HANAKKUH is massacre of Greeks and tolerant Jews Jews who assimilated with Greeks were mass murdered also celebration of a military victory against other races they did not want. The Jews did not want to mix with, the Greeks of Syria. The Greeks didn’t discriminate against the Jews, in fact they accepted them, but for that they what a difference between CHRISTMAS and HANAKKUH. CHRISTMAS represent Peace and love HANAKKUH represent War and hate. Here’s a quote from Zio-Nazi Jewish regard HANUKKAH:
” THE MESSAGE OF HANUKKAH IS : THE FIGHT AGAINST ASSIMILATION WITH GENTILES. THE FESTIVAL OF DEDICATED AGAINST ASSIMILATION.” Ginsberg in his book The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State he said: ” Religious symbols and forms of expression that Jews find threatening have been almost completely eliminated from Schools and other public institution. Suits brought by the ACLU an organization whose leadership and membership are predominantly Jewish secured federal court decisions banning officially sanctioned prayer in bublic School and Creches ( Nativity Scenes) and other religious displays in parks or public buildings” Dr Benjamin Ginsberg.
In USA Christian symbols banned Jewish symbols erected. They are sponsored mostly by Chabad Lubavitch that teaches that the only purpose of Gentiles on earth are to serve Jews. Hard to belive isn’t. But here are the very recent words of Zio-Nazi Rabbi Yosef, the recent chief rabbi of IsraHell : ” The sole purpose on non-Jews is to serve Jews. Goyim were born only to serve us. They have no please in the word-only to serve the people of Israel”. He goes on, ” Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will sow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi( Master) and eat. That is why gentiles were created.”
Zio-Nazi’s at HANUKKAH