Gaza Press Conference launches Palestinian Prisoners’ Day


Article – Julie Webb-Pullman for


A Press Conference attended by Dr Attallah Abu Al-Sebah, Minister of Detainee Affairs, Dr Ahmad Bahar, Representative of the Palestinian Legislative Council, and Dr Mohammad Elmadhoun, Minister of Youth Affairs, was held on 08 April at the Ministry of Detainee Affairs, to launch a series of events in Gaza in observation of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day on 17 April.

Dr Attallah Abu Al-Sebah highlighted the suffering of prisoners in Israeli detention, and announced the intention of many prisoners to go on a hunger strike to protest the conditions under which they are held. At the present time 19 are being held in solitary confinement, and some have been held in such for 14 years.

Dr Ahmad Bahar said that the Palestinian Legislative Council fully supports the prisoners, and in a demonstration of this support, the next meeting of the PLC will be held in the Ministry of Detainee Affairs to observe Palestinian Prisoners’ Day.

He added that 27 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council are currently imprisoned by Israel, including two Ministers.

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Dr Mohammad Elmadhoun (left), Dr Ahmad Bahar (centre), Dr Atallah Abu Sebah (right)

Some 15 events are planned in the next nine days, to draw both local and international attention to Palestinians imprisoned by Israel, and the suffering caused to them and their families through the inhumane – and often illegal – conditions of their detention.

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