BY: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Nazi Occupied Palestine: Hamas file official Moussa Dudin denied the existence of developments or developments regarding a prospective prisoner exchange issue.
In exclusive statements to Quds News, he made clear that there is no truth to talk about the achievement of an achievement in the exchange deal.
He stressed that there are no serious contacts, pointing out that the Nazi political level does not deal seriously with this file.
Hebrew newspapers had reported on Arab newspapers details of a prisoner exchange deal between the resistance and the Nazi occupation, and spoke that its provisions include the release of children and female prisoners, and some elderly people in exchange for two missing Israeli soldiers in Gaza and an Nazi corpse.
It is noteworthy that recently there have been waves on the surface of the issue of prisoners, but they have not left their place of information to the international and official moves on the deal. After Hamas announced its willingness to enter into negotiations on a swap deal, it said that it had identified the names in it, while the office of the Prime Minister of Benjamin Naziyahu issued a statement a few days ago that he was the first to respond to the event.
Al-Ram .. The Nazi occupying forces arrest the son of the martyr Musabah Abu Sobeih

The Nazi occupation forces arrested, on Monday afternoon, the son of the martyr Mesbah Abu Sobeih, after they raided his house in the town of Ram, north of Nazi occupied Jerusalem.
The Quds newsletter , quoting sources in Al-Ram, reported that the occupation army forces stormed the town and deployed in several neighborhoods, then stormed the house of the martyr Mesbah Abu Sobeih.
She added that the Nazi occupation forces arrested his young son Sobeih and took him to an unknown destination.
Sobeih was arrested several times previously, and in his last arrest on the 16th of August 2018, the occupation court convicted him of participating in activities inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque and sentenced him to 13 months imprisonment and a fine.
The martyr Mesbah Abu Sobeih is the implementer of one of the shootings in Jerusalem, where in October 2016, through two shootings, he killed and wounded a number of Nazi Jewish settlers and occupation soldiers in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, and his body has been held by the Nazi occupation since that time.

قوات الاحتلال تعتقل صبيح أبو صبيح نجل الشــهــيــ ـد مصباح أبو صبيح من منزله في بلدة الرام شمال #القدس المحتلة.#فلسطين
٠١١:٣٤ ص – ١٣ أبريل ٢٠٢٠المعلومات والخصوصية لإعلانات تويترمشاهدة تغريدات شبكة قدس الإخبارية الأخرى
The Nazi occupation forces arrest three young men from Al-Bireh and Jenin

The Nazi occupation forces arrested three Palestinian youths from yesterday evening until Tuesday morning, from the Nazi occupied West Bank.
The Palestinian Prisoners’ Information Office stated that the Nazi occupation forces arrested the two young men, Louay Al-Shula and Omar Abu Al-Rob, from Al-Bireh city, at dawn today.
He added that Suhaib Jarrar, 31, the son of the martyr Nasr Jarrar, was arrested after he was summoned for investigation, from the village of Wad Barqin in Jenin.
The Nazi occupation forces summoned a tractor to meet its intelligence services in “Salem” camp yesterday, and then arrested him in the evening. He is a freed prisoner who was arrested more than once before.
Photo and video The captive Abu Aisha meets his fiancée after 18 years

After an 18-year separation in the prisons of the Nazi occupation, the prisoner Ismail Abdel Latif Abu Aisha, 45, met with his fiancée Ikram Abu Aisha, who had waited for him throughout the years of detention.
The long moments of separation that spanned 18 years in the Nazi occupation prisons turned into moments of celebration and rejoicing after Abu Eisha obtained his freedom from the Nazi occupation Camps.

With the spread of the “Corona” virus, the captive family took care to take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of her freed captive son .
Today, the occupation released Abu Aisha, a resident of Beit weight, the occupied city of Nablus, after an 18-year detention in the Nazi Camp, where he was arrested on 15/4/2002 .
Abu Aisha was subjected to many violations during his detention, as the Nazi occupation regime practiced a policy of medical neglect against him, and he was also deprived of his mother’s farewell to her last resting place in 2015.
The editor, Abu Aisha, will be quarantined for 14 days as part of the Ministry of Health’s safety plan to combat the Corona virus .