Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem
Chair of West Midland PSC
Dear Friends,
Most of the material below is from emails that I received and a bit from our local press. I barely glanced at the international media today. No time. Too much came through as it is. And so we have 9 items below. But some are quite brief, so it should not be an effort to go through them. And if you have the time and the will, remember also to glance also through ‘Today in Palestine’ to keep up on events in the West Bank and Gaza www.theheadlines,org.
Item 1, then, consists of comments on the new Israeli ID card. Frankly, from the description, it does not appeal to me. Ynet reported today, however, that citizens will have the right to choose to stay with the old one or to take the new one. Let’s hope that the info is correct.
Item 2 is a statement of Principles by the Palestine Trade Union Coalition for bds. This is an important step. True that before we can judge its impact, we have to see how it works in actuality. Yet the move itself, as also the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah, suggests that the Palestinians are getting their act together. Instead of fighting one another, they are finally working on tactics to get their common enemy—Zionism– off their backs. Let’s hope that they succeed using non-violent strategies as bds.
Items 3 and 4, the former from Gisha, the latter a Haaretz editorial, both argue that the union between Hamas and Fatah affords an opportunity that Israel should not miss.
Item 5 is less pleasing. Remember about a month ago I sent a few items from Seattle, where groups opposing Israel’s occupation tried first to have a message on buses, and when that was denied, then on billboards. Now that too has been denied. The link to the latter will take you to the story. Win some. Lose some. And yet, things as a whole are changing.
Items 6 and 7 are both from CPT—the first is a brief report about settler violence, the second a personal reaction to the killing of Bin Laden.
Item 8 reports that Israeli human rights organizations have taken the recently passed Nakba law to the Israeli High Court. I will be pleased but surprised if the court tells the Knesset (Israeli parliament) that the law is illegal. Will update when the verdict is given.
Item 9 is different from the usual fare in my messages, and were it a movie or comedy it might be amusing. But it being in real life is far from amusing. Apparently a number of states in the US are contemplating outlawing Sharia law. This worries quite a few Jews, who fear that if laws outlawing Sharia law pass, the next victim could be Halacha law. The long and the short of it is that Islamophobia continues to be strong in the US. When will people learn that racism can be turned against any one, that it is ugly, that it needs to be wiped out?