Jeffrey Feltman’
By George Obaid
Whoever reads Jeffrey Feltman’s speech to the US Congress, has just realized the meaning behind the lines. This is a man who has lived closely with Lebanon and the Lebanese, and has made friends with a number of politicians such as Walid Jumblatt, Saad Hariri, Fares Said, Ghattas Khoury, Fouad Siniora and others. In Lebanon, not only did Syria leave the country and implemented Resolution 1559, which dipped and baptized Rafik Hariri, it was, along with Condoleezza Rice and John Bolton, intent on striking Lebanon’s stability and attracting it to the concept of creative chaos, embodied in the sectarian conflict between Shiites and Sunnis in order to strike Hezbollah. Then, no Amos strongly Israel to launch its war on Lebanon in the Fourth of July of 2006.
In form and content, Feltman’s invitation to the US Congress to testify in order to describe the situation in Lebanon and shed light on the movement of demonstrations in terms of influence and influence, is not limited to his knowledge of the Lebanese interior and his experience of the situation and details, but because the man lived the most accurate stages and radical and historical transformations In Lebanon, he had a long history of evaluating and addressing them and then gathering new elements trying to link the events of Lebanon to the events of Iraq, which exploded as the United States entered its yard in 2003.Feltman, Bolton, and Rice gathered at this point in the ideas and visions that became valid columns to build a Lebanese building that did not lead the Syrians to get rid of the earthquakes surrounding it, as evidence that it was damaged in 2006 during the war in Israel, and in 2007 Lebanon turned to direct targeting of the Takfiris The caricature of Islam and Muslims, and then the events of May of 2008 to confirm the permanence of the damage gaps also consumed by others, until the entry of the Arab world Atton fall and winter stormy in 2011 was one of its violent theaters, all with American support and encouragement.
Aziz Jeff lived at a delicate stage in the history of Lebanon and the Levant as a rapporteur and collector of political forces in new regimes later called the March 14 Forces. Lebanon does not concern him in essence and privacy, Jeff completes his bad predecessors who dealt with the Lebanese issue, and used him as a tool or paper or arena for deals, and thus to secure the vital American interests as announced during his testimony before the US Congress. Calling him at this very moment is not innocent of the administration’s role in fostering the movement in its advanced stages. Feltman, as he has emerged, is a strategic theorist and a positivist reader of American interests in their roles, dimensions, and meanings. The data shows that David Schenker, who was ambassador to the United States in Turkey and who is currently in the Lebanese file, is in contact with “Aziz Jeff”, which in turn flows to Mike Dandria, the killer of Imad Mughniyeh, a senior leader in Hezbollah, and incited to demonstrate In both Iraq and Iran. This means that the deep American administration, based on these extremist symbols, and wanted to take the Lebanese-Iraqi-Iranian triangle to a real creative chaos, which Feltman in his Lebanese speech as follows:
1- Sponsoring the street protests, according to his literature, contributes to the promotion of American interests in Lebanon through the continuous, escalating and continuous pressure mechanisms to encircle the Covenant, and the price of this head of resistance personally, that is, the Secretary General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah.
2-Playing on the tension of the Lebanese economy and the exchange rate of the dollar is certain that the Lebanese will resort to the American administration for help, and then the US administration can set its clear conditions to secure it, without losing Lebanon, and thus, because of its loss, Lebanon will turn to China. Russia and Iran, especially that the Chinese origin 5g, which is the best in the world of communications will tempt the Lebanese to go towards it.
3 – Work to find a formula of separation and dissolution between the Lebanese army and Hezbollah, and has focused on this more than once. Feltman did not mention that coordination between the Lebanese army, the resistance, and the Syrian army led to the liberation of the northern Bekaa from the Takfiri forces, Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS, because his administration rejected such coordination, but rejected Operation Dawn of the Gruff of its origin, which he inevitably remembers. Fajr shone with such great coordination between the army and the resistance, and “Jeff Jeff” is trying to convince Congress to tickle the army, which recalled the strike of Fatah al-Islam in the Nahr al-Bared camp with a clear force and forgotten the battle of Dawn of the outskirts of the fact that the Takfiri forces and their organizations, one of the cards, as the Syrian displaced Of the pressure cards they use from Lebanon to Syria.
4 – Standing against the Russian ambition in his concept to include Lebanon in their care and activities as claimed. “Lebanon is an arena for global strategic competition, and others will fill the vacuum happily if we give up the land,” Lebanon for Feltman, ie the Americans American land. “Lebanon’s three ports and offshore hydrocarbon stocks, if exploited by Russia, will increase the sense that Russia is the winner in the eastern and southern Mediterranean at our expense,” he says.
5 – to stand against the containment of Syria and Lebanon with a Russian cover. President Bashar al-Assad, known for years as a strong dictator, and always allegedly relying on Russia, Iran and Hezbollah to redeploy his control over most of Syria, will no doubt like to assert himself as a powerful regional mediator, reversing his humiliation in 2005 when he was suddenly forced After the Lebanese protests and international pressure under the leadership of George. And. Bush to end Syria’s repressive military occupation in Lebanon. Feltman or Aziz Jeff believes that Russia will be pleased with the renewed Syrian hegemony over Lebanon.
All this suggests that Feltman’s reading was too scandalous for the movement in its advanced stages. The man, although he said that his reading represents him and not his research center, shows the American interest with its partial and total addresses accumulated in the Levant range, and used for Lebanon as the content of spillage and extension. This reading conceals that the Americans are agitating the earth with this movement in kind through the three known ribs, namely the Lebanese Forces, the Progressive Socialist Party, the Amal Movement, and a number of figures who express that vision. Mobility is no longer required in its content, so that its people scattered free of horizons, visions and strategists, there are no visions without prospects and thought. In this sense, if the movement in its content is purely Lebanese, why did not one of the organizers go out to face Feltman and disown him and his goals that he showed before the US Congress? Why did not one of them rise to face David Schenker and ask him not to interfere in the content of the Lebanese movement and in Lebanese politics, because the movement is an internal matter?
And yet, this year’s Independence Day has gone through a very bleak, but not hopeless. The speech of President Michel Aoun, whose emotional dimensions and strategic content, remains an integral part of the speech he delivered at the end of the first part of his term. We will have lighting on their wonderful content. The president’s speech is the actual document against the three American hawks: Jeffrey Feltman, David Schenker, and Mike Daredo.
Whatever the case, the word mountain high shattered on the rocks empty hollows. The next independence is the sweetest, highest and most beautiful moment the corrupt and criminals leave before us and our rice shines with faces from dawn and light.

From whatsapp revolution to dabkeh and dance to the bandits and livelihoods, everything that happened during the 36 days of protests does not amount to a revolution and even mobility. The audience of the outgoing President, Saad Hariri, finally joined her in an attempt to press the street to return from the position of force.
At the same time, we must mention the real movement that has not lost the compass, which is carried out by the national left parties, although the paid media is unfair to the right of this movement, which aimed at its movements towards the real places of corruption, namely, the Bank of Lebanon and the maritime property without cutting roads and disturbing the citizens.
It is true that the direct reason to take to the street was the cursory decision of the Minister of Alwatsab and it is true that most of those who landed in the early days due to the difficult and deteriorating economic conditions, was almost an uprising against hunger and corruption, but two days later began riding the movement of the donation and bear from external and internal forces The majority of the street withdrew to keep the bandits run by well-known authorities, without forgetting some patriots, who were overwhelmed by the media in covering their sincere movement.
This is a quick overview of what happened during this difficult period, and some superficial reasons, but if we are to dive into the hidden and hidden causes what is happening in Lebanon is not separate from what is happening in Iraq, Iran, Bolivia, Venezuela and even Syria. US arrogance and the most important reason is the huge reserves of oil resources expected to be discovered in these countries.
Returning to Lebanon, the natural gas reserves expected to be discovered in Lebanon and Syria will reach 9% of global reserves. This figure explains the US ambitions in Lebanon and Syria.
The first step was the signing of the oil discovery decrees in 2013, the resignation of the government of Najib Mikati at the time was due to the apparent dispute over the extension of General Ashraf Rifi, but the deepening of what happened then and before, especially as the resignation coincided with the visit of Barack Obama to Jerusalem and the West Bank and the corresponding data, We can say that the Ministry of Energy is one of the main reasons Mikati wanted the government to overstate, but to reshape it under his presidency, and to talk about British requests and an unprecedented American interest in the promising wealth, and both, do not want what they call the government of Hezbollah and do not want Gibran Bassil To the head of this promising ministry, anyone who wants to invest in Lebanon’s onshore oil and offshore gas, wants this ministry to be very far from the March 8 team, but a minister close to President Mikati is talking about creating investment conditions for the next government, and that the country needs circumstances Helping to promote the economy ..
The second step was the commissioning of oil exploration and extraction. Here, Lebanon faced almost two years of pressure of another kind represented in the detention of the famous Saad Hariri in Saudi Arabia. What turns to another question: Was all Hariri asked for was Saudi money, and was Bin Salman unable to collect it? So why was he sent to Bin Zayed? What did the latter ask him? And what did he pledge? Since states do not function as charities, and since it is known that President Macron is the representative of the financial lobby and companies, what made Macron mediate for Hariri and what pledges did he take from him? Are they linked to the support he is now receiving? Is Macron and Bin Zayed between the distribution of US-French assignments? The answer to these questions is Lebanon’s oil
The third step is to start oil exploration, which was supposed to start on December 15… Is it coincidence also the movement synchronized and continued with this historic step, which was postponed to the beginning of the new year because of the current situation
Here we must pay tribute to the work done by the Minister of Energy Nada Al-Bustanani and her persistence and hard work to overcome attempts to obstruct the implementation began in Block No. 4 and then No. 9 on the southern border
Therefore, everything that happened from Mikati’s resignation in 2013 to the current revolution is his main objective is to obstruct the exploration and extraction of Lebanese oil, especially since the Russian company Novatek is one of the companies that required oil exploration and this is what the United States did not want. After Syria stepped on the feet of the Russian bear shores of the Mediterranean from the gate of Lebanon, and this is what Feltman said yesterday that America’s failure to support Lebanon will make China and Russia enter Lebanon from its wide gate !!