End Human Rights Violation, Release Dirar Abu Sisi

End Human Rights Violation, Release Dirar Abu Sisi 
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The abduction and detention of Dirar Abu Sisi highlights Israel’s routine violation of human rights and international law. It is yet another example of complicity of a European country in Israel’s crime and persecution of Palestinians.
44 year old Dirar Abu Sisi is a Palestinian who was residing with his Ukrainian wife Veronika Abu Sisi in Ukraine until he was kidnapped and sent to the occupying state of Israel on the 18th of February 2011.
Since his kidnapping, he has remained incarcerated in Israeli prisons under extremely poor conditions; he is now suffering from debilitating health conditions and psychological trauma. He has endured torture, humiliation and inhumane treatment from Israeli prison authorities. Israeli authoritiesare also preventing his Ukrainian wife and children from visiting or speaking to him.
According to Abu Sisi, Arab and Western security services conspired in his abduction. Although he was kidnapped from Ukraine, the Ukrainian government refuses to admit the incident took place on its soil so as to evade any responsibility.
UFree Network and other human rights organisations publicised Abu Sisi plight and once again we campaign on his behalf after two and half years in an  illegal detantion and with full sielnce from the international community and mnajor human rights organisations. In addition, politicians and elected members of the European Parliament remain indifferent and unwilling to issue any support, let alone statements regarding his kidnapping and incarceration.
Israel has clearly violated the security and sovereignty of Ukraine. Such a serious, illegal and immoral act requires a bold and serious response so that Israel knows there is a price for breeching international law, violating sovereignty and breeching human rights.
At the least, Israel must begin with immediate release of Abu Sisi in addition to compensating him and his family for the inhumane treatment he received from Israeli officials. If Israel’s actions go unpunished Israel will be emboldened further to breech international law and violate sovereignty to continue its ongoing repression of Palestinians.
Various documented reports confirmed that Ukraine was complicit in the kidnapping of Abu Sisi. It covered up the kidnapping and concealed police reports which investigated the incident. Israel’s actions would not be possible without the direct assistance from Ukrainian authorities. Ukrainian newspapers revealed that Ukrainian and Jordanian intelligence assisted Israel in kidnapping Abu sisi.
In recognition of the gross violation of human rights and international law, we the undersigned call on EU parliament including and its political leadership to the following:
  • The EU must investigate this conspiracy and demand transparency from the Ukrainian government on the matter.
  • It must take measures to protect its own Palestinian citizens (residing in Europe) from abduction and incarceration by Israeli authorities.
  • Pressure Israel to immediately release Dirar Abu Sisi and compensate him and his family.
  • Ensure that Israel fully respects Human Rights charters and International agreements.
  • Reveal the identity of all those who were part of this conspiracy and violations of national sovereignty.
We must demonstrate respect for our values of human dignity, liberty, democracy and the rule of law. Such values underpin the Treaty of Lisbon and the European Human Rights Convention as well as EU’s economic treaty with Israel. 
Israel and the EU are economically wedded and as such must abide by the terms of the trade agreement. Their actions are direct violation of its obligations under the treaty and as such should be reviewed. 
Read Full report: http://ufree-p.net/uploads/1369755188.pdf

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