Dear Ones in this Christmas Season,
We greet you in this Christmas of 2012 in the Name of the Word Who Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us (John 1: 14).
2012 was a challenging year for us. Mark continued to serve Immanuel Lutheran Church of San Antonio, even as he persevered in print and electronic journalism. Carmen went through a trying period of time healthwise, when the doctors of the University of Texas were temporarily mystified by the cause of breathing problems and chest pains which plagued her through a good portion of the year. Repeated diagnostic tests showed nothing wrong with the heart or the gall bladder. The good news is that someone in the University of Texas health system finally tested her for the h pylori bacterial infection. After positive test results, antibiotic treatment greatly relieved this series of terrifying symptoms. Carmen continued to effectively develop her skills in Cricut and Graphics for business applications with many goals in mind for these skills in 2013.
Mark’s Mother, Vera, continues to flourish some 3 1/2 years after the passing of Mark’s Father, Karl. Her painting and assistance at Little Studio of La Villita in San Antonio continues unabated.
There was a very encouraging development for Mark’s calling as a Lutheran pastor in 2012. Thanks to the 7 year long efforts of Pastor Ralph Spears and Pastor John Erickson of the Lutheran Ministerium and Synod–USA, this remnant gathering finally entered into the global fellowship of the International Lutheran Council (ILC).
Toward the end of the year, Mark’s agenda necessitated a trip outside the United States before Christmas. This involved an 18 day sojourn in Durban, South Africa, where he was the guest of Pastor and Mrs. Helmut Streuli of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church of Durban-Westville (ILC), a traditional Lutheran church employing both the German and English languages in multiple services. Word of Mark’s presence in Durban among some folks in the radio business in South Africa led to multiple guest appearances on Al Ansaar Radio of Durban and CII Radio in Johannesburg.
There was a most curious development on the return home from Africa. The Emirates Airlines itinerary from Durban to Dubai (United Arab Emirates) to Houston took Mark over the center of Iran, a place where he spent much time in the 1970s when his parents were stationed there. The view of Mt. Damavand and Lar Valley out of the right side of the Boeing 777 in Seat 50K was most moving, and brought back many memories of fishing trips with his Father from not quite 40 years ago.
Mount Damavand, Iran (18,406 feet in elevation and the National Symbol of Iran)
The picture of the Dankofs below may be dated December 23rd, 2012, courtesy of Jenny Schubert of San Antonio who worked with Mark at Texas Bible College 2 decades ago. Along with her sister, Linda, from New York, there was a blessed brief car journey from the Alamo City to the birthplace of America’s 36th President in Johnson City in the Texas Hill Country.
We pray for God’s richest blessings for each and every one in the Coming New Year.
In the Name of the Word Who Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us (John 1: 14), we remain as always,
Mark and Carmen
Mark and Carmen Dankof in December 2012 in Johnson City, Texas