete growth and they are in dire need for a vital injection to save their lives.
Lack of supplies, fuel threatens patients in Gaza
GAZA CITY (Ma‘an) 31 July — Medical facilities in the Gaza Strip lack 180 types of medical items as well as fuel, a shortage that poses a real threat to healthcare in the enclave, a health ministry spokesman said Saturday … “The crisis is not limited to medications, as health facilities are suffering severe shortages of fuel that is allowed into Gaza and that are used to operate the generators, a deficit reaching 75 percent,” he said.  “The available amounts are barely enough for one or two days, especially with repeated blackouts threatening kidney [treatments] and intensive care, surgeries, open heart, catheterization and child incubation.” He added: “Electricity can’t be cut off from these departments.”
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Cars from Egypt to be allowed into Gaza
GAZA CITY (Ma‘an) 31 July — The minister of transportation in Gaza said Sunday he would allow vehicles from Egypt to enter the enclave under certain conditions, in a bid to reduce the price of vehicles.
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Army: 2 rockets fired from Gaza hit Israel
JERUSALEM (AFP) 31 July — Two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip landed in southern Israel on Sunday, without causing any damage or injuries, the Israeli military said. The rockets fell in the southern regional councils of Pitchat Shalom and Shaar HaNegev, areas both bordering the Palestinian territory. The attack brought to 26 the number of rockets fired from Gaza into Israel since July 1, the military said. July has seen an uptick in the number of rockets and other projectiles fired at Israel from Gaza after several months of calm [calm for Israel, that is!] following a deadly flare-up of violence in April.
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Miles of Smiles 4 expected in Gaza today
GAZA (PIC) 31 July — The humanitarian aid convoy Miles of Smiles 4 is slated to arrive in Gaza later Sunday carrying badly needed medical supplies and ambulance vehicles, Nael Al-Maqadma, the convoy’s coordinator said. The convoy carries a number of medicines that went out of stock in Gaza in addition to the special baby milk formula G19 for premature babies and buses for special needs.
Detention by Israel
Israeli prisons impose new sanctions on Palestinian prisoners
RAMALLAH (WAFA) 31 July — The Palestinian Center for Prisoners Studies said Sunday that Israeli prison administration has imposed new sanctions on Palestinian prisoners on the eve of Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting. The center said the prison administration did not respond to prisoners’ demands to distribute meals at the time of iftar, at sunset, when Muslims break their fast after fasting all day. Palestinians detained at Israeli Nafha prison said the prison administration has taken a number of oppressive decisions against them such as forbidding them from watching Arabic satellite TV channels, confiscating their university books, refusing to replace Jewish prisoners who cook the food with Palestinian prisoners and refusing to allow prisoners to take their break en masse to perform prayers in congregation, as is customary for Muslims each night in Ramadan.
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Ufree condemns new indictment filed against mayor’s daughter
OSLO (PIC) 30 July — The European network to support the Palestinian prisoners (Ufree) has condemned Israel’s continued detention of the 17-year-old daughter of the mayor of Al-Beira near the West Bank city of Ramallah. The statement comes as the Israeli military prosecutor has placed new charges against her and signs of torture inside the prison have surfaced on her person. The girl Bushra al-Tawil has been in Israeli custody for 25 days so far. She was abducted in a raid on her family’s home. The Israeli Ofer military court ruled Thursday for the release of Tawil as no condemning evidence had been presented against her. But the military prosecutor quickly intervened and introduced an entirely new indictment against her. It also ordered that she be kept in detention and appear before another judge.
Power cut off at Negev prison
RAMALLAH (PIC) 31 July — The power has been cut off from the tents and cement rooms of the Israeli Negev prison as prisoners battle the heat and gear up for the holy month of Ramadan, Ahrar prisoner studies center has reported. Prisoners in Negev sent an SOS message to the Ahrar center pleading to be ”saved from programmed death” by the Israeli prison system and Israeli government, as the heat rises to ”oven” temperatures. [It is to be hoped this is a temporary situation, since Ramadan requires going without food or liquids for over 15 hours a day when it occurs at this time of year in this area. High temperature for the Negev today is 40 degrees C., 104 degrees F.]
Detention by the PA
PA urged to release prisoners for Ramadan
NABLUS (Ma‘an) 31 July — Families of prisoners affiliated with Hamas and detained in Palestinian Authority prisons held a sit-in Saturday in the West Bank city of Nablus, to demand the release of their loved ones.  The participants carried banners demanding the release of prisoners without conditions, particularly as the month of Ramadan is approaching. Some carried banners saying the issue was vital for reconciliation.
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Three more arrested in West Bank political persecution
NABLUS (PIC) 31 July — Two Najah University students as well as the wife of a West Bank political prisoner were arrested on Saturday as Palestinian Authority security agencies continue to politically persecute Hamas supporters in the West Bank. The students, Ala Saud Taha, 26, and Mohammed Jamal Khatir, 26, had previously declared their refusal to respond to summonses directed at them by the West Bank security agencies, the last summons taking place about a week ago. Both men had been previously detained by Israel security agencies and those of the PA.
Separately, Hammed al-Katout was released a few hours after he was arrested in Nablus for taking part in a sit-in protesting the PA’s taking of political prisoners.
Also on Saturday, preventative security forces arrested the wife of political prisoner Anas Rasras after she visited her husband in the security prison in Al-Dhahiriyya south of Al-Khalil city. She was questioned and held for four hours but later released. She was questioned on her husband and on her participation in protests in Al-Khalil against political detention.
Palestinians in Lebanon voice growing support for Syrian protesters
BEIRUT (Daily Star) 31 July — …”I was against the revolution in the beginning. I thought the Syrian people were comfortable,” said Mohammed Qatantani, a 27-year-old shopkeeper who has taken many trips to Syria over the years, always admiring the good infrastructure, affordable healthcare and rights for Palestinians that he never saw in Lebanon. “But then I saw the news: the mass graves, the executions and the torture. It looked like Israel had invaded Palestine. Oppression isn’t pretty wherever it happens,” he said. He added that he had been with the Egyptian revolution from day one, because of Mubarak’s treatment of Palestinians in Gaza: the repeated closure of the Rafah border crossing, and violent government clampdowns on those who protested.
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Lebanon likely to pass ‘racist’ decision on Palestinian refugee camps
BEIRUT (PIC) 31 July — Lebanon is leaning towards passing new ‘racist’ decisions affecting the Palestinian refugee camps in the country, Palestinian and Lebanese sources have revealed … The sources added the Council of Ministers is leaning towards deciding on the following: Prohibiting reconstruction inside the refugee camps without prior permission. Requesting that the UN Palestinian refugees agency (UNRWA) does not bring in building materials without prior detailed permission. Closing all of the camps’ entrances that were once open to pedestrians, and restricting access to the camps’ vehicular entrances. It is said that most of the camps have only one entrance.

Activists lobby to change nationality law
BEIRUT (Daily Star) 28 July — BEIRUT: Several hundred women’s rights activists marched in Beirut Wednesday calling for a reform of the Nationality Law, which doesn’t allow women to pass on their nationality to their families … “It’s hard because of sectarian groups who think a reform of the Nationality Law will affect the demographic balance between religions,” she said, adding that the idea that “most Lebanese women marry Muslims” is still very present. Many believe that the new law would also lead to naturalization of Palestinian refugees married to Lebanese women.
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UN delegation visits Ain al Hilweh refugee camp
SIDON (Daily Star) 30 July — A former South African minister led a United Nations delegation that toured the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain al-Hilweh Friday, observing the plight of the camp’s refugees. Former South African Minister Ronnie Kasrils headed a U.N. delegation with members from 17 European, African and Asian countries on a tour of the refugee camp.During the tour, Kasrils was received by representatives of various Palestinian factions and popular committees and affirmed his support for the Palestinian cause in the name of all the U.N. delegates visiting the country. The U.N. delegation was also joined by a group of 50 Palestinian young people, organized by the Aidoun group in the Bekaa‘, carrying Palestinian flags and posters calling for the right of to
Political / Diplomatic / International news
Resheq: Contacts underway with Fatah to discuss reconciliation
DAMASCUS (PIC) 31 July — Political bureau member of Hamas Ezzet Al-Resheq has said that contacts were currently ongoing between his movement and Fatah faction to hold a meeting on reconciliation issues. He told the PIC on Sunday that the meeting would discuss reconciliation issues such as the PLO, the Palestinian leadership, the political detainees, security apparatuses, elections, and dealing with results of division. Resheq explained that the issue of the transitional government was not on the agenda of the expected meeting due to PA chief and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas’s insistence on Salam Fayyad as premier of that government, a thing which is rejected by Hamas. The date and venue of that meeting were not fixed yet, he said.

Salhi: Israel is looking for official excuse to announce ending Oslo accords
CAIRO (WAFA) 31 July — Secretary General of the Palestinian People’s Party, Basam Salhi, Sunday responded to the Israeli threats to cancel the Oslo accords signed in 1993 if the Palestinian Authority (PA) seeks United Nations recognition of a Palestinian state next September, saying “Israel has ended the Oslo accords’ implementation on the ground years ago and is now looking for an excuse to officially announce it.”
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India: Israel must stop building settlements
UNITED NATIONS (Ma‘an) — India on Tuesday urged Israel to stop building illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian in order to enable peace talks to resume. At a UN security council meeting, India’s envoy to the UN Hardeep Singh Puri said halting settlement construction “should be the first step in this process.” He added: “Unless this essential step is taken and peace talks resume, the growing desperation may lead the parties to actions that can spiral out of control.”
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Haneyya meets with Malaysian delegation in Gaza
GAZA (PIC) 31 July — Palestinian premier Ismail Haneyya met on Saturday evening with a Malaysian delegation which visited the Gaza Strip to express solidarity with its people.
Other news
Palestinian govt to pay full wages after strike threat
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) 31 July — The Palestinian Authority will pay its employees’ salaries in full in August but still faces a financial crisis which forced it to pay only half wages in July, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said on Sunday. Earlier on Sunday, the head of the public sector workers’ union had raised the prospect of a strike in protest at the wage cuts. The union was due to meet on Monday to take a decision on possible industrial action. Fayyad, who is also finance minister, said he expected full salaries to be paid on Tuesday. “In view of the continued financial difficulties, payment of the salaries in full will greatly limit the ability of the PA to meet other needs during the coming month,” he said in a statement, without going into details. Fayyad has blamed a fall in aid from Arab states for largely causing the financial crisis.
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PCBS: Exports increase, imports decrease from Israel, increase from other countries in May
RAMALLAH (WAFA) 31 July – The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) released its External Trade on Goods report Sunday for May 2011, saying exports increased by 9.8% compared to April and reached US$67.7 million. Exports to Israel in May 2011 also increased by 8.8% compared to April, and represented 92.5% of total exports for May … The trade balance, which represents the difference between exports and imports, showed a decrease in trade deficit by 5.1% in May 2011 compared to April, reaching US$328.7 million.
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Watch: Netanyahu extends greetings to Muslims at start of Ramadan
Haaretz 31 July In addresses to Muslim world, the prime minister says he hopes Israeli Muslims, who are familiar with democracy, could serve as an example for their coreligionists in the region.
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Police won’t let Jews hold march in Old City due to Ramadan
JPost 31 July — In an apparent bid to prevent a clash between Jews and Muslims, police have denied Jews permission to march around the gates of Jerusalem’s Old City on Monday, which is the first day of the Hebrew month of Av, and the first day of Ramadan. The march, which has been taking place at the onset of Jewish months for some 10 years, draws the most participants at the beginning of Av, the month in which the First and Second Temples were destroyed. Last year, an estimated 5,000 people participated in that month’s march.
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More than 150,000 take to streets across Israel in largest housing protest yet
Haaretz 30 July — More than 100,000 people took to the streets Saturday to protest the spiraling costs of living in Israel. Marches and rallies took place in eleven cities across the country, with the largest ones taking place in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Be’er Sheva and Haifa. The protesters chanted “the people demand social justice” and “we want justice, not charity.”
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Thousands of Israeli doctors, residents protest in Jerusalem
Haaretz 31 July — Doctors call on PM to intervene in crisis and restart stalled negotiations with Finance Ministry; all outpatient clinics in Israel closed with only emergency surgery performed. (listserv) (archive)

Al Jazeera comes to NY

Aug 01, 2011

Philip Weiss

A friend alerted me: Al Jazeera English started on Channel 92 on TimeWarner Cable today in NYC.  This is an understated but a significant event.

The Larry David peace plan

Aug 01, 2011

Jesse Benjamin

A larger-than-usual debate has erupted over the latest episode of Larry David’s Curb Your Enthusiasm: “Palestinian Chicken.” Our beloved anti-social, misanthropic, crazed individualist has taken his shtick to the freighted arena of Israel/Palestine relations, and popular culture may never be the same. Many have dismissed the episode as racist, perpetuating stereotypes and dangerously false representations, and they would be right. Others have found great humor and even brilliant social satire in the episode, some of it groundbreaking, and I would also have to agree that they are correct. It has been surprising that many in the longer-than-usual discussion thread (at Eleanor Kilroy’s post) dismissed the show as just racist, unfunny and unwatchable, so it seems a closer look at the less-discussed subversive side of this episode is warranted.

First, a disclaimer. Yes, this episode is filled with typically racist, stereotypical, reductive, and problematic representations of Palestinians, and for that I make no excuses or apologies, — it reflects the impoverished and racist/imperial nature of US popular culture and discourse at this time and place. In this sense, it is much like Bill Maher’s Real Time, Family Guy, most of CNN, and tons of other mainstream shows that betray an air of intelligence or even progressiveness while reproducing colonial and racist assumptions.

And of course, different audiences, with different political and cultural orientations will watch this show, like all “texts,” differently. So, there is no single correct reading of this show, just endless debate and discussion, which is itself a reflection of both the quality of the show and the significance of the issues it exploits for comedy. However, whereas Maher’s anti-Arab racism is consistent, he usually paints his Jews, especially when secular and/or Israeli, as saints. Here Larry David is much more balanced, as a consistently scorching critic of US Jewish foibles. For example, “Palestinian Chicken” continues a thread exploring the “pitfalls/consequences of [knee-jerk Jewish] tribalism & exceptionalism,” started in the first episode of the season, “The Divorce,” in which Larry fires a Jewish-acting lawyer named Berg only to get burned in his divorce settlement with the “real” Jewish lawyer he stereotypically thought would be better. [Thanks to Adam Shapiro for making this connection.]

Some discussants worried that Jews watching this episode felt affirmed by it, and that Arabs uniformly hated it as racist, but a review of comments in US and Israeli media suggest this was far from uniform. At Haaretz, Israel’s leading daily, several commented that David was a “self-hater,” with a “stupid message,” that “purposely made Jews look like ‘racists’.” On HBO’s official CYE page, we find: “this episode crossed the line. It was disrespectful, insulting and downright antisemetic. Shame on you, Larry David!!” next to the comment from Faisal S., “I am Jordanian and absolutely loved this episode. I think Larry is brilliant…. i am laughing my a… off!!” And Nathan Burstein at The Jewish Daily Forward concluded his review with: “Some Israel lovers will find ‘Palestinian Chicken’ distasteful, but it’s a hit among David’s fans.”

My argument is that beyond the serious cultural limitations we sadly have come to expect on US television, there is also something else in this episode, something subversive, which is not common at all, and which casts light on the significant cultural moment we are living through. In this sense, I think too many critical thinkers with good politics have moved too quickly to throw the baby out with the bathwater on this one. Amidst the gross but predictable equalizing of two profoundly asymmetrical “sides” in this very real conflict, David and crew actually showcase Jewish racism in both its extreme and its liberal forms, and this is something truly rare on television. They also give us brief flashes of otherwise censored concepts like “occupation,” “settlements,” or even just the real-life restaurant posters which show an Israeli tank facing down children, or declare: “Right –vs- Might,” and “Visit Palestine” – things we never see on tv.

It can be hard to tell when these aspects of the show are intentionally subversive, and when they are more the unintentional product of David’s ad-lib production style in which his cast reproduces its own cultural assumptions whole cloth, whether or not tongue-in-cheek. Whichever it is, and we may never know for sure, I think the comedic tensions running through the show mirror a broad shift in the zeitgeist of both Jewish and non-Jewish [Western] public opinion about Israel that reflects the growing success of the non-violent Palestinian peace movement centered around Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions [BDS] called for by Palestinian Civic Society. It is not an accident that this show, shot earlier this year, appears at a time when anti-boycott legislation in Israel is being universally decried as undemocratic, even neo-fascist [see Haaretz op-ed]; when Alice Walker and hundreds of activist were sailing toward Gaza with letters, but were thwarted by Israeli frogmen cutting boat propellers in the dark of night; when a rising tide of artists and veterans of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa are vocally joining the new anti-apartheid struggle against Israel, as seen in the recent Feminists of Color Solidarity Statement signed by Angela Davis and others.

It is a commonplace in mainstream US culture since 1967 to collapse Jews and Israelis into a single entity, so that all criticisms of Israel can be falsely reduced to anti-Semitism. So it is not surprising when that happens in this episode in more than 10 places, for example when Larry and Jeff look at the restaurant’s pro-Palestine posters and Jeff says: “Yeah, they do not like the Jews,” instead of “they do not like illegal Israeli occupation.” But this false unity also starts to break down under the weight of the show’s comedic narrative, in the central theme that Larry is more loyal to the hot sex offered by his new Palestinian paramour than to his “own people’s” laughable insistence on separation and isolation. Clearly, Larry feels no obligation to Israel in this episode, and this brilliantly highlights the growing re-separation of Jewish from Israeli identities.

Another clear theme that emerges here is Larry’s willingness to make visible Israel’s arbitrary and violent excesses. Usually in our popular culture, there is a quasi-maniacal Israel-can-do-no-wrong mentality that also requires total erasure of occupation and injustice. But here, Larry references “settlements,” which he says would be “taken down …in the morning” if they’d “send their chicken over to Israel.” In an obvious critical reference to the “Ground-Zero Mosque” flap, the cast also makes light of both Israeli and US spatial intolerance when the Funkhauser says: “How in the world can they dare open up a Palestinian chicken restaurant next to the sacred land of that [Goldblatt’s] deli?” to which Larry responds: “Hey, this is America, they can do whatever they want!” Later, when Funkhauser decides to try the new chicken joint, he says, “Shalom. You know, I thought all last night, if Rabin can break bread with Arafat, I can have chicken at this anti-Semitic shit hole.” Some will correctly see his assumption that because the restaurant is Palestinian it is necessarily anti-Semitic and a shit hole as blatantly racist. However, he is also showcasing everyday Jewish racism and xenophobia in a frank and accurate way, and this is taboo in US culture.

And we have to discuss the deeply transgressive sex scene. When Larry is later having “the best sex [he’s] ever had, anywhere,” with Shara from the restaurant, she is screaming ecstatic epithets: “Fuck me, you fucking Jew,” and Larry escalates with: “Filthy Jew, filthy Jew.” Shara replies: “Filthy fucking Jew, you Zionist pig, you occupying fuck; occupy this!” Larry keeps things going with, “I’m an occupier, [yeah] I’m an occupier.” There is much more to this amazing scene, including Shara’s lines: “You want to fuck me? Like Israeli fucked my country? Show me what you got,” and: “Fuck me like Israel fucks my people; show me the Promised Land.” Most commentators have cringed at Shara’s “anti-Semitic” barrage, but most of what she says is accurate, and again crosses a taboo in our culture, which Larry happily admits: “I’m an occupier…” Where else have we ever seen Israel-as-oppressor in our pop culture landscape? This is powerful subversion.

As Larry triumphantly walks downstairs to greet a stunned Funkhauser who has been listening below, he recites the theme verse from the Scarlet Pimpernel, revealing to the audience a high degree of intentionality here and even literary sophistication. As a precursor to the “masked superhero” theme of later comic book culture, Larry as Pimpernel portrays himself as a “social assassin” super-hero who publicly plays a shallow fool, but is secretly a daring double agent. How strictly we are to take David’s literary reference remains up to us: The original play and novel place the Pimpernel’s true sympathies with the Trans-Channel aristocracies of France and Britain during the French Revolution, so this would translate into our times as a covert allegiance with the Trans-Atlantic US/Israeli imperial regimes against the Palestinian resistance. However, David may not have meant it this literally — many have just used the Pimpernel reference to refer to a generic undercover rebel, as when Nelson Mandela was called the Black Pimpernel before his capture and incarceration. I think David meant to refer to himself as a subversive double agent of some kind, hinting at deeper (social assassin) intentions behind his otherwise egocentric inter-ethnic sexual escapade.

This brings us to the admittedly subjective realm, in which I argue (and I am not alone here) that this show represents Larry David at his best: a comedic genius of historic proportions, cultural and political flaws notwithstanding. In less than 30 minutes, Larry David intricately weaves three-plus plotlines into a seamless whole, while dropping a relentless barrage of one-liners, some of which are destined to immediately enter the lexicon as new catchphrases: “verbal texting,” “social assassin,” “Koufaxing,” “desert referee,” “no matter what,” and at least in my book: “the penis wants to get to its homeland.” In terms of pacing and sheer comedic escalation, the first watching of this episode is an intense ride that rivals any other in the genre, and deserves respect for the high pop culture art that it is. This episode will go down in history as the point at which Larry’s anti-social compunctions were elevated into an artform finally recognized by his friends, who now name and hire him for his skills as a “social assassin,” replete with “hits,” “contracts,” and his halting attempts to retire from the business. We are given the Palestinian restaurant as the ideal place for Jews to cheat, brilliantly mocking the arbitrary and ultimately unsuccessful separation of people based on Middle Eastern geopolitical lines. We see Larry blackmailing the Rabbi into letting Funkhouser play golf on the Sabbath because even she succumbs to the chicken. We get the classic line: “What is this, the raid on Entebbe?” Yes, my review here is subjective, and some who are offended at the outset, or do not “get” Larry David, may not be “in” the episode enough to find it funny, but I think a compelling argument can be made for this episode’s brilliance.

The portrayal of Shara trades in tired Orientalist racial tropes: anti-Jewish, over-sexed, aggressive, militant, dehumanized. But there is also a more nuanced element to this sexual encounter. Some would argue, on some level, that as the object of his desire, Shara is also partially humanized by Larry David, who brazenly transgresses a very stark social division (especially in Israel this year, if you’ve been following the headlines of the new Rabbinic Jim Crow calls) when he chooses her over the demands of his own “tribe.” Some will say this doesn’t matter, because she is still a dehumanized sexual conquest. But again, the political and social context in which this show aired tells us that, if nothing else, there is intentional referencing of current issues and taboos here. Although at the end of the episode we are left to wonder which “side” in the protest Larry will choose, few observers doubt he will join Shara, now offering to add her sister Yasmin into the equation, over his overbearing Zionist friend Susie and the born-again Marty Funkhauser. It is worth noting as one critic did elsewhere, that L.D. was unable to bring himself to have sex with a buxom Republican in a previous episode, because of the portrait of George Bush above her bed. So, what does it say that he has no such compunction about “miscegenating” with a beautiful Palestinian woman who foments against Israel and its occupation during sex? Clearly, the deeply culturally-Jewish Larry David can more easily jettison association with Israel than he can abide by association with a sexy Republican ideologue.

Again, the racism and representational flattening in this episode is indeed objectionable. But, I hope I have made the case that this show is also a rich mine of psycho-sexual-racial intersections and unravelings that deserve closer attention. Consciously or not, it is also an auto-critique of Jewish whiteness, liberal Zionism, religious hypocrisy, and constructions of Jewish manhood and sexuality. There is a growing ambivalence in the once solid assumption that Jewish = Zionist that is both reflected and amplified here, and which our present cultural and political moment is all about. The show is far from an anti-Zionist masterpiece, but in reflecting an occasional fracturing of dominant assumptions once thought taboo to question, it marks the beginning of a shift in Western cultural thinking that we need to continue working towards.

Jesse Benjamin is Associate Professor of Sociology and coordinator of African and African Diaspora Studies at Kennesaw State University.

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