Jerusalem: Nazi Soldiers Abduct Six Palestinians

Nazi soldiers abducted, on Thursday evening, six Palestinians from several parts of Nazi occupied Jerusalem, and one from Jenin, in the northern part of the Nazi occupied territory.

Media sources said the Nazi soldiers invaded Ras al-‘Amoud neighborhood, in Silwan town, in Jerusalem, and abducted Daoud al-Ghoul from his home.

The sources added that the Nazi soldiers also abducted Shadi Halasa from his home in Jabal al-Mokabber town, in addition to Zakariyya Odah, Nasser Abu Khdeir, Sa’id Abu Khdeir, Abdul-Latif Gheith, and Manaweil Abdul-‘Al from their homes in Shu’afat town, north of Nazi occupied Jerusalem.

Furthermore, the Nazi soldiers abducted a young man, identified as Omar Wasfi Taba’ya, from Meithalun town, south of the northern Nazi occupied West Bank city of Jenin, while crossing the al-Karama border terminal on his way back home from Jordan.

Earlier Thursday, the Nazi soldiers invaded and ransacked many homes across the West Bank, and abducted dozens of Palestinians.

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