Jerusalem .. Two martyrs and 155 cases of arrest and demolition of 16 facilities during the past month

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Nazi occupied Jerusalem: Last February, two Palestinians were killed by Israeli bullets, and dozens were shot and strangled in the Nazi occupied city of Jerusalem.

Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan has documented hundreds of settlers storming the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, demolishing 16 facilities in the city, and arresting 155 Palestinians during the past month.

Martyrs and injured

The Center stated in its monthly report, issued yesterday evening Saturday, that the Nazi occupation forces fired at Shadi Al-Banna, 45, from the city of Haifa in the occupied interior, under the pretext that he had carried out a shooting attack at the Gate of the Tribes.

He added that the occupation forces also shot and killed a young man, Maher Zaatara (33 years), from the town of Jabal Al-Mukaber, south of Jerusalem, on the pretext of his attempt to carry out a stabbing operation.

The Nazi occupation authorities handed over the body of Al-Banna to his family, while the remains of Zaatara remained confined to the refrigerators alongside the bodies of the martyrs Mesbah Abu Sobeih (2016), Fadi Al-Qanbar (2017) and Aziz Owaisat (2018).

In terms of injuries, dozens of Palestinians were injured in the Nazi occupation in Jerusalem and its suburbs, whether by launching gas bombs to suffocate them, or by shooting live and rubber bullets.

The most difficult case documented, according to the center, is the boy Malik Issa (8 years old) from Al-Issawiya village who lost his left eye due to a rubber bullet fired by the occupation while he was waiting for his two sisters in exchange for his grandfather’s house.

“Malik” also had fractures of the skull, bleeding in the brain and fluid flowing around the tissues.

As for Ms. Anisa Abu Al-Hawa (43 years old), she was wounded by an Israeli bullet in the thigh, in conjunction with her presence at the place of the shooting of the martyr Zatara.

Thrust intrusion and exclusion decisions

Hundreds of settlers carried out their daily incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque, which takes place on a daily basis, except for Friday and Saturday every week, during two morning and evening periods (after noon prayers), through the “Mughrabi Gate”, which has been controlled by the occupation authorities since the occupation of Jerusalem.

The Nazi occupation authorities also continued to restrict the worshipers during the dawn prayers during the days of collection last month, as part of the campaign “The Great Dawn” in Al-Aqsa, rejecting the violations of the occupation authorities and its settlers in Al-Aqsa and against the worshipers.

The Nazi occupation authorities continued to issue deportation decisions from the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Old City, and to prevent entry orders to cities in the occupied West Bank, as well as to prevent travel outside the country.

The center monitored 36 deportation decisions last month, including preventing Jerusalem governor Adnan Ghaith from entering the West Bank for a period of 6 months, preventing him from communicating with personalities and activists from Jerusalem, and deporting the head of the Islamic Cemetery Care Committee Mustafa Abu Zahra, and the secretary of the Fatah movement in Jerusalem Shadi Developer About Al-Aqsa, and other activists and worshipers.


The Nazi occupation forces arrested 155 Palestinians from Jerusalem, including two children under the age of 12 (under the generation of responsibility), 45 minors, and 6 women.

The arrests were concentrated in Al-Issawiya village (northeast of the city), which recorded 55 arrests, 32 in Silwan (south), 45 arrests from the Al-Aqsa Mosque, its roads, and the old town.

The Center indicated that among the detainees was the young Sanad al-Torman from al-Tur (east), who the occupation authorities claim to have carried out a run-over operation targeting a group of Israeli soldiers west of the city.

City demolitions

The occupation municipality continued to demolish Palestinian homes during the past month, as 16 demolished structures were documented, including 11 self-demolished by order of the occupation on the pretext of not licensing, as the demolition centered in Silwan and Jabal Al-Mukabber.

Prisoners’ Affairs calls for providing prisoners with care supplies to confront “Corona”


The head of the Prisoners’ Affairs Authority, Major General Qadri Abu Bakr, affirmed that the organization, along with human rights and international organizations, is following with great interest the issue of the spread of the “Corona” virus, especially with regard to the prisoners and detainees in Nazi Camp, which suffers from providing the lowest ingredients to prevent this virus .

Abu Bakr said in a press statement on Monday that the Palestinian prisoners suffer from a severe shortage of cleaning materials because the occupation was withdrawing these materials and preventing them from entering the rooms and squares designated for the prisoners.

And he called the Prison Authority Administration to allow the introduction of cleaning materials for the prisoners, fearing any of them would be injured, appealing to the human rights and international organizations and the World Health Organization to put pressure on the occupation to provide all the necessary cleaners in the prisons, and provide health care and medicines to confront this disease.

Abu Bakr said: “The occupation must fulfill its responsibilities towards the Palestinian prisoners and provide what is necessary to confront this virus that threatens human life, and to take preventive and preventive measures as soon as possible.

Regarding the decision of the Nazi Minister of Internal Security, Gilad Jordan, to freeze all visits to Palestinian security prisoners, against the backdrop of the spread of the “Corona” virus, Abu Bakr said that “the Nazi prison Camp is required to find alternatives to stop visits by the families of the prisoners to prevent the spread of the Corona virus.”

He added that the prison administration is required to enter all the needs of the prisoners through the International Committee of the Red Cross as a substitute for the families, and to provide sterilization and cleaning materials, especially since the prisons are closed and crowded places, in addition to that some of them do not meet the minimum health conditions.

45 Nazi Jewish settlers break into Al-Aqsa and the Nazi occupation expels a young man

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The Nazi occupation police allowed today, Tuesday, dozens of Nazi Jewish settlers to storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque within the morning round of the incursions.

A Quds News correspondent reported that 45 settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the “Gate of the Moroccans”, wandered around its courtyards, and performed their prayers and Talmudic rituals near the “Gate of Mercy.”

He added that the police and its special forces provided protection for the settlers from the moment they stormed to their exit from the “Bab Al-Silsila” chain.

It is noteworthy that more than two thousand Nazi Jewish settlers stormed the mosque during the month of February, among them soldiers, students of Nazi Jewish religious institutes and Hebrew universities.  

Yesterday, the Occupation Police ruled that the liberated prisoner, Imran Abu Sobeih, 23, should be removed from the Al-Aqsa Mosque for a month, after he was arrested and taken for interrogation. He is from the town of Silwan, south of Jerusalem. 

Raids and arrests of the West Bank, mostly in Nablus


The Nazi occupation army launched a massive arrest campaign at dawn today, Tuesday, targeting a number of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, most of them from the Nablus governorate.

Local sources reported that the occupation forces stormed several villages and towns in the West Bank at dawn, searched their homes, and wreaked havoc on them, before arresting a number of Palestinians and taking them to the Nazi detention centers.

She added that the occupation forces arrested: Secretary of the “Fatah” movement, Munawar Abdel Rahman Bani Shamsa, Raed Abdel Rahim Dawood, Ibrahim Mahmoud Dawood, Hussein Arsan Dawood, Hussein Mahmoud Dawood, Jihad Fayez Hamayel, Hamdan Fayez Hamayel, and Saif Dhaif Allah Hamayel, and that After they raided their homes in the town of Beita, south of Nablus.

It also arrested the freed prisoner and the researcher, Abd al-Salam Awwad, from the village of Awarta (in the south), and the released prisoner, Samer Hamdi Muflih, from the village of Osreen, southeast of Nablus.

The captured Nazi army liberated Ali Shawahana from the village of Kafr Thulth, southeast of Qalqilya.

From the town of Al-Ram, north of Jerusalem, the occupation forces arrested Hamouda Jabareen, after his house was raided.

For its part, the “Fatah” movement in Nablus condemned these arrests, and said in its statement, “The arrest of the secretary of the Beta Martyrs Area, members of the district committee and cadres from the Fatah movement, at the dawn of this day will not undermine our resolve, but will increase our insistence on continuing the path of struggle and steadfastness.” And confrontation. “

She added, “Beta, who has a history of eternal struggle, will witness the moment of victory. As for the occupier and the settler gangs, their fate will be nothing but demise and defeat.”

She emphasized that the response to the Nazi occupation’s measures would be to raise the level of readiness to thwart plans and projects of Judaization and worship, and to gnaw more lands and hills.

The people of Beita had resisted attempts by groups of settlers to take control of Jabal Al-Arma, east of Nablus, under the leadership and direction of the head of the Council of Settlements in the northern West Bank, Yossi Dagan, in order to control the place, on the grounds that it was a Jewish property.

The Mount Arma, which belongs to the lands of the town of Beta, contains an archaeological site and is a source of ambition for Nazi Jewish settlers.

But the Palestinians confronted the settlers and the occupation army during the past week, and attempted to impose a fait accompli policy, and although the occupation soldiers fired bullets and poisonous bombs intensively, and dozens of injuries were recorded by bullets and suffocation, but they continued to respond until the occupation and its settlers withdrew

Nazi occupation arrests 471 Palestinians from Jerusalem and the West Bank in February


The Nazi occupation forces arrested 471 Palestinians from the Nazi occupied Palestinian territories during the month of February, including 95 children, and 11 women.

The Prisoners and Human Rights Institutions Authority; the Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority, the Palestinian Prisoner Club, the Al-Dameer Prisoner Care and Human Rights Foundation, within a fact sheet issued today, Tuesday, indicated that the occupation forces arrested 156 Palestinians from Jerusalem, 49 from Ramallah and Al-Bireh, and 120 from Hebron.

Meanwhile, 37 Palestinians from Jenin, 24 from Bethlehem, 16 from Nablus, and Tulkarm 10 were arrested by Palestinians and 25 from Qalqilya, and two were arrested from Tubas, others from Salfit, and 21 citizens from Jericho, in addition to 9 detainees from Gaza.

As of the end of February 2020, the number of Palestinian prisoners and detainees in the prisons of the occupation stood at 5,000, including 43 female prisoners.

The number of child detainees reached approximately 180 children, the number of administrative detainees amounted to 430, and the number of administrative detention orders issued during the monitoring period reached 107 administrative orders, between new and renewal of prisoners previously issued administrative detention orders.

 At the beginning of March, the occupation authorities issued an order to renew the administrative detention of the prisoner Ahmed Zahran (42 years) from the village of Deir Abu Mishaal, west of Ramallah, for a new period of four months, which was finally installed over three months, at the time that he was expected to release, according to An agreement was made with the intelligence of the occupation.

The prisoner Zahran faces administrative detention again

 The prisoner Ahmad Zahran was on hunger strike at the end of last year 2019, and he continued for 113 days in a row against his administrative detention, and suspended him on the fourteenth of January 2020 after an agreement that he transferred him to the investigation after he suspended the strike, waiting for the results of the investigation and releasing him in the event of failure Any charge against him was confirmed on February 26, 2020.

After he was transferred to the investigation of “Al-Maskubiya”, the results of the investigation showed nothing, but the occupation authorities again revoked the agreement and issued a decision to renew his administrative detention.

The captive Zahran is still suffering from an unstable health condition because he went on hunger strike during the year 2019 against his administrative detention, the first continued for 39 days, and ended after promises to release him, but the occupation authorities renewed his administrative detention for a period of four months, and the second was the end of the year The past lasted 113 days, during which he was exposed to a real danger on the health level, which almost led him to lose his life, so that the occupation would once again revoke the agreement and renew his administrative detention.

It is noteworthy that the prisoner Zahran spent a total of 15 years in the occupation prisons, a father of four sons, and was arrested in March 2019.

The prisoner Muwaffaq ‘Uruk facing prison and cancer

خضع الأسير موفق عروق (77 عاماً) في بداية شهر شباط/ فبراير 2020، لعملية جراحية في مشفى “برزلاي” الإسرائيلي، جرى خلالها استئصال المعدة، وورم في الأمعاء، وبعد إجراء العملية بفترة وجيزة، قامت إدارة السجون بنقله إلى ما تسمى بسجن “عيادة الرملة”، رغم وضعه الصحي الصعب، حيث فقد من وزنه الكثير وأصبح يعتمد على أنبوب مخصص للتغذية، يتم إدخاله عبر فتحة جراحية في المعدة، وكررت عملية نقله عدة مرات من وإلى المشفى دون أدنى مراعاة لوضعه الصحي.

الأسير العروق معتقل منذ عام 2003، واتهمه الاحتلال بنقل شابين تبين لاحقاً بأنهما نفذا عملية استشهادية، وصدر بحقه حُكماً بالسجن لمدة 30 عاماً، وخلال فترة اعتقاله نُقل من سجن بئر السبع “ايشل”، ثم إلى سجن “هداريم”، ثم إلى سجن “جلبوع” الذي اُحتجز فيه لمدة ثماني سنوات، وأخيراً إلى سجن “عسقلان”.

It is noteworthy that the prisoner Uruk is married and is the father of six children. He has 21 grandchildren, and his family has not been able to visit him since the beginning of this year. 

It is noteworthy that the prisoner was afflicted by one of at least ten prisoners suffering from cancer to varying degrees, and they are among the 700 sick prisoners in the occupation prisons.

A human rights organization holds the Nazi occupation responsible for the lives of prisoners


The Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority held today, Wednesday, the Nazi Occupation Prisons Administration, full responsibility for the health and safety of all prisoners and prisoners, in the event of the arrival of the Corona virus.

In a statement issued by the commission, Maj. Gen. Qadri Abu Bakr said that the occupation authorities are holding thousands of Palestinian prisoners, distributing them to 25 prisons and detention centers, and these prisons lack most of the sections and cells in the majority of the health and human constituents, many of which are highly humid and non-ventilating Al-Salima, including those that are shelter for insects, cockroaches and mice.

He added that “the Zionist detention camps are witnessing great overcrowding in the numbers of prisoners, and that the areas designated for detention are in violation of all international and humanitarian laws, which in many cases facilitates the spread of skin and respiratory diseases among the prisoners, such as influenza, cold and allergy.”

And that, in light of the spread of the “Corona” epidemic virus on a global level, we warn of the arrival of this virus in Israeli detention centers, which will have catastrophic consequences, and the prison administration bears full responsibility for the lives of the detainees.

He pointed out that the occupation is holding 700 sick prisoners inside prisons, and dozens of elderly people who suffer from a great weakness in their immunity, and from deliberate medical and health neglect by its administration, which means that the arrival of such a virus to the prison through the prisoners or inside the courts or during their transfers To and from the courts and prisons, means being directly killed.

Abu Bakr called on international organizations and the International Red Cross to compel the occupation authorities to provide all health and safety requirements and conditions for prisoners and prisoners inside prisons, start sterilizing them, distribute sterilizers and detergents to all departments and rooms, and conduct medical examinations assigned to them on a regular and integrated basis, especially since the incubation of this virus It lasts for about two weeks, and his infection spreads like wildfire, he says.

As of the end of February 2020, the number of Palestinian prisoners and detainees in the Nazi occupation prisons amounted to 5,000, including 43 female prisoners, approximately 180 children, and 430 administrative detainees.

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