Jenin: Nazi Soldiers Kill Young Palestinian Man near Apartheid Wall

Rafat Ali Issa, 29, was killed by Nazi forces near Jenin. (Photo: via Social Media)

Nazi soldiers killed a young Palestinian man on Wednesday, near the apartheid wall, west of Jenin, the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported.

The Ministry said in a brief statement that 29-year-old Rafat Ali Issa was killed after Nazi soldiers opened fire at him.

According to the head of the Red Crescent ambulance service Mahmoud Saadi, Issa, from the village of Sanur, south of Jenin, was shot in the leg by Nazi soldiers near the apartheid wall.

Saadi said that Nazi soldiers first detained him and took him to a nearby military camp, before turning him over to the Red Crescent.

Issa was moved to a hospital in Jenin in critical condition where he succumbed to his wounds.

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