Arrests and raids at dawn in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem

By: Sammi Ibrahem;Sr


Palestine: Nazi occupying forces have launched a campaign of arrests and raids across the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem on Monday.

In the city of Hebron, the Nazi occupation forces arrested Atallah Issa Khalil Abu Sobeih from Yatta town, and searched several houses in the town, including Mohammed Khaled Shawahin, Hafez and Ali Rashid, and set up military checkpoints at the entrances to the northern city of Hebron. They searched Palestinian vehicles and checked their passengers’ identity cards, which prevented their passage .

In the city of Bethlehem, the Nazi occupation forces arrested at dawn two young men from al-Dheisheh refugee camp in the south of the city, identified as Raghad Ra’ed Shamroukh (24 years) and Basil Walid Da’amseh (25 years) after they raided and searched their parents’ houses .

Clashes erupted after the storming of the camp between the youths and the Nazi occupation forces, which fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters, but no injuries were reported .

In the occupied city of Jerusalem, the Nazi occupation forces arrested three young men from the town of Issawiya, Mohammed Walid Obeid, after they raided his family’s house in Al-Shaheed Mohammed Obeid neighborhood, in addition to Waseem Nayef Obeid and Ayoub Baha’i Obeid. To the town.

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