Hebron: Nazi Soldiers Shoot A Palestinian, Abduct Teenage Girl

Nazi soldiers shot a Palestinian man while trying to talk to Nazi soldiers into releasing a Palestinian teenage girl who was held at the military roadblock on the main entrance of the Shuhada Street in the centre of the Nazi occupied Hebron city, in the southern part of the Nazi occupied West Bank.

Media sources said the soldiers shot the Palestinian, Mohammad Qawasma, from a close range, wounding him in the leg, while trying to convince them to release Zamzam Yahia Qawasma, 17.

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The Nazi soldiers also fired several concussion grenades at nonviolent activists of the Human Rights Defenders Coalition and forced them to leave to prevent them from filming the unfolding events.

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The Nazi army claimed Zamzam ‘carried a knife’ in her bag and moved her to an interrogation facility in the illegal Kiryat Arba Nazi JEWISH colony in Hebron.

On Tuesday, she was transferred to HaSharon Nazi camp and was placed under interrogation ahead of a court hearing.

The Nazi soldiers also invaded the nearby Bab az-Zawiya, forcing the Palestinian shops to close.

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