Leading Zio-Supremacist in Jewish Journal: “There is a Jewish lobby”

One of America’s leading Zio-Supremacists, Shai Franklin, the former Director of International Organizations for the World Jewish Congress and former Executive Director of the WJC American Section, has confirmed in writing in the Jewish Journal that there is indeed a “Jewish Lobby” in America.
In an article titled “Yes, there is a Jewish lobby,” which appeared in the mainstream Zio-publication theJewish Journal, Franklin writes that he is “Sorry to burst everyone’s branding bubble, but there is a ‘Jewish lobby.’ It happens to be pro-Israel because it’s Jewish — not the other way around.
“Jews don’t like hearing non-Jews use the term in public, and perhaps they shouldn’t. But as an interest group, Jews as such are ably represented (most of the time) by a close-knit network of advocacy organizations.
“Most of these are purely or predominantly Jewish, judging by their branding, supporters and staff. Evangelical organizations, the labor movement and millions of individual Americans also support Israel, but they have not initiated — nor do they currently control — the pro-Israel movement,” Franklin said in a rare display of honesty from the Jewish Supremacists. Franklin currently serves as Senior Fellow for United Nations Affairs for the Institute on Religion and Public Policy.
“The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations was founded decades ago as a clearinghouse for American Jews to connect with the executive branch on Israel. American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Simon Wiesenthal Center — these mainstream Jewish organizations are the ones out front, with the Republican Jewish Coalition riding shotgun, raising concerns about Pentagon nominee Chuck Hagel’s pro-Israel credentials. They have also been insisting that Hagel’s sole reference to the ‘Jewish lobby’ was out of line.
“The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has remained silent on Hagel, and wisely so, given that AIPAC must focus on the bottom line of American financial aid and strategic cooperation and not be seen as the Jewish lobby. But at its core, that’s what it is.
“Sure, AIPAC has done important outreach and coalition building with Christian groups and minority demographics across the country, but its membership and staff are overwhelmingly Jews, and no non-Jew has ever served in a leadership capacity, whether lay or staff. And that’s OK. If Evangelical Israel-lover Rev. John Hagee suddenly became the president of AIPAC, its membership rolls would nosedive overnight.
“Even when asked specifically about AIPAC over some single malt after Sabbath services, the average synagogue-going Jew will affirm that it’s ‘our lobby’ and even ‘the Jewish lobby’ as much as ‘the pro-Israel lobby.’ And when a member of Congress is informed of a meeting with a ‘pro-Israel’ delegation, that usually is understood to mean Jews and their rabbis.”

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