The British government is forcing some public employees to clock in with fingerprint scanners
Fingerprint – Arch. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
By JG Vibes
On Thursday, hundreds of tunnel workers plan on refusing to cooperate with a new fingerprint clock-in system. After the measure was announced the workers took a vote, resulting in an overwhelming 98% majority voting to reject the new system.
The following notice was posted to their website:
“We congratulate our members on their determination to resist this draconian attack on civil liberties. We instruct our members to take industrial action short of strikes from 00:01 on Thursday 19 September 2013 until further notice, by booking on and off duty using the established method and not using the biometric machines.”[1]
The employees are still planning on coming to work, but will use the traditional hand written time cards that they have used in the past, instead of signing in with fingerprint scanners.
“We believe this technology infringes on staff civil liberties and the overwhelming vote in favor of action shows our members’ strength of feeling on this issue,” said Bob Crow, RMT’s general secretary.
But Adam Wurf, communications director for ISS UK told the BBC: “With this technology we will be able to guarantee that the member of staff is who they say they are.”
“We don’t think this is draconian or an infringement of civil liberties; it’s about making sure we have the right people – verified and trained – in the right place at the right time.”[2]
When governments roll out these plans they always have an excuse, and will always say that it is in the public’s best interest. However, if 98% of workers who will be affected are opposed to this measure, there is obviously a reason. Fingerprint scanning technology and biometric tracking are very controversial topics right now, with many people from many different walks of life rejecting this technology.
[1] Nearly 100% Support For ISS Cleaners Industrial Action – RMT London
[2] Tube cleaners refuse fingerprint clock-in, union says – BBC