Jerusalem: Nazi Settlers Storm Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus and Al-Aqsa

Settlers in Joseph's Tomb in 2013 (image from The Iran Project)

Illegal Nazi JEWISH colonists stormed, late Tuesday night, Joseph’s tomb in the northern occupied West Bank city of Nablus, the Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA) reported.

It stated that dozens of Nazi military vehicles, two buses full of illegal Nazi JEWISH colonists, and a bulldozer stormed the site, provoking resistance from local Palestinian residents.

Quds Press reported that three thousand Nazi JEWISH settlers stormed the Palestinian-controlled area as the army provided full protection for them.

It added that Palestinian youths attempted to prevent the settlers from entering the site, throwing rocks at the buses and Nazi military vehicles, and that Nazi soldiers opened fire with tear gas, rubber-coated steel rounds, and concussion grenades to secure the entry of the illegal colonists.

Several young men were reported to have suffered inhalation injuries.

In related news, dozens of illegal Nazi JEWISH settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Old City of occupied Jerusalem, under the full protection of the Nazi occupation police, according to a local official.

The Department of Islamic Endowments told WAFA that dozens of Nazi JEWISH colonists and rabbis stormed the compound through the Mughrabi Gate and performed racist Talmudic rituals.

Nazi JEWISH settlers routinely invade the third holiest site in Islam, protected by the Nazi occupation forces, with the exception of Fridays and Saturdays, while thousands of Palestinian Muslims are forbidden from entering the compound.

Palestinian muslims in the Nazi occupied West Bank and Gaza are not allowed to enter Jerusalem without a permit, while illegal Nazi JEWISH colonists are allowed to tour the Muslim site.

The Jordanian Islamic Waqf Department oversees the holy sites in Jerusalem, however, the Nazi occupied the West Bank in 1967, and annexed East Jerusalem in 1980.

On September 28, 2000, the Nazi opposition leader, Nazi Ariel Sharon, led a provocative tour inside the holy compound which sparked the second Palestinian uprising (the Al-Aqsa Intifada) which ended February 8, 2005, during that time more than 3000 Palestinians were killed by the Nazi army.

Post from the Wadi Hilweh Information Center (Silwanic):

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