European warnings of “Israeli surprises” … Lebanon again in the eye of the storm?

Al-Diyar – Ibrahim Nasser Al-Din

As the government tries to find the necessary means to get the country out of its economic crisis, one of the European ambassadors spoke to a high-ranking Lebanese official, expressing great fear in the European Union countries of the features of sudden Israeli military moves after the legislative elections on the second of next March, in light of reliable intelligence information on An Israeli-American agreement to strike Iranian influence, and while Washington takes responsibility for the Iraqi arena, it appears that Israel has ended its preparations for a “qualitative” intervention in the Gaza Strip and Syria, and this places Lebanon in the “eye of the storm” again because the odds of the Israelis crossing the lines Al-Hamra on the Syrian scene and the attacking of Hezbollah there is very high. This may enter the Lebanese front again in the anticipated military “rams,” which the Gaza Strip will be the theater of its broader operations based on the impact of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s words that Israel is preparing for Hamas to “surprise” its life, and it will be translated. This is an unprecedented military operation

For these reasons, Soleimani was assassinated

According to these circles, the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was not just a “freak” for US President Donald Trump. The commander of the Quds Force named on the list of those wanted by the United States since entering Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003 and holds him the largest part of the responsibility for organizing The attacks that targeted its forces in the two countries led to great losses, but the decision to assassinate him at this time came within the framework of Washington’s implementation of its share of a rolling and escalating operation to strike Tehran’s influence in the region. Liel direct military responsibilities Stewakpha Washington to raise the level of economic pressures led after duty «dangerous» in the assassination operation Soleimani, who was Israel Taathab to do …

This is how the players prepare

Based on these data, one can explain the Gulf’s “indifference” in keeping pace with political developments and economic hardships in Lebanon, as well as the American “patience” that was translated in the absence of clear positions and the postponement of the visit of the American envoy David Schenker. The “terror” of a new wave of refugees, while Russia is accelerating the military steps in Syria to impose field facts that protect the Syrian regime from any sudden and unaccounted developments ..

An American “message” of threat!

According to the information, there is an American “dissatisfaction” with Lebanon’s stance on Trump’s plan, and a prominent American official echoed at a recent conference in Washington words that amounted to the threat level, that Lebanon should not stay in the past in order not to pay the price, and it must comply with A conviction has emerged among many Arab “friends” that the Palestinians are getting much more from Trump’s plan than they should be given to them, and they must remember that Arab national aspirations have already been fulfilled in about 20 countries throughout the Middle East, while the national aspirations of Jews have found their expression only In one small nation-state …!

According to European sources, after the elections, Israel will extend its sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and West Bank settlements under the deal of the century, in conjunction with the military operation in Gaza, while the scale of targeting in Syria remains ambiguous, and there are no guarantees that the Lebanese front will remain outside the conflict.

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