Former US Congress Woman’s Thoughts on Libya: “Illegal War on Libya”


Cynthia McKinney
1. The scenario of an anti-Islamic hate film triggering a protest that leads to violence replicates the events that took place in the initial uprising in Benghazi in early 2011.At that time, the annual protest in Benghazi against the anti-Islamic Danish cartoons was taking place.The march was infiltrated by persons with an agenda, who used the event as an opportunity to seize military equipment from the Jamahiriya government and use it against the Libyan population.If it is known that Muslim protest on the streets can be touched off by attacking the Qur’an, then once again parties with another agenda can spark then infiltrate that protest and use it as cover.It worked before to launch an entire chain of events in Libya, why not again? The reports on who created and financed the film are very muddled.

2. Today, the Libyan/Al Qaeda/US/NATO/Israel government is bombing Sabha and the black Libyan Toubu people who constitute a stronghold of the vibrant Libyan resistance.Interestingly, no R2P is being invoked to do so here, but could this be covertly directed against the Green Resistance (self-described as well financed and ready to fight to the last bullet, the last man, the last dollar)?
3. A video is available of the 12 September attack on the US convoy that killed 2 US citizens and injured 14, indicating Day Two of an uprising/action.4. There are photos published today of US special ops forces landing in Libya. If true, is this to counter the Green Resistance, or springboard into Egypt if need be, or worse? Foreign troops are in Libya already securing oil platforms.What might this have to do with Iran? Libyan oil was theorized to ensure oil to Europe in the case of a shutoff from Iran. Does this have anything to do with the impending Netanyahu visit to the US?
Former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
[ED NOTES:WHAT MIGTH THIS HAVE TO DO WITH IRAN?LETS GO TO BROOKINGS AND THEIR EULOGIES DAY AFTER STEVENS WAS KILLED,SEE WHAT THEY SAY.. Shaping a New Middle East Order Michael Doran, Roger Hertog Senior Fellow, Saban Center for Middle East Policy In a period of revolutionary turmoil, it is easy to get distracted by the crisis of the moment. Today, our attention is focused on the assault on the American diplomatic missions in Egypt and Libya.
These attacks certainly deserve the attention they are receiving from the highest levels of our government.Amid the turmoil, however, we must remind ourselves that it is Iran—not al Qaeda and certainly not Salafism writ large—that represents the paramount strategic threat to the United States. This is so, because the Islamic Republic is a state sponsor of terrorism that is developing a nuclear weapons capability. In addition, it leads an alliance system, the self-styled “Resistance Bloc,” which is dedicated to undermining the influence of the United States, its Arab allies, and Israel.
The Arab Spring has deeply complicated the American-Iranian contest. It has, among other things, empowered new actors—such as the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis—who pose independent challenges to the authority of the United States.

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