Dorothy Online Newsletter


Dear Friends,

Since Tuesday evening I have been trying to learn and get used to a new computer.  I am sure that many of you share my frustration when going from a  nearly 7 yr old XP Office 2000 to a brand new Windows 7 and office 2003.  Yesterday was very frustrating as I searched for commands, lost internet and eventually discovered why, and so on and so forth.  Can’t say that I love this machine, but my old one was on the way to a crash.  Even our computer technician who put this one together, could not understand how I could have continued to work on it.  Well, I guess it’s because I knew what the changeover was likely to take before I got used to the new machine.  In any event, I guess it will take another day or two before I feel totally a home with this one, but eventually that will happen.  Meanwhile you gained fewer items yesterday. 


Today there are only 6 items because most of the commercial press was heavy on Gilad Shalit or on Gaddafi’s death, neither of which you need to hear from me.


The first item is a review of a book that I hope you all will read: “Israel Rejectionism: A Hidden Agenda in the ME Peace Process.”  It’s truly an important book which aims to teach all of us that Israel ’s leaders have never wanted peace with Palestinians except on Israel ’s terms.  I have been implying  this for years, maintaining that Israel ’s leaders care more about expansion and ethnic cleansing than about the lives not only of Palestinians but also of Israeli Jews, much less Israeli citizens who are Bedouins or Druze.   This book openly and explicitly states “. . . there is no peace between Israelis and Palestinians after 62 years because Israel never wanted to achieve peace with its Palestinian neighbors.”  And the book furnishes the evidence to substantiate.  The book is easy reading rather than scholarly writing.  I would call it a primer on the subject.  The review tells you more.  I have not corrected the few typos and English errors.  They do not detract from the essence.


Item 2 is ‘facts about Palestinian prisoners.’  We’ve heard a great deal about what Gilad Shalit probably suffered his 5+ years in jail.  It’s worth knowing also some data about what Palestinian prisoners are subjected to in Israeli jails.  For instance, we have heard over and over again that Gilad was not allowed visitors, that he was kept in solitary confinement for the entire period.  Well, if I recall correctly Mordechai Vanunu was also kept in solitary confinement by Israel for not 5 but over 11 years.  Palestinian prisoners undergo like treatment.  Nor are all allowed family visits—a complex subject due to the various reasons that they are not.


Item 3, ‘Welcome to Palestine 2012” is an activity request.  Following  the past attempt to enter Palestine en masse, the organizers hope to encourage many more to try this time again.


Item 4, “Don’t collaborate with apartheid,” is a Palestinian call to “European universities, academics, students, and people of conscience” to refrains from cooperating with Israeli universities, all of which are complicit in maintaining the occupation.


Item 5 is on racism against Muslims in the United States .  We Jews who have ourselves suffered from racism should deplore this and all racism.


Item 6 is ‘Today in Palestine ,’ a compilation of events and reports on what is happening daily, primarily in the West Bank and Gaza .  I hope that you will glance through all or most of the summaries, and that you will read at least some of the reports.  I recommend the following: under the first heading “Settlers, Israeli forces” the initial item, “A harvest of Tears” and also “DCO overrules Qordoba school.”  Under the heading ‘Detention/Hunger Strike’ that you read ‘Detainees suspend hunger strike for 3 days,’ ‘Calls grow to release Palestinian child prisoners,’ and ‘UNICEF appeals for their release.’  Under the heading “Discrimination/Racism” please read ‘Palestinians of Israel are 2nd class citizens.’ And under the heading “Land, Property” please check out “Checkpoints . . .”


That’s it for today, except to say that I have a very uneasy feeling that the United States and other Western powers are using the uprisings (or instigating some of them) for their own purposes. Who will enjoy Lybia’s oil now?   But that’s another whole subject, and one that I need much more information on before I can say anything worthwhile. 


All the best,



Israeli Rejectionism – Book Review
By Ludwig Watzal(Zalman Amit/Daphna Levit, Israeli Rejectionism. A Hidden Agenda in the Middle East Peace Process, Pluto, London – New York , pp 208.)

After having negotiated for 20 years with different Israeli governments about a solution to the conflict in the Middle East, the Palestinian leadership is sick and tired of the charade that the U. S. , the rest of the West and even the occupied Palestinians under the rule of Mahmud Abbas call “peace process”. Abbas asks the United Nations to grant the “State of Palestine” full membership status. The Israeli government fiercely opposes this move and so does the U. S. Since 1967, when Israel´s violations of international norms were brought before the UN Security Council time and again, the U. S. government has backed it off-hand. For the large majority of U. S governments, Israel was always the “good guy” even after it attacked the USS liberty in the June war of 1967 in international waters of the shore of Israel and killed 34 US marines. At the question, who is responsible for the stalemate in the progress towards peace in the Middle East for the last 80 years, the book “Israeli Rejectionism” comes into play.

Already in the introduction of this book, the authors blame Israeli leadership for its rejectionist attitude towards peace. “Our position is that Israel was never primarily interested in establishing peace with its neighbors unless such a peace was totally on its own terms.” (11) According to the authors, Israel has repeatedly proclaimed its commitment to peace, but it´s real political strategy has been to thwart any real possibility of peace. It´s leadership has always been convinced “that peace is not in Israel`s interest”. As history shows, this holds true up till now. This peace-rejecting attitude did neither evolve with the occupation of the rest of Palestine in 1967 nor with the establishment of the state in 1948 but can be traced back to the first Zionist leaders such as Theodor Herzl, especially David Ben-Gurion as the authors write. As an anticipated résumé of the authors one can state: Not Israel lacks a viable “partner for peace”, as the Israeli propaganda tells the public, but it is the other way around: the Palestinians have no reliable “partner for peace”. To proof this fallacy, they run through a gamut of statements, staring from slogan “ Palestine – homeland for the Jews?” via “Barak leaves no stone unturned” to the “Peace on a downhill slope”. On this journey, they find the peace-resistant party: the different governments of Israel .

This assertion by the authors runs counter to the propaganda promoted by Israeli hasbara and their friends in the U. S. and elsewhere. Both authors were initially true believers of the socialist Zionist cause serving the neophyte state within the kibbutz movement. Over many years, they were loyal followers of Zionist ideology. Zalman Amit particularly was a determined Zionist, who was even an emissary of the United Kibbutz Movement in Canada . There, he delivered sermons about the virtues of Zionism. At one of the Jewish jamborees, which he organized, he gave a speech in which he elaborated on the standard left-wing Zionist beliefs. After he finished, an Israeli friend who attend the gatherings for several days, asked him: “Do you really believe this?” So he explained to him that Ben-Gurion “never wanted peace”. The Zionist façade slowly cracked. Both authors engaged in the June war of 1967. After the Six Day War, they finally experienced their aha-experience regarding the reality of Zionism. At that time, they were already adults. At that junction, they realized how difficult it was to admit to themselves that they had entertained a pipe dream. Finally, they realized that Israel always was the side that sabotaged opportunities for peace with the Arabs. Moshe Dayan´s famous “telephone strategy” was an excuse for him to “do nothing”. Israel waited for a telephone call from the Arabs but the call never came!

Among many historians and politicians, David Ben-Gurion, Israel´s first Prime Minister, is highly regarded. But the picture the authors draw of his policy, he seems as a mere rejectionist; he did everything to sabotage any compromise towards the Arab side. His policy, according to the authors, was to gain as much territory with a minimum of Arab inhabitants. As his writings show, transfer and expulsion were political options. When Israel together with France and Britain conquered the Sinai in 1956, he talked about the “ Kingdom of Israel ” encompassed biblical boundaries, but he also avoided any concrete commitment where Israel´s normal boarders should run. One day, before the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel was made, the question of borders arose in a meeting of Zionist politicians. Ben-Gurion, according to the protocol, said this should be left to “developments”, a euphemism for further conquest. Up to this day, the Israeli leadership won’t tell where Israel ’s exact borders should run. The authors show that former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser started several peace initiatives but to no avail. The Zionist leadership was not interested in and depicted him “as an enemy of the State of Israel“. Ben-Gurion also plotted against his successor Moshe Sharett. He was also a driving force in the 1956 conspiracy against Egypt with the colonial powers of France and Britain to overthrow Nasser in the war of 1956. Although this assault was militarily successful, it turned out to be a Pyrrhic victory, especially for Ben-Gurion. In the UN Security Council, the US tried to condemn Israel as the aggressor. For the first time, Britain and France cast their veto against the US . Massive pressure from the Eisenhower administration led to the withdrawal of all occupying forces from Egyptian territory. Ben-Gurion’s “Third Kingdom of Israel” was short-lived, it just lasted for four days.

Between the Israeli attacks in 1956 and 1967 there have been a number of military encroachments and Israeli provocations against its Arab neighbors, such as on the Golan and against Gaza. After the June war of 1967 Ben-Gurion’s dream came true. Israel had captured land for which it claimed “biblical entitlement“. According to the authors, all of Israel ’s leadership were “intoxicated“ by this achievement of “messianic dimensions“. In this mode of “drunken euphoria“ even self-proclaimed doves like Abba Eban referred to the armistice boundaries as the “Auschwitz lines“, and the nationalist Menachem Begin called for outright annexation of the West Bank and Gaza. The authors show that the Israeli government started right away with its colonial project by evacuating and destroying the Mugraby neighborhood adjacent to the Wailing Wall. Yigal Alon drafted at that time his famous “Allon Plan“, which still serves as a blueprint for Israel’s expansionist policies.

According to the authors – Zalman Amit and Daphna Levit – there are no major differences between Labor-, Kamia-, or Likud-led governments regarding colonization of the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). It is only a matter of rhetoric that divides the three political camps. Between the June war of 1967 and the Yom Kippur war in 1973 there have been several peace initiatives byPresident Nasser or his successor Anwar al-Sadat but Israel was only willing to make “peace“ according to its own terms. The “expansionist positions“ among Israel´s ruling political class continued as revealed by the “ Galilee document” drafted by Prime Minister Golda Meir confident, Israel Galilee. „It was no conciliatory step towards peace, and reinforced the Egyptian and Syrian inclination to go to war.“ (84)

Although the State of Israel had the upper hand, the sudden Yom Kippur war that dented the feeling of invincibility left Israel with a collective post-war trauma. Some Israeli politicians realized that the Middle East conflict cannot be solved by military means but only through a peace agreement. The reason why the peace process went nowhere lies, according to the authors, in the country’s unwillingness to give up the occupied territories and to recognize the national aspiration of the Palestinian people. The Israeli intransigence continued under the government of Menachem Begin, although he made peace with Egypt . After the fiasco in Lebanon , he was replaced by Yitzhak Shamir in 1983. Shamir “considered the only acceptable position for Israel was no retreat at all, and peace was not particularly high on his agenda“. (104) When Shamir was defeated by Yitzhak Rabin in the 1992 election, he made clear that “his intention was to drag out the negotiations for at least ten years“. (110) The peace conference in Madrid in 1991 agreed that all parties to the conflict should negotiate under Washington´s umbrella.

Space prevents from commenting on each particular historic incident the authors describe. One period is, however, worth mentioning. It’s Prime Minister Ehud Barak’s short term in office.. He is one of the most rejeconist Israeli politicians, although he disguised himself, until 2011, in Labor clothes that is still considered “left-wing” by few political pundits. He comes from a Zionist Kibbutz Movement, as Rabin´s Minister for the Interior he voted against the Oslo accords, and as Israel’s Prime Minister he destroyed not only the remnants of the so-called peace process but also the so-called Israeli Zionist left. His role at Camp David in the year 2000 was solely destructive. He played games not only with the Americans but also with Arafat and the Israeli public. He and Clinton blamed Yassir Arafat for the failure at Camp David . Actually, he was the one who deceived everybody in order to disguise his rejectionist attitude. The authors demonstrate this by quoting people who attended this meeting that could have led to peace if the U. S. would have played its role as an “honest broker” seriously.

After Ariel Sharon defeated Barak, his “follow in spirit”, in 2001, peace did not have a chance at all. The events of 9/11 gave Sharon a welcome pretext for dismantling Arafat’s administration in the autonomous areas and commit atrocities in the OPT. The authors’ description of the Olmert government gives no hope for the future, not to speak of the right-wing Netanyahu/Lieberman government. They come to the conclusion that a peace agreement was never concluded because it “was never Israel´s top priority”. (163). Israel´s military strength is one of its main trumps, “but Israel has practically evolved into an army that has a country”. (163) For the authors, Israel’s ruling class is so successful because the Israeli people want to see itself as a “protected mighty”, and the settlement movement has been so successful because it presents itself as purely Jewish, authentic, and as a grass-roots force. Amit/Levit name many distortions: Israel is a substantial nuclear power with a powerful military; the Israeli Jewish people live in a “self-imposed ghetto” and nourish their own sense of victimhood, and claiming they are constantly threatened from without. The authors see no prospect for peace in their lifetime.

The book’s special value is in demonstrating that not the Arabs are the ones who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity, as Abba Eban used to say. The real rejectionists are Israel elites who seek further territory for their “Eretz Israel ” at the cost of another people. That “ Israel is no partner for peace” is a daring, but well argued, conclusion that should be thoroughly examined by all those who are involved in Middle Eastern affairs.

– Dr. Ludwig Watzal lives as a journalist in Bonn , Germany . He contributed this article to Contact him at: [email protected].


2.  Forarded by Elana

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]On Behalf OfPAUL LARUDEE
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 4:43 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; Iftah
Subject: [hurriyya] Fw: Palestinian prisoners – the facts


— On Tue, 10/18/11, laura stuart <[email protected]> wrote:

From: laura stuart <[email protected]>
Subject: Palestinian prisoners – the facts
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2011, 6:46 AM


Report: Facts about Palestinian prisoners naked israel gaza.jpg naked israel gaza.jpg naked israel gaza.jpgPalestine, (Pal Telegraph) – Executive Summary: On Sept. 27, 2011, approximately 500 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails launched a hunger strike to protest increasingly discriminatory, inhumane and illegal treatment by the Israeli government – ranging from preventing access to books, educational programs and new clothes, to imposing solitary confinement on inmate leaders, to restricting visits by families and lawyers.

Three days later, on Sept. 30, the hunger strikers issued a call for international solidarity. UFree, an Oslo , Norway-based organization that promotes and defends the rights of Palestinian prisoners and detainees, calls on all human rights advocates to: Add their names to its petition, calling on the Israeli authorities to stop the collective punishment and to use Twitter and Facebook to encourage followers to do the same. Email their country’s Israeli embassy with the same demand. UFree provides suggested wording on its website. Contact their legislative or parliamentary representative to ask him or her to raise the issue with their government’s foreign affairs office.

18th October 2011


International law Whatever land a person calls home, travels to or is detained in, basic human rights are guaranteed through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Geneva Conventions and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In 1990, the United Nations made clear that prisoners retained many of those same rights, in a resolution titled, Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners. However, detention without due process and inhumane treatment are rampant among Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

For example, the violations start with where they are held. Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention forbids occupiers from transferring prisoners outside of their own territory. Yet the vast majority of Palestinian prisoners are held in Israel — making it impossible for many family members to visit.

Education is another basic right guaranteed to prisoners. The UN is now on record as stating that people in prisons retain “right to take part in cultural activities and education aimed at the full development of the human personality.” In contrast, since the beginning of Israel ’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, the Israeli government has made it almost impossible for Palestinian prisoners and detainees to pursue higher education – including children as young as 16, who are incarcerated with the adult inmates. For example, in 2011, more than 300 Palestinian prisoners were excluded for the third consecutive year from taking their secondary school exams – required to graduate and go to college.

When Palestinian prisoners are punished, often with no provocation, the penalty is harsh. PFLP Secretary General Ahmed Sa’adat has been held in solitary confinement for three years. Palestinian Prisoners at a Glance Since the extension of the occupation of Palestine to the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, more than 650,000 Palestinians have been taken prisoner – one out of every four Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza . Forty percent of male Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza have spent time in occupation jails.

Held without trial – Administrative Detention

At least half of prisoners are never given a trial. Israeli military commanders can detain an individual for up to six months without charge or trial. On or just before the expiry date, the detention order is frequently renewed. This process can be continued indefinitely. Administrative detention is often used against Palestinian writers, advocates or community organizers who are difficult to charge in military court. Administrative detention orders are issued either at the time of arrest or at some later date and are often based on secret evidence. Neither the detainee, nor the detainee’s lawyers are given access to the secret evidence. There are currently 221 Palestinians in administrative detention, including 20 elected parliamentarians of the Palestinian Legislative Council.

Child prisoners

There are no juvenile prisons for Palestinians, and children often serve their sentences in the same cells as adults. More than 6,000 Palestinian children have been detained since 2000, and there were 209 Palestinian prisoners under 18 as of January 2011 — 29 under the age of 16.

In March 2011, the Palestinian Ministry of Detainee Affairs published a new report documenting the torture of children as young as seven in Israeli prisons. Between January and March of 2011, Israeli soldiers abducted 150 children and all of them were interrogated during the course of their imprisonment – with many subjected to hitting, psychological abuse, and other violence or threat of violence without a parent or adult representative present.

Women prisoners

An estimated 10,000 Palestinian women have been arrested and detained by the Israeli military since 1967, including 34 currently according to the July 2010 update from the Women’s Organization for Political Prisoners (the latest numbers available). The Addameer Prisoners’ Support and Human Rights Association reports that Palestinian women prisoners are subjected to severe abuse during interrogation, including various forms of torture, denial of medical treatment and threats of sexual abuse and rape.

Longterm prisoners

At the other end of the spectrum are older prisoners, 143 of whom have served terms of more than 20 years. Palestinian Fakhri Barghouthi, for example, is the world’s record-holder. The 54-year-old Barghouthi, originally from Ramallah, has been in custody for 33 years, after being detained on 4 April 1978 at the age of 21 for a suspected bombing. He has been in prison 12 years longer than he was free, and continues to be denied visits by his sister. Another is Akram Mansour, who has been jailed for 33 years and is quite ill with cancer.

2011 Hunger Strike

On June 23, 2011, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu announced that he would use collective punishment of Palestinian prisoners – a type of blackmail – to try to force the return of Staff Sergeant Gilad Shalit, one of its soldiers who has been a POW since 2006. What followed were increasing numbers of prisoners sent to solitary confinement, diet restrictions for everyone, a ban on new enrollments in higher-education classes, and severe cut-backs in family visits and telephone calls. For decades, Palestinian prisoners have engaged in hunger strikes to demand – and win – their rights, putting their bodies on the line to demand freedom and dignity for themselves, their people, their homeland, and their nation. This time was no different. According to Palestinian Prisoners Affairs Minister Issa Qaraqea, approximately 500 inmates18th October 2011 are refusing to eat altogether, and others are saying “no” to food three days a week to show their solidarity.

Their demands include: Stop using solitary confinement as a weapon. Permit inmates from the Gaza Strip to have family visits, reversing a ban in place since 2007. Permit all prisoners to make phone calls and receive visits from relatives other than parents or the spouse. Remove the glass “separation wall” and allow children to touch their imprisoned parent. Stop tying prisoners’ hands and legs during family and lawyer visits. Allow prisoners timely access to needed preventive and medical care. Allow inmates to pursue secondary, graduate, and post-graduate education.

Stop all collective punishment in response to the perceived wrongdoing of one. In response, the Israeli Minister of Internal Security has threatened to escalate the repression, moving all prisoners participating in the hunger strike into isolation and solitary confinement, and forcibly transferring them to other prisons in the occupation system. Prisoners are frequently transferred by occupation forces in an attempt to break up social bonds and disrupt organizing against prison repression. Israeli prison officials have reportedly told the prisoners that for each day they spend on hunger strike, they will be banned from family visits for one month. Already, during one family visit, Israeli prison authorities confiscated the identity cards of the relatives of Palestinian prisoners Mahmoud Abu Wahdan and Raed Sayel. The families were told that because their imprisoned relatives refused to break their hunger strike, they were not allowed to visit them.

Elsewhere, in Asqelan Prison, the Israeli prison administration prevented lawyers from visiting detainees. A lawyer who came to Asqelan to visit prisoners Ahed Abu Ghoulmeh, Allam Al-Kaabiand Shadi Sharafa was banned from visiting the prisoners and informed that these three and all prisoners from the PFLP who are on hunger strike are prohibited from receiving lawyer visits. In addition, female prisoners participating in the hunger strike –Sumoud Kharajeh, Linan Abu Ghoulmeh, Duaa Jayyousi and Wuroud Kassem – have been moved into isolation and solitary confinement. In the Ofer prison, Israeli authorities placed nine detainees – members of the PFLP – in solitary confinement and confiscated all their personal effects, clothing and other belongings.

3.  Forwarded by Natalie Cohen

Welcome to Palestine 2012 – Media release
19th October 2011

In the West Bank the accelerated demolition of Palestinian homes is part of an open and illegal policy of changing the demographic composition of the area. This siege and forced population transfer could not take place without the complicity of European Governments and, we have learned, it is even policed by European airline companies. Israeli crimes do not stop at the medieval siege of Gaza .

Last year hundreds of human rights activists signed up to Welcome to Palestine 2011 to assert their right to enter Occupied Palestine openly and peacefully at the invitation of Palestinian hosts. In that first open effort, over 100 ended up being attacked by Israeli soldiers, imprisoned by the Israeli authorities without charge, and barred from peacefully proceeding to Bethlehem . Hundreds of others were illegally prevented from even boarding their flights in a number of European capitals at the behest of the Israeli Government.

An international organising meeting in Paris, involving both those jailed in 2011 and new groups joining next year for the first time, agreed to issue a fresh call for Welcome to Palestine 2012, the next round of the campaign to be allowed to enter Palestine peacefully and openly. This campaign will continue until the inmates of Israel ’s giant system of control, the imprisoned Palestinian people, enjoy the right to receive international visitors in peace and solidarity.

Welcome to Palestine 2011 planned to help Palestinians replant some of the million olive trees destroyed by Israeli authorities since 1967. Participants in Welcome to Palestine 2012 aim to contribute their skills towards the building of a Palestinian school.

We call on you to join and support our peaceful action to secure this fundamental right to freedom of travel: Israel ’s failure to concede this minimum right will mean it has publicly crossed another red line in its denial of Palestinian human rights.

Join Welcome to Palestine 2012, which begins on Sunday April 15th with flights from many international airports to Occupied Palestine, by necessity via Tel Aviv Airport in Israel .

· Join us on April 15th flying into Palestine via Tel Aviv

· Add your name and that of your organisation, trade union, campaign group, church, etc., to list of signatories endorsing the attached appeal. Forward the Appeal to other human rights supporters

E-mail: [email protected]

ENGLISH: Welcome to Palestine Initiative 2012
(Arabic/Bulgarian/Dutch/French/German/Greek/Italian/Malay/Norwegian/Polish/Portuguese/Spanish/Turkish versionsattached)


“We, the undersigned, endorse the call from the Welcome to Palestine 2012 initiative for supporters of Palestinian human and national rights around the world to openly visit Palestine during Easter 2012.

There is no way into Palestine other than through Israeli control points. Israel has turned Palestine into a giant prison, but prisoners have a right to receive visitors.

Welcome to Palestine 2012 will again challenge Israel’s policy of isolating the West Bank while the settler paramilitaries and army commit brutal crimes against a virtually defenceless Palestinian civilian population.

We call on governments to support the right of Palestinians to receive visitors and the right of their own citizens to visit Palestine openly.

The participants in Welcome to Palestine 2012 ask to be allowed to pass through Tel Aviv airport without hindrance and to proceed to the West Bank to take part in a project there for children to benefit from the right to education.”

Sam Bahour

Tony Benn

Noam Chomsky

Jonathan Cook

Stephane Hessel

Ronnie Kasrils

Nurit Peled

John Pilger

Nawal Al Sadaawi

Vauro Senesi

Desmond Tutu


In the asymmetry of relations between the growing state of Israel and the shrinking non-state of Palestine , doing nothing is a deeply partisan act.


4. From [email protected]; on behalf of; Palestinian BDS National Committee [[email protected]]

Don´t Collaborate with Apartheid – a call from Palestinian civil society on European universities, academics, students and people of conscience

The State of Israel practises a system of occupation, colonialism and apartheid over the Palestinian people, but it does not do so unaided. Israeli military companies are the main enablers of Israel´s persistent and grave violations of international law. They provide the weaponry and technology that allow Israel to commit atrocities and daily violations of human
rights, and they directly participate in the construction of Israel´s Apartheid Wall, declared illegal by the International Court of Justice on 9 July 2004.[1] Israeli universities and research institutes are deeply involved in military research and weapons development projects that put them at the heart of planning and implementing Israeli war crimes.[2]

Palestinian academics, students and civil society organisations therefore deplore the extensive research collaboration that takes place between European universities and Israeli military companies, universities and research institutes that are complicit with Israeli violations of international law and human rights. We call for an immediate end to all research
collaboration with Israeli military companies and all Israeli research institutions that are involved in violating international law and human rights.

The research collaboration that is facilitated by the EU-Israel Association Agreement is of particular concern. The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) is a multi-billion euro European Union research funding scheme that provides funds for universities and companies from different countries to work together on specific research projects. As a result of the EU-Israel Association Agreement, and despite Israel´s consistent violation of the
Agreement´s human rights clause, Israeli military companies and research institutions are granted access to FP7 on an equal footing as those from EU member states.[3]

Israeli military companies such as Elbit Systems and Israeli Aerospace Industries, both of which contribute to the ongoing construction of Israel´s illegal Apartheid Wall and both of which supplied drones that were deployed by Israel to kill civilians during Operation Cast Lead, receive public funding from the EU and collaborate with European universities through their participation in FP7 projects.[4] Deeply complicit Israeli academic institutions such as Technion, notorious for its role in developing weapons used in Israeli massacres of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, participate in `security´ projects that could clearly assist them in the development of technologies and knowledge used to oppress Palestinian rights.[5]

Even Ahava, the Israeli cosmetics company that has been subjected to a highly effective international boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign focused on its location in and partial ownership by the illegal Israeli settlement of Mitzpe Shalem, participates in FP7 projects, granting it access to public funds and partnering it with universities in the UK, Italy,
the Basque and beyond.[6] Such involvement of so deeply complicit companies and universities clearly violates the European Union´s own guidelines for participation in FP7 projects.

European universities and research institutions that conduct joint research with Israeli military companies or other organisations that assist the suppression of Palestinian rights provide the material and political support that enable and embolden Israel to continue infringing upon international law with impunity. Not only does such joint research provide a
false veneer of normalcy to institutions at the heart of Israel´s colonial system, but it is also likely to directly build on and further support the development of technology and techniques used to violently suppress Palestinian human rights. Far from existing in an “apolitical” bubble, joint research of this kind directly contributes to the injustices and violations of
international law and basic rights faced by Palestinians. It makes these European universities and research centers directly complicit in violating international law and human rights.

The nature of Israeli participation in FP7 projects provides further proof of the need for the EU to cancel the EU-Israel Association Agreement and impose a comprehensive military embargo on Israel and for European universities and research institutions to:
1. Immediately end all research collaboration with Israeli military companies and all Israeli research institutions that are involved in violating international law and human rights

2. Develop policies and mechanisms to ensure no further such collaboration can take place and ensure their effective implementation

We call on academics and students and their union organisations, human rights and solidarity organisations and people of conscience across Europe to:

1. Work with the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest Palestinian civil society coalition, to identify and expose research collaboration between European universities and Israeli military companies and all Israeli research institutions that develop expertise and technology used to suppress Palestinian rights or are otherwise complicit with
Israeli violations of international law, particularly where this collaboration taking place within the FP7 scheme[7]

2. Develop long-term, effective mass campaigns capable of successfully pressuring European universities and research institutions to end their complicity with Israeli Apartheid and implement policies to prevent further such collaboration

Signed by:

Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)*
Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)
Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees (PFUUPE)
Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign – Stop the Wall (STW)
Palestinian Students´ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel (PSCABI)

*The BNC is a wide coalition of the largest mass civil society organizations, unions, networks
and political parties.

To learn more about this campaign and for assistance with investigating
the collaboration with complicit Israeli organisations taking place at your university, please
contact [email protected]

[3]According to research published in November 2010, no non-EU country has received more funding per capita than Israel and Israel is especially overrepresented in the security theme of the research program.
[6] For details about Ahava and the campaign against it see For information about the FP7 projects in which Ahava is involved see &USR_SORT=EN_QVD+CHAR+DESC
[7] The European Union maintains a database of all FP7 projects at

LA Times Wednesday , October 19, 2011


The wrong way to fight terrorism

Law enforcement and intelligence agencies’ continued use of anti-Muslim training materials could lead to the collapse of a critical partnership with the Muslim American community.,0,4282951.story

By Salam Al-Marayati



We in the Muslim American community have been battling the corrupt and bankrupt ideas of cults such as Al Qaeda. Now it seems we also have to battle pseudo-experts in the FBI and the Department of Justice.

A disturbing string of training material used by the FBI and a U.S. attorney’s office came to light beginning in late July that reveals a deep anti-Muslim sentiment within the U.S. government.

If this matter is not immediately addressed, it will undermine the relationship between law enforcement and the Muslim American community — another example of the ineptitude and/or apathy undermining bridges built with care over decades. It is not enough to just call it a “very valid concern,” as FBI Director Robert Mueller told a congressional committee this month.

The training material in question provided to FBI agents at the academy in Quantico, Va. — as first reported by Wired magazine’s Danger Room blog — contained bigoted and inflammatory views on Muslims, including claims that “devout” Muslims are more prone toward violence, that Islam aims to “transform a country’s culture into 7th century Arabian ways,” that Islamic charitable giving is a “funding mechanism for combat” and that the prophet Muhammad was a “violent cult leader.”

Wired also found a 2010 presentation by an analyst working for the U.S. attorney’s office in Pennsylvania that warns of a ” ‘Civilizational Jihad’ stretching back from the dawn of Islam and waged today in the U.S. by ‘civilians, juries, lawyers, media, academia and charities’ who threaten ‘our values.’ The goal of that war: ‘Replacement of American Judeo-Christian and Western liberal social, political and religious foundations by Islam.'”

Such baseless and inflammatory claims shall best be left to those few who share Al Qaeda’s agenda of keeping America in a perpetual state of war with Islam. In other words, the rhetoric of Al Qaeda and these law enforcement trainers are opposite sides of the same coin of hate.

If our law enforcement and intelligence agencies continue to use incorrect and divisive training literature, the crucial partnership between the Muslim American community and law enforcement will slowly disintegrate. According to the Muslim Public Affairs Council’s Post-9/11 Terrorism Incident Database, these partnerships have proved effective in keeping our nation safe. Nearly 40% of Al Qaeda-related plots threatening the American homeland since 9/11 have been foiled thanks to tips from Muslims.

One example of this is the so-called Virginia 5 case in 2009, in which information from the Muslim community in Virginia led to the arrest in Pakistan of five Muslims from Virginia who were trying to join an Al Qaeda group. Last year, in another case, members of a Maryland community warned law enforcement about Antonio Martinez, who had recently converted to Islam. He was subsequently arrested after he allegedly tried to blow up a military recruitment center.

More important, Muslim leaders, not FBI agents, can more effectively battle Al Qaeda’s destructive ideas.

I have worked for more than 20 years with law enforcement and Muslim American communities, and one of the biggest consequences of these training sessions and use of this material is the setback of a vital relationship that required years to build. I know justifiable criticism can be levied against some Muslim leaders in America for not aggressively promoting civic engagement, for not being self-critical enough and for not distancing themselves from rabble-rousers. But how can we persuade Muslim American communities to stay at the table when the food on the table is filled with poison?

These training manuals are making it more difficult for Muslim Americans to foster any trust with law enforcement agencies. Biased and faulty training leads to biased and faulty policing.

The real challenge now is getting the partnership back on track, and for the FBI and the Justice Department to take the following steps: issue a clear and unequivocal apology to the Muslim American community; establish a thorough and transparent vetting process in selecting its trainers and materials; invite experts who have no animosity toward any religion to conduct training about any religious community to law enforcement. Finally, the White House needs to form an interagency task force that can conduct an independent review of FBI and Justice Department training material.

The following words are etched into the walls of the FBI headquarters building in Washington : “The most effective weapon against crime is cooperation … of all law enforcement agencies with the support and understanding of the American people.”

Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. and FBI Director Mueller, take some leadership on this matter, or the partnership we’ve built to counter violent extremism will forever be handicapped. The question you have to answer is simple: Are we on the same team or not?

Salam Al-Marayati is president of the Muslim Public Affairs Council.

Copyright © 2011, Los Angeles Times

5. Today in Palestine   for October 20, 2011



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