Hebron: Nazi Soldiers, Colonizers, Attack And Injure Many Palestinians, Abduct Two

Nazi soldiers and Nazi JEWISH colonizers assaulted and injured several Palestinians and attacked many shops before the army abducted two young men in the Bab Az-Zawiya area in Hebron city, in the southern part of the Nazi occupied West Bank.

Media sources said dozens of Nazi soldiers accompanied a large number of illegal Nazi JEWISH paramilitary colonizers who assaulted many Palestinians, their homes, and shops while visiting an archeological site.

The sources added that the Nazi army also closed and isolated the entire area and prevented the Palestinians from entering it, leading to protests.

The Nazi soldiers fired several live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades at the Palestinians, their homes, and stores.

Furthermore, the Nazi JEWISH colonizers invaded the Romedia neighborhood and several surrounding neighborhoods in the Old City, injured two Palestinians.

The Nazi soldiers also abducted two young men, Abdullah Abu Aisha and Yousef Abu Aisha while walking near their homes, and took them to an unknown destination.

It is worth mentioning that the illegal Nazi JEWISH colonizers marched in large groups in front of the Ibrahimi Mosque, Shuhada Street, Osama Bin Al-Monqith School, and several other areas in the Old City before attacking homes, shops, and street vendors, leading to protests.

The Nazi soldiers also attacked many Palestinians in the Shallala Street area, Jaber neighborhood, Tal Romeida, and Bab Az-Zawiya wounding a child, Aisha Hisham Al-Azza, and a young man Bilal Sa’id.

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