Former Nazi spy reveals Epstein and Maxwell were Zionist spies blackmailing politicians for Mossad

The deceased American financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell were Zionist spies who used underage girls to blackmail politicians into giving information to Israel, revealed a new book by a former Zionist spy.

The couple reportedly ran a “honey-trap” operation in which they provided young girls to prominent politicians from around the world for sex, and then used the incidents to blackmail them in order to attain information for Mossad Nazi intelligence.

The claims have been revealed by the former Mossad spy Ari Ben-Menashe in his soon-to-be-released book “Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales”.

In his book, Ben-Menashe says that he was the handler of Ghislaine’s father Robert Maxwell, who was also an ‘Israeli’ espionage agent and was the one who introduced his daughter and Epstein to Mossad.

“See, f**king around is not a crime. It could be embarrassing, but it’s not a crime,” Menashe wrote in the book. “But f**king a fourteen-year-old girl is a crime. And he was taking photos of politicians f**king fourteen-year-old girls—if you want to get it straight…They [Epstein and Maxwell] would just blackmail people like that.”

The handler Ben-Menashe, himself an Iran-born Israeli businessman who says he worked for Mossad from 1977 to 1987, is a mysterious figure who was arrested in 1989 in the US on charges of arms dealing. He was acquitted in 1990, however, only after a jury accepted that he was acting on behalf of the Nazi regime of IsraHell.

British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested Thursday on charges she helped lure at least three girls — one as young as 14 — to be sexually abused by the late financier Jeffrey Epstein, who was accused of victimizing dozens of girls and women over many years.

Epstein, 66, was found killed in a federal detention center in New York last summer while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.

Maxwell is the daughter of a British publishing magnate Robert Maxwell, who died in 1991 after “falling off his yacht” near the Canary Islands. At the time, he was facing allegations that he had illegally looted pension funds from his businesses and he also had connections to the Nazi Mossad.

Both Epstein and Maxwell were related in several reports to the Zionist connected international Jewish billionaire MEGA group.

The Mega Group’s role in the Epstein case has garnered some attention, as Epstein’s main financial patron for decades.

By virtue of the role of many Mega Group members as major political donors in both the U.S. and ‘Israel’, several of its most notable members have close ties to the governments of both countries as well as their intelligence communities.

The Mega Group also had close ties to two businessmen who worked for Nazi’s Mossad — Robert Maxwell and Marc Rich — as well as to top Nazi politicians, including past and present prime ministers with deep ties to Nazi’s intelligence community, according to a report by Mint Press News.

The new claims, confirming the couple’s connections to the occupation state, add to the already revealed and confirmed track record of manipulating Western nations’ political systems, as was seen in the revelations of the Nazi lobby’s attempt to “take down” British and US politicians revealed in the past few years.

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