Gaza Protesters Met With Lethal Force


Thousands of Gazans marched to their border with the Nazi state of ‘Israel’ calling for an end to the more than 10-year blockade. Nazi soldiers used live ammunition and tear gas against the peaceful protesters, killing 17. Watch and share this video, created by our former intern, a New Story Leader, and his friend back home.Ambassador Husam Zomlot, the head of the Palestinian General Delegation to the United States, said in a statement issued Saturday, that the Nazi Occupation Forces indiscriminate murder of 17 peaceful demonstrators and the wounding of hundreds in Gaza, is morally repugnant and a crime against humanity.
“Our legitimate protest against Israeli military occupation, colonization and apartheid is granted in international law and must be protected by the international community.” Dr. Zomlot added that “the 70-year-old practice of Israel’s shoot-to-kill policy and dehumanization of the Palestinian people must end and Israeli criminals must be brought to justice.”
He added, “these atrocities deserve the strongest condemnation from the U.S. government and action to uphold international law.”

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