Miss California Spews Propaganda – Doesn’t Mind if Syria is Attacked


The last ‘Miss California’ also proved she lacks critical mental capacity, by believing that ‘euthanasia’ was a type of vaccine.

Miss California (Image: YouTube.com)
Miss California (Image: YouTube.com)

By Cassius Methyl

Miss California has created an outrage in the realm of sane, intelligent people, by basically saying we should bomb Syria, and praising American Imperialism, which she clearly knows nothing about.
Her exact words were,  ”I believe as one of the most powerful countries in the world, we do have an ethical obligation to prevent, you know, a leader of a country who is using chemical weapons on his people. I believe, we should use, um, you know, congressional, uh, support, if we can, and refer to the UN, cause this is something we all need to handle together”.
Complete with all the ‘uh’s’ and ‘um’s’, yes, she actually said that.
Never mind that there is no evidence that Assad used the chemical weapons, or the fact that the UN and US government have more blood of innocent people on their hands than any body of people on the planet in recent history.
Clearly, she has an elementary perception of what is going on in the world, and she has no idea what she is talking about at all.
In all likeliness, she was probably paid to say almost exactly this. Her words sound too similar to the lines of BS fed to us  concerning issues like this, by politicians, or indoctrinating American public school textbooks.
Miss California’s audience responded with cheers, apparently having no idea what is going on in the world either. It seems they live in an illusion, where the US government is good and all-powerful, where the dollar cannot collapse, where WWIII cannot begin because of the bloodthirsty federal reserve wielding elitists.
Again, the last ‘Miss California’ once thought that ‘euthanasia’ was a type of vaccine. The followers of these pageants, and the models themselves, desperately need to wake up and learn what is really going on.
Please share this with as many people as possible, because it is an excellent example of mainstream media trying to manufacture consent for violence.

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