Hebron: illegal Jewish Settler Runs Over a Palestinian Woman


An illegal Nazi JEWISH colonizer ran over, on Thursday evening, a Palestinian woman in the “Tel Rumeida” neighborhood in Hebron, in the southern of Nazi occupied West Bank, local sources reported.

Eyewitnesses said that Nazi JEWISH settler, driving a motorcycle, purposely struck and injured a Palestinian woman, while she was in the “Tel Rumeida” neighborhood in the centre of the city of Hebron.

Sources added that medics were in the vicinity and treated her at the scene, while the perpetrator fled the scene, avoiding accountability.

Meanwhile, attacked homes in the city, and harassed Palestinian citizens, at the same time Nazi occupation Nazi soldiers were invading and searching Palestinian homes in the area.

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In related news, on Tuesday, Nazi JEWISH settler on a motorized bicycle, deliberately struck a Palestinian child while he was riding a scooter, in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Nazi occupied East Jerusalem.

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