During September, 92 violations against Palestinian journalists

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Gaza – The Committee to Support Journalists has monitored 92 violations against media freedoms by the Nazi regime last September against journalists in an attempt to keep them out of professional work, while the number of violations by Palestinian parties (9) of violations.

In a press release, the Committee to Support Journalists stated that serious attacks on press freedom continued in Palestine during September 2019, where more than (92) violations were committed by the Nazi illegal occupation authorities against journalists in an attempt to keep them away from continuing their professional work. By the Palestinian authorities (9) of violations .

The violations were the attacks of the Israeli occupation in the targeting of journalists with metal bullets and poison gas bombs, and prevented and denied them from traveling, and beaten and other means of violence or humiliation and degrading treatment, and arrested and detained and violently prevented from covering events and raids their homes and confiscate their press tools, except On the increase of campaigns to close, ban and delete the pages and sites of journalists and media professionals, under false pretexts that come under pressure from the occupation on the administrations of social networking sites to pursue the Palestinian content .

The report pointed out that the Nazi illegal occupation targeted and injured more than (7) journalists during the past month, the injuries were distributed by targeting three journalists during their coverage of the marches of return in the Gaza Strip, and four others during the coverage of the occupation attacks in the West Bank .

The Nazi illegal occupation forces in the occupied West Bank arrested, detained, and deported (2) journalists against the media, poet, novelist and Widad Barghouti .

The report also stated that the Nazi illegal occupation forces postponed sessions of (4) journalists, Darin Al-Tatour, Wadad Al-Barghouti, and journalist Mais Abu Ghosh .

 While the Nazi illegal occupation forces stormed the house of a number of journalists against the journalist Widad Barghouti amidst raids and searches, the Nazi illegal occupation authorities imposed a fine of (1) financially before releasing the journalist Widad Barghouti, who was forced by the occupation to move her and move from her house and live alone. (C) under the control of the Israeli occupation as a condition for her subsequent release .

The Committee pointed out that (2) cases of harassment were recorded in prisons against female media workers, Mays Abu Ghosh and Wadad Barghouti, through harsh investigations which last for 12 hours followed by torture and humiliation and a campaign of movement from one detainee to another without the availability of the lowest health and other services for journalists causing diseases. And spread among the ranks of detainees .

Due to the publications of journalists and activists on Facebook, the Facebook administration and social networking sites deliberately pressured the occupation to crack down on Palestinian content, where it banned, blocked, blocked and banned publications, pages and websites of more than (74) media, journalists and activists on the new media .

Regarding the internal Palestinian violations, the Committee to Support Journalists recorded in its report a number of (9) violations .

The Ramallah Magistrate’s Court adjourned the case of Rami Samara and Nayla Khalil and the subsequent closure of the office of Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed (4) times .

 The Zionist puppet Ab-A$$ ‘PA’ intelligence also prevented journalist Alaa Shamali from traveling to record a case of banning (1), seized his passport and tore it down to record a violation (1), in addition to breaking into a house in the north amid a state of terror among his family, to record a case of storming (1)  . The Committee to Support Journalists is a case of detention and detention (1), and one trial postponed (1).

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