Hebron: Nazi army Abducts Five Palestinians, Including Four Siblings

Nazi soldiers abducted Monday five Palestinians, including four siblings from their homes in Hebron governorate, in the southern part of the Nazi occupied West Bank. The army also summoned two journalists for interrogation.

The Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) has reported that the Nazi soldiers abducted a young man, identified as Amjad Salim Rajabi, from his home after invading and searching it.

Furthermore, the Nazi soldiers summoned for interrogation two journalists, identified as Raed Sharif and Mashhour al-Wihwah.

The two received phone calls from Nazi Gestapo intelligence officers who ordered them to head to Nazi Etzion military base, next Wednesday.

The PPS added that the Nazi soldiers also invaded and searched many homes in the ath-Thaheriya town, south of Hebron, before abducting four siblings, identified as Mohammad, Ahmad, Wasim, and Mo’taz Aahed al-Aqabi.

The Nazi soldiers also invaded several homes belonging to members of the Qaisiyya and at-Till families, causing damage.

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