Jerusalem: Nazi Authorizes 1,500 New Settlement Units

The Nazi occupation authorized, on Thursday, a settlement scheme for 1,500 units in the Nazi occupied Jerusalem between the French Hill and the Hebrew University.

The Nazi municipality ‘Organizing and Building Committee’ approved the plan for the construction on what it maintains is ‘state land’ although the 150 dunams of land is located in the Nazi occupied Palestinian territory.

The 1,500 new Nazi JEWISH colonial units will consist of 500 housing unit for Zionist students, 200 fortified rooms, in addition to residential buildings for long-term occupancy and public properties.

All Nazi JEWISH settlements in the Nazi occupied West Bank, which includes East Jerusalem, have been deemed illegal under International Law.

Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states;

The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.

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