Jenin: Nazi Army Abducts Three Palestinians

Nazi soldiers abducted three Palestinians from the northern West Bank governorate of Jenin earlier Saturday and on Friday evening.

The Jenin office of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported that the Nazi soldiers invaded, earlier Saturday, the town of Anza, south of Jenin, before storming and searching several homes, and interrogated many Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

The PPS added that the Nazi soldiers abducted two young men during the invasions of homes, identified as Ezzeddin Ziad Sadaqa and Qussai Ma’moun al-‘Amour.

In addition, Montaser Sammour, the head of the Jenin office of the PPS, stated that the Nazi soldiers abducted another young man, identified as Yousef Faisal Bazour, from Burqin town west of Jenin, while crossing the al-Hamra military roadblock near Tubas, in northeastern West Bank.

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