Lebanon: Sheikh Qassem: Iran is Advancing, Shining

Hezbollah Deputy Chief Sheikh Naim Qassem in an interview with Al-Manar TV on 27/11/2020
Hezbollah Deputy Chief Sheikh Naim Qassem in an interview with Al-Manar TV on 27/11/2020

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem indicated that after his recent visit to the Islamic Republic, he was reassured about stability in Iran after the riot incidents.

In a tweet posted on Saturday, Sheikh Qassem noted that US and its allies have had immense hopes that the media, political and terrorist war on Iran reaches remarkable results.

Sheikh Qassem added that the recent war on Iran has failed and that the Islamic Republic is advancing and shining with a normal life situation.

It is worth noting that his eminence had visited Iran in order to participate in the First International Conference on Martyr Qasem Suleimani School of Thought.

Sheikh Qassem indicated that the main goal must remain the liberation of the Nazi occupied Palestinian territories, underscoring setting the whole region in addition to the new generations free from the American Hegemony.

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