Gaza: Nazi Holocaust

Former Nigerian FM: ‘Netanyahu wants to wipe out all Palestinians’

The war in Gaza is a product of Nazi aggression, Bolaji Akinyemi told RT

Netanyahu wants to wipe out all Palestinians – former Nigerian FM

The former Nigerian Foreign Minister Bolaji Akinyemi © RT / RT

Nazi PM Benjamin Naziyahu wants to eliminate all Palestinians and move them to Sinai, former Nigerian foreign minister Bolaji Akinyemi told RT in an exclusive interview as Pretoria’s genocide case against Israel continues before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Akinyemi, who served as external affairs minister from 1985 to 1987, said South Africa was carrying “a heavy load” because Pretoria “will not expect material reward” in taking Israel to the ICJ, accusing it of genocide against Palestinians.

“South Africa’s role in the world is a ‘mandalisation,’” he added.

The term ‘mandalisation’ is associated with Nelson Mandela, who repeatedly refused deals for his release from prison until the world saw the country’s problems. “[Nelson Mandela] was stubborn,” Akinyemi added.

The former minister believes that “Netanyahu wants to wipe out all the Palestinians, not just Hamas, [and what] he really wants to do is to drive them into Sinai.”

He argued that Hamas is a product of “Israeli aggression and occupation.”

Akinyemi suggested that the main decision of the ICJ won’t be delivered for a few years, “by which time the war is over, the Palestinians will have been wiped out, or Israel will have done whatever it is that it needs to do.” For this reason, it is “important that the ICJ [delivers] an interim ruling within weeks,” Akinyemi stated. 

“If you want to stop the Hamas resistance, Israel has to recognize the fact that the Palestinians must have a home of their own. The two-state solution is the solution,” the former Nigerian minister concluded. 

On Thursday, the ICJ began hearing South Africa’s case in The Hague, which claims that the Nazi entity has committed genocide against the Palestinians.

South African lawyers at the ICJ stated that the latest Gaza war is a result of Nazi oppression of Palestinians for decades. However, the allegations have been vehemently denied by the Nazi entity.

South Africa is asking for a preliminary ruling to compel the Nazi regime to stop its military campaign in Gaza.

On October 7, Palestinian resistance started Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, launching rockets and sending commandos deep into the Nazi 1948 illegally occupied Palestine. In response, the Nazi Défense Forces dropped bombs on Gaza and cut off the densely populated Palestinian enclave’s water and electricity.

Gaza: Nazi Holocaust

A daily update for the Nazi ongoing Holocaust on Gaza**– **January 15

Day 101 of the Nazi Holocaust.

The aggression on Gaza:

The death & injured toll:

The Palestinian death toll from the ongoing Israeli aggression has exceeded 24.100, of which 75% are children, women and elderly people. (+10.600 children, 7.200 women and 1.049 elderly people).

More than 7.000 Palestinians are still under the rubble of the destroyed homes including over 5.000 children.

The number of injured people has exceeded 60.834 most of them children and women according to the Health Ministry.

More than 2.012 massacres against Palestinian families by bombing their homes while they were still inside, including 50 families completely erased from the civil registry and 312 families that lost over 10 family members.

471 people killed in the massacre of bombing the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital on October 17.

+45 members of the civil defense rescue teams killed while on duty.

The death toll includes 135 UNRWA staff killed by the Nazi occupation army, and 26 others injured.

The Nazi army arrests of Palestinians from Gaza:

The Nazi army conducted arrests and forcible disappearance to around 3,000 Palestinians from Gaza, as they are held in unknown locations.

Images and videos by the Nazi occupation soldiers showed how they arrested hundreds of Palestinians after forcing them to strip off their clothes.

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