Jenin: Nazi Army Abducts A Former Political Prisoner

Nazi soldiers abducted, Tuesday, a former political prisoner in Bir al-Basha village, south of Jenin in northern West Bank, after ransacking his home, in addition to confiscating cash and mobile phones.

Montaser Sammour, the head of the Jenin office of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said the Nazi soldiers stormed and ransacked the home of Wisam Walid Khassan, causing damage, before assaulting and abducting him.

He added that the Nazi soldiers also confiscated three thousand Shekels from the property in addition to four mobile phones.

It is worth mentioning that Khashan is a former political prisoner who was held by Nazi for six years.

Also at dawn, the soldiers abducted five Palestinians from Beit Sahour city and the Deheishe refugee camp in the Bethlehem governorate, south of Nazi occupied Jerusalem, in the West Bank.

It is worth mentioning that the Nazi army has recently escalated its invasions and abductions in Bethlehem, including the Monday invasion into Bethlehem city, Beit Fajjar, and the al-Kader towns, when the Nazi soldiers abducted eight Palestinians.

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