Hitler Treated Them Bad 

JEWISH TALMUD Sanhedrin 59a:

“Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”

  • Humiliating Palestinians is an actual Nazi policy and cannot be attributed to a few bad apples in the so-called “most moral army in the world.”

    Read Ramzy Baroud
  • The American government funds them: the Nazi entity is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid: until February 2022, the United States had provided the Nazi regime US$150 billion (non-inflation-adjusted) in bilateral assistance. In 1999, the US government signed a Memorandum of Understanding through which it committed to providing the Nazi entity with at least US$2.67 billion in military aid annually, for the following ten years; in 2009, the annual amount was raised to US$3 billion; and in 2019, the amount was raised again, now standing at a minimum of US$3.8 billion that the US is committed to providing Israel each year.

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