Dorothy Online Newsletter


Dear Friends,


Yesterday I complained that, among other things, the situation in the US is getting to be horrible, and mentioned in passing that the police handling of the Occupation protesters is almost as if they had been trained by Israeli military or border police.  I had no evidence of this, but the techniques of the US police resemble those used in the OPT by Israeli soldiers and border police.  This morning I found a note from a friend, Paul L, recommending that I read ADL (anti-defamation league) on security.  I did.  Considering that I had always thought that the ADL’s main concern was fighting anti-Semitism, I was surprised to learn that it dealt also with security, and was even more surprised to learn that it trains counter-terrorist forces, but less surprised by this time to learn that the ADL sends forces to Israel for training.   Item 1 contains 3 separate ADL statements on law enforcement.  Real eye openers, at least for me.


As for the rest, the single concern of most of the media abroad was Egypt , and after it Turkey and Syria .   Israel received little if any attention today in the international press today. 


But the Israeli press has much to say about the bills that the Knesset hopes to turn into laws.  I have selected from the criticism.


The first of these, item 2, reports that a member of the Government Press Office’s advisory council “has quit her post in protest” against the obstacles that the government places against freedom of the press.


Item 3 reports on a protest tonight against the same bill—the libel bill.


In item 4, Merav Michaeli claims that Israel ’s self-victimizing right is misleading the people.  Unfortunately, most Israelis are not paying much attention to the fact that they are being misled.  So also was true of the Germans during Hitler’s era.


Item 5 is a B’tselem newsletter.


Item 6 begins with comments by Guenter , who forwarded the news about Veolia (a French company) continuing to work with and for Israel regardless of the fact that other companies have shown their displeasure with Veolia doing this by divesting from it.


The items close with ‘Today in Palestine .’  So much disgusting news in it, but important to know if we want to keep being informed.


All the best,



1.    U.S. Law Enforcement Receive Counter-Terrorism Training in Israel


Posted: April 15, 2011

ADL brought 15 law enforcement executives from across the United States to Israel from April 9-17, to learn how Israel ‘s police, intelligence, and security forces prevent terror attacks.


As participants in ADL’s National Counter-Terrorism Seminar, they met with counter-terrorism experts in an intensive program incorporating formal presentations and briefings with site visits around the country to areas that have borne witness to terror attacks. They learned how Israel has prevented and responded to suicide bombings and terrorist attacks and how the nation protects its airports, shopping malls, and public events.


The delegation consisted of executives from the California Highway Patrol and major city police departments from across the country, including New York , Philadelphia , Houston , Dallas , Atlantic City , Louisville , Richmond , Tulsa , Nashville , Charlotte , Albuquerque , and St. Louis County . More than 115 federal, state and local law enforcement executives have participated in this ADL program since it was first launched in 2003.


 2011 Anti-Defamation League



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ADL Trains Law Enforcement Executives on Terrorism



Posted: June 13, 2011

ADL held the nineteenth session of its Advanced Training School (ATS) course on Extremist and Terrorist Threats from June 5-7 in Washington , DC . ATS is a three day training providing federal, state and local law enforcement executives and commanders from across the country with practical information, resources and contacts to increase their capabilities in combating domestic and international terrorist threats.  It is recognized as one of the premier counter-terrorism training programs in the U.S.


The agenda featured briefings from ADL experts, as well as counter-terrorism experts from outside the League, such as a senior commander from the Israel Police. The program was attended by 36 commanders from agencies which included : the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Threat Management Unit, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) National Targeting Center , NYPD, Philadelphia Police Department, Houston Police Department, Atlanta Police Department, Dallas Police Department, and the Boston Police Department, among others. 


Deputy Commissioner Thomas Wright of the Philadelphia Police Department said of the training, “I have been in law enforcement for 22 years and I have attended a variety of training seminars during that time. I can honestly say that the training offered by ATS-ADL is by far the most useful and current training course I have ever attended. The knowledge I have gained and relationships I have developed during these past few days will benefit me, the Philadelphia Police Department, and the citizenry of the United States of America .”


ATS has trained almost 700 senior level law enforcement personnel, representing over 220 different agencies to date, and is recognized as one of the premier counter-terrorism training programs in the U.S.


© 2011 Anti-Defamation League


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ADL and Law Enforcement: Fighting Terror before 9/11 and Beyond


Posted: August 24, 2011


The Anti-Defamation League has worked closely with law enforcement for decades to carry out our mission of protecting both the Jewish people and all others from extremism, hatred and injustice.  But since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the scale of our work with law enforcement has increased significantly and the greatest demand for ADL expertise has been in the area of training for law enforcement.  As the foremost non-governmental authority on domestic terrorism, extremism, organized hate groups and hate crimes, ADL has been the leading non-government organization training police.  In 2010 alone, we trained more than 10,500 law enforcement officers from all over the country.  


“The training and education you provide for the FBI and for law enforcement have never been more relevant. This especially includes the classes at the Holocaust Museum . At a time when law enforcement must be aggressive in stopping terror these classes provide powerful lessons on why we must always protect civil rights and uphold the rule of law.”


– FBI Director Mueller speaking at ADL’s National Commission Meeting in 2005


ADL’s Advanced Training School (ATS)

ADL’s Advanced Training School (ATS) was conceived shortly before 9/11 as an ” ADL Academy ” to provide law enforcement executives and commanders from across the country with practical and useful information, resources and contacts to increase their capabilities in combating domestic terrorism and extremist threats. Launched in January 2003, ATS was ADL’s first national training program for law enforcement and conducted training on both domestic and international extremist and terrorist threats.  ATS has come to be recognized as one of the premier counter-terrorism trainings in the country. Interest in the program is so high that ADL is only able to accept one in eight applicants for the training. ATS has now trained 700 senior level law enforcement personnel, representing more than 220 federal, state, local and military law enforcement agencies from across the country, including 24 of the 25 largest local police departments in the U.S. Officers have told us, “This course will ultimately save lives.”


ADL’s National Counter-Terrorism Seminar (NCTS)


In 2004, ADL created its National Counter-Terrorism Seminar (NCTS) in Israel , which brings law enforcement executives from across the U.S. to Israel for a week of intensive counter-terrorism training.  NCTS connects the heads of FBI field offices, major city chiefs, state police superintendents, and commanders assigned to counter-terrorism, special operations, and homeland security with commanders in the Israel National Police, experts from Israel ‘s intelligence and security services, and the Israel Defense Forces.  In addition to understanding Israel’s experiences and lessons learned in preventing and responding to suicide bombings and terrorist attacks, the course also focuses on leadership in a time of terror, and better prepares stars and rising stars in American law enforcement to command if necessary during an attack here in the U.S.  The program has brought 115 law enforcement executives to Israel to date.


Law Enforcement and Society (LEAS): Lessons of the Holocaust [what has the Holocaust to do with training law enforcement agencies? D]


Law Enforcement and Society: Lessons of the Holocaust, (LEAS) was created in 1998 by ADL and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to train police recruits in Washington , DC ‘s Metropolitan Police Department. By 2000, LEAS was training a dozen law enforcement agencies and was a required part of training for every new agent in the FBI. LEAS was designed to increase law enforcement professionals’ understanding of their relationship to the people they serve and of their roles as protectors of the Constitution and individual liberties. The attacks on 9/11 only increased the demand for Law Enforcement and Society.  The program’s focus on the role of law enforcement in our democracy and the profession’s core values has become even more relevant as law enforcement agencies throughout the nation confront the challenges of fighting crime and terrorism without compromising their role as protectors of the Constitution and individual rights.  More than 70,000 law enforcement officers have participated in the program since 1999, including those from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Washington , DC Metropolitan Police Department, Philadelphia Police Department and dozens of other agencies.


ADL: Leading Non-Government Organization Training Police


Trained 700 law enforcement commanders from more than 220 different agencies through ADL’s Advanced Training School course on “Extremist and Terrorist Threats,” since it was launched in 2003.

Brought 115 law enforcement executives from across the country to Israel for intensive counter-terrorism training with the Israel Police through ADL’s National Counter-Terrorism Seminar in Israel .

Trained more than 70,000 law enforcement officers through Law Enforcement and Society: Lessons of the Holocaust, run in partnership with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum .

Trained more than 10,500 law enforcement officers in 2010.


Related Articles 

9/11 Ten Years Later : The Changing Face of Hate, Terrorism and Democracy in America


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2.  Haaretz

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Government press adviser quits over eroding journalistic freedom

Eva Berger explained her decision : The council’s objective is to grant its approval of an old wrong, in the guise of democracy, and I will not lend my hand to this.


By Talila Nesher

Tags: Knesset


The dean of one of Israel ‘s media studies schools has quit her post as a member of the Government Press Office’s advisory council in protest of obstacles it places before freedom of the press.


“The council’s objective is to grant its approval of an old wrong, in the guise of democracy – and I will not lend my hand to this,” said Eva Berger , dean of the School of Media Studies at the College of Management in Rishon Letzion.


  Eva Berger


Photo by: Moti Milrod 


Berger linked her resignation to recent government proposals that many see as restricting freedom of expression, like efforts to make it easier for politicians to sue the media for libel and to block most foreign funding for left-wing nonprofit groups.


The government also recently shut down a Jewish-Palestinian radio station and has threatened to shut Channel 10 television over outstanding debts.


Berger said she wanted her fellow council members to consider whether the government should even be involved in determining who should be considered a journalist.


The GPO issues press passes and determines who is eligible to receive them.


“I naively thought that in light of the dignified composition [of the advisory council], it could be a dynamic and thinking council and could discuss any finding, based on the information it has,” she said. “The fact that this is not the case comes on top of the silencing” of anti-establishment voices, which she said was a goal of recent legislative proposals.


Berger also protested the involvement of security forces in assessing applicants’ eligibility for the government-approved press passes, an issue that came before the council when journalists for Arab-language media outlets said they were having difficulty securing press passes.


“To put this decision in the hands of the security establishment is to add insult to injury,” she said.


3.  Ynet

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Freedom of Expression


 הפגנה נגד תיקון חוק לשון הרע רע כיכר הבימה נגד בנימין נתניהו תל אביב Photo: Moti Kimhi


    Thousands protest against ‘libel bill’


Some 2,000 gather in Tel Aviv to protest amendment to Defamation Law, which aims to increase maximum compensation paid for libel violations. Protesters shouting ‘Bibi, you’ve gone too far – Israel is not Iran ‘,7340,L-4151861,00.html


Yoav Malka


Some 2,000 people gathered in Tel Aviv’s Rothschild Avenue on Tuesday in protest of the amendment to the Defamation Law, which passed its first Knesset reading on Monday. 


The protest, which was organized by Peace Now , came on the heels of an initiative proposed by right-wing Knesset members, which aims to increase the maximum compensation paid for libel violations to NIS 300,000 (roughly $80,500) – six times what it is today – regardless of proof of damage.


4.  Haaretz

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Israel ‘s self-victimizing right is misleading the people

The savage attack of the extreme, self-victimizing right is misleading the whole system, causing it to think that maybe it really does represent the majority, and apologize for not adhering to its ideology.


By Merav Michaeli


“Finally, the right is beginning to rule,” said MK Uri Ariel (National Union ) after the vote to change the composition of the Judicial Appointments Committee.


The entire paradox is embodied in one man. Ariel is a declared rightist, a member of the Judicial Appointments Committee from the beginning of the term, while at the same time in the opposition, which is supposed to be non-right. He has served as head of the settlers’ council, head of the Defense Ministry’s settlement division, a board member of the Jewish National Fund and the first council head of the settlement Beit El. Yet he feels that only now “finally the right is beginning to rule.


Ariel’s resume alone exemplifies exactly to what extent the right has been ruling here for a very long time, including when the “left” was supposedly in power. And yet we hear that cry of the assailant posing as victim.


The Supreme Court and the media, which according to MK Yariv Levin (Likud ) must also be conquered in order to rule, have never been leftist. The Supreme Court and the media, in different ways, are mainly liberal. The good old patriarchal liberalism, advocating equality and freedom, but without renouncing the hegemony and supremacy of the white, secular, but very Jewish man.


The Supreme Court permitted practically all the settlements, the roads to them and the perks they get, and legitimized the separation wall and the extrajudicial executions. It enables ultra-Orthodox men’s exemption from military service and Orthodoxy’s exclusive control over conversion, marriage and divorce. It allows segregation between men and women and permits state laws based on halakha, like forbidding public transportation on the Sabbath. In fact, the Supreme Court has preserved all the right’s interests and strengthened them.


The media are pro-establishment by nature. They identify with the ruling power, until they don’t, according to their own need for drama. The media glorified Menachem Begin as it glorified Yitzhak Rabin, protected Ariel Sharon as it abused Shimon Peres and supported both the Oslo Accords and Operation Defensive Shield. They employ a large number of women and display them frequently, but in inferior positions and as sexual objects and they support anything Jewish and patriotic (like the Tzohar rabbis’ marriage ceremonies, for example ).


The right and its positions have been abundantly represented in the media, which have effectively disseminated these positions and strengthened them.


But the right did not invent this paradox. This is exactly the paradox in which Israel has always conducted itself as a state, increasingly so since 1967. A strong, thriving, flourishing Israel is occupying the West Bank and Gaza in one format or another, oppressing the Palestinian people in these territories on a daily basis, and at the same time, entertains a victim’s self-image and awareness and portrays itself to the world as such. Both Israel and the right use the victim’s position to justify their aggression against Israelis, non-Israelis, institutions and other states.


This is why Israelis have trouble discerning that the right, now running amuck in a frenzied bid to take over all the authorities – especially those that aren’t supposed to be under the government’s power – isn’t really a victim. The performance of a victim attacking indiscriminately evokes a familiar feeling in most people, one they recognize immediately, and identify with regardless of the performance’s content. In the habit of presenting ourselves, the strong ones, as victims, the right wing’s violent, bullying victimization performance bypasses the public’s rational common sense, landing straight in the heart , which is used to that feeling of self-righteousness.


In this emotional sense, and only in this sense, the right really does represent the majority. This is how the Israeli public misses the fact that the extreme right does not represent the majority and has no concern for the majority’s interests. This is how the public fails to see that what the extreme right wants to accomplish with the latest onslaught of legislation is not good for most people, not even in its practical everyday meanings, regardless of the Palestinians.


The savage attack of the extreme, self-victimizing right is misleading the whole system, causing it to think that maybe it really does represent the majority, and apologize for not adhering to its ideology. Well, for the record, the extreme right already knows very well it is no victim. But it also knows how much it can benefit from playing that card. Just like Israel does.



5.  [use the link to watch the video]





Olive trees belonging to a resident of Beitillu that were torched, apparently by settlers. Photo: Iyad Hadad, B’Tselem, 24 Oct. ’11


 Video: Soldiers let settlers assault Palestinian demonstrators

On 29 Oct. ’11, Palestinian residents of Beit Ummar demonstrated on part of their land against theft of their lands. A B’Tselem volunteer documented settlers entering the security buffer strip surrounding the adjacent Carmei Tzur settlement, and throwing stones at the demonstrators. Soldiers at the scene did not try to stop the assault; instead, they removed the Palestinians by shooting tear gas and throwing stun grenades.


The anti-democratic initiatives only strengthen our resolve

Jessica Montell, B’Tselem’s Executive Director, calls on all those who are concerned about human rights and the Israeli democracy to speak out against efforts to stifle Israeli civil society.


Israeli civilian killed by Palestinian rocket fire

B’Tselem condemns the recent rocket fire by Palestinian organizations in Gaza at civilian areas in Israel . On 29 Oct., the firing killed Moshe Ami, 56, a father of four from Ashkelon . The organizations firing the rockets and mortar shells into Israel openly state their aim to kill civilians. Intentionally attacking civilians is immoral and constitutes a war crime.


Settler violence against Palestinian farmers in Ramallah area

On 24-26 Oct. ’11, B’Tselem documented four cases of attacks on farmers from Beitillu, a Palestinian village near Ramallah, and their property. In three cases, the perpetrators damaged olive trees. In one case, settlers assaulted farmers who had come to their land to pick olives. The army failed to provide the farmers with adequate protection.


No religious conflict in Hebron

B’Tselem’ s Hebron field-researcher Musa Abu Hashhash published an op-ed in the Jerusalem Post in anticipation of a mass pilgrimage of Jews to Hebron this Saturday. If we continue to allow the extremists to use religion to divide us, our conflict will be bloody and intractable. When we focus on basic rights we can build a future based on dignity for us all.


B’Tselem awarded Danish human rights award jointly with Palestinian organization Al-Haq

Palestinian and Israeli human rights organizations B’Tselem and Al-Haq were jointly awarded the annual human rights award given by the Danish PL Foundation this year. The award has been given since the 1980s to individuals and organizations who struggle non-violently for the values embodied by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Israeli civil society organizations respond to attacks against activists

18 Israeli civil society organizations speak out following the attacks on Peace Now: Israeli law enforcement authorities must take the threat seriously and act to protect activists from violence. 


6.  Dear Barbara,

why “who profits”? I should rather add: “and who pays the price..

The fact, mentioned below is one of the greatest crime against the 4th Geneva Convention because of it is irreversibility.
Israel deposites the waste, civil and military, of the whole country in occupied palestine !
And who operates this? Veolia, the same FRENCH company already involved in operating the Tramway to Maale Adumim,
– occupied and annexed by Israel against international law. Furthermore, VEOLIA operates a great number of public bus
services, from “Israel-proper” to illegal settlemente in occupied Palestine .

Please distribute this largely – also within your Attac-network –  there should be done something against it!

Best regards

Von: “Jess Ghannam” <[email protected]>
Gesendet: 21.11.2011 19:08:12
An: “Al-Awda-SF@yahoogroups. Com” <[email protected]>, “Al-Awda-News@yahoogroups. Com” <[email protected]>, uscom4acbi <[email protected]>, academicsforjustice <[email protected]>, palestine_solidarity_network <[email protected]>


Betreff: [AcademicsforJustice] Who Profits: Veolia owns, operates Tovlan landfill in OPT for Israeli waste

Veolia is not only still involved in the illegal Israeli tram project connecting Israeli’s colonies to Jerusalem, it also owns and operates (through its subsidiaries), as confirmed below, the infamous Tovlan landfill which processes Israeli waste on occupied Palestinian land in direct violation of international law.


Though it lost billions of dollars worth of contracts worldwide (particularly in the UK , Sweden and Ireland) and had to close shop in many countries, due to BDS and other factors, Veolia has yet to end its complicity in Israel’s grave violations of international law. It may take the loss of more lucrative contracts, especially in the US , to feel more heat. Then its share owners will reconsider.



Veolia’s Involvement in the Occupied Jordan Valley – An Update

  • Confirmation from the Civil Administration – waste from within Israel is transferred to Veolia‘s site in the Jordan Valley

  • YARV Sherutei Noy 1985 – a subsidiary of Veolia has won a tender for waste collection services from IDF bases in the Jordan valley

On October 10th, 2011 the Israeli Civil Administration responded to a Freedom of Information law application that had been submitted by ‘Who Profits‘ a month earlier. The application was regarding the Tovlan landfill – a waste-disposal site operated by Veolia in the occupied Jordan Valley . Previous research work carried out by the ‘LifeSource‘ collective indicated that the waste transferred to the landfill originates within Israel . The Civil Administration’s reply officially confirms this and clarifies that Veolia is responsible for the transferring of Israeli waste to the company’s site in the OPT.

Furthermore, the civil administration’s response includes a list of companies authorized to transfer waste to the Tovlan landfill, among them two subsidiaries of Veolia Environmental Services Israel: TMM – Integrated Recycling Services and YARV Sherutei Noy 1985. In mid-August of this year, the latter won a tender issued by the Ministry of Defense for waste collection services from the IDF bases in the Jordan Valley .

Veolia is a multi-national French company operating in the fields of water, waste management, energy and transport services. Through its subsidiaries, Veolia is involved in the operation of the light rail in Jerusalem – a project that was designed to connect the city of Jerusalem with the illegal settlements around it. Additionally, the company operates bus services to Israeli settlements in the West Bank along road 443, which has been referred to as an “apartheid road”, because Palestinians are prohibited from driving on almost all segments of it.

Through its subsidiary, Veolia Environmental Services Israel (which bought T.M.M. Integrated Recycling Services), the company owns and operates the Tovlan landfill in the occupied Jordan Valley . The waste transferred to the landfill originates in recycling factories within Israel and in settlements in the West Bank. The company uses captured Palestinian land and natural resources for the needs of Israeli civilians on both sides of the green line. Under international law, Israel is prohibited from using land in occupied territory for the sole benefit of its own civilian population and, thus, the company may be complicit in Israel ‘s alleged violations of international law.

 The civil administration’s response includes the following information:

  1. Eight Israeli companies hold permits to transfer waste to the Tovlan landfill: Eden Brief Recycling Services; Rami Shitawi – Poultry Maintenance; YARV – Sherutei Noy 1985; Ramnir; Mifat 1965; SH Market – Trade and Recycle; Sharonim Recycling; and TMM – Integrated Recycling Services. 

  2. The waste transferred to the Tovlan site is brought from recycling factories in the areas of HaSharon, Sgula, Haifa and Afula and from the Hiriya site (southeast of Tel Aviv). All of these sites are located within Israel .  

  3. The waste transferred to the landfill consists of municipal solid waste, construction waste, sterilized medical waste and electronic waste. The civil administration mentioned that there is no permit for bringing hazardous waste into the site. 

  4. The average amount of waste that originates inside Israel and is permitted to be buried in the site is 19,000 tons a month. 

  5. At the moment there are no expansion plans for the site.


Who Profits Newsletter


7.  Today in Palestine

November 21, 2011

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