Dorothy Online Newsletter


Posted by: Sammi Ibrahem
Chair of West Midland PSC

Dear Friends,

Among the 6 items below are a hypothetical question, and in the next item the answer.  Things don’t always work out so neatly.  I am referring to items 3 and 4, to which I come in a moment.

Item one is an invitation to a protest.  If you live in Israel or surroundings you might wish to join the protest on March 3 in front of the U.S. Embassy.  The purpose is to show the world the United States collaboration with the occupation.

Item 2 requires a bit of background.  The Oslo agreements turned responsibility for managing Palestinian socio-economic concerns to the PA.  This conveniently relieved Israel from having to continue to pay for Palestinian education, welfare, health and the like for which Israel had been responsible prior to the Oslo agreements.  One aspect, however, remained in Israel’s hands: responsibility for residency rights.  Israel continued, in other words, to hang on to the responsibility for deciding who could live in Jerusalem, or the West Bank, or Gaza, and who could visit.  For several years this caused tremendous hardships on Palestinians, when suddenly families found themselves separated.  You can read all about this in B’tselem’s “Perpetual Limbo” In item 2 we learn that the Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem, who needed a visa to reside in Jerusalem, has for some unfathomable reason had his visa revoked.  Please read, and if you can, please encourage your community, synagogue, church, mosque, friends to write letters to Israel’s Interior Ministry telling it that this is totally unacceptable.

In item 3 Bradly Burston asks “What if Israeli forces treated West Bank settlers like Arabs?”  Well on occasion this does occur, and though rarely, one such occasion happened yesterday.  Item 4 coincidently responds to the question, by showing that when the settlers are in their eyes ‘mistreated,’ they take it out on, guess who?  Of course: on the Palestinians.

Item 5 is not new, but I am quite sure that I missed it and did not distribute it.  If I did, or if you have read it elsewhere, I apologize.  It is the sole item not about Israel, but could just as easily have been.  Marilyn Robinson in “The Wide Gap of Hypocrisy” writes that had the person who shot and injured a congresswoman and others, and killed additional persons, been a Moslem, he would have been treated very differently.  MR is objecting to the Islamophobia common in the US and elsewhere these days.  She is right, of course.  Anti-Semitism is not the only category of racism, nor is anti Afro-Americans.  Today’s main category of racism is Islamophobia, with no little help from the media and governments.  We are not born racists.  We have to be “taught” (as the song from the musical “South Pacific” says) before we are 6 or 7 or 8.  Or we can be made racist by governments and media by scare methods.  9-11 made the Moslems a very easy target for hate. It’s time to fight all racism.  Racism is born from generalizing a given religious, ethnic, or racial group, as though all its members had identical characteristics, which, of course, is impossible.

Item 6 shows that there is a shift in the United States mainstream discourse that Zionists do not want to hear.

That’s it for tonight.

All the best,



1.  [forwarded by Ronnie,

Monday, March 1, 2011]

נא להפיץ

בואו בהמוניכם!

Hebrew  follows English

We Won’t Be “The US Aircraft Carrier in the Middle East”

We invite all the organisations taking part in the struggle to join us this coming Thursday, March 3rd 2011, at 19:00, for a second vociferous and edgy protest in front of the US Embassy in Tel Aviv

We will draw the world’s attention to the USA’s collaboration with the occupation

Last week the United States vetoed the UN Security Council’s draft resolution condemning Israeli settlements, contrary to the position of the other 14 member states (including Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, India and South-Africa), and the request of the Palestinians, the direct victims of the settlement project.

The US presents itself as fair player, a mediator and a conciliator between Israel and the Palestinians. In practice, however, it has other interests in the region and maintains “special security relations” with Israel, seeing Israel as “The US aircraft carrier in the Middle East”. Notwithstanding this massive economic and military support, it is the US’s active support of Israel’s crimes that maintains the Israeli occupation and apartheid, and therefore we see the US as a full accomplice in these crimes and in the violation of international law.

We point the finger at the criminal policies of the US and of the European Union

are pointing the finger at the criminal policies of the US and the European Union.  Without their military, economic and diplomatic aid, Israel will not be able to keep flaunting International Law and consensus, ignoring proposed peace initiatives and persisting with the settlements project, oppression and apartheid. All that without diminishing the State of Israel’s direct responsibility for these crimes.

A new campaign is currently being initiated against US and EU support of the Israeli occupation. We call on the US to join the international community in deed rather than just talk, in giving the Palestinian people its legitimate rights. The future campaign will also draw attention to the part played by Western states.

Join us on Thursday | 3.3.11 | at 19:00 in front of the US Embassy, 71 Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv!

“The US aircraft carrier in the Middle East”:,7340,L-4030523,00.html

List of U.S. Vetoes of UN Resolutions Critical of Israel:

לא נהיה “נושאת המטוסים האמריקאית במזרח-התיכון”

אנו קוראים לכל ארגוני המאבק להצטרף אלינו ביום חמישי הקרוב, 3.3.2011, בשעה 19:00,

למשמרת שנייה של מחאה קולנית ועצבנית אל מול שגרירות ארה”ב בת”א

נפנה את תשומת לב העולם לשיתוף הפעולה האמריקאי עם הכיבוש

בשבוע שעבר הטילה ארה”ב ווטו על הצעת הגינוי של ההתנחלויות במועצת הביטחון של האו”ם, בניגוד לדעתן של שאר 14 המדינות החברות (ביניהן בריטניה, צרפת, גרמניה, רוסיה, סין, הודו ודרום-אפריקה) ובניגוד לבקשתם של הפלסטינים, קורבנותיו הישירים של מפעל ההתנחלות.

ארה”ב מציגה עצמה כשחקן הוגן, כמגשרת ומפשרת בין ישראל לפלסטינים. אך בפועל, יש לה אינטרסים אחרים באזור ומקיימת עם ישראל “יחסים ביטחוניים מיוחדים” ורואה את ישראל כ”נושאת המטוסים האמריקאית במזרח-התיכון”.  למרות תמיכה כלכלית וצבאית מאסיבית זו, תמיכתה הפעילה של ארה”ב בפשעי ישראל היא זו המקיימת את הכיבוש והאפרטהייד הישראליים ולכן אנו רואים בה שותפה מלאה לפשע ולהפרת הדין הבינ”ל.

אנו מפנות אצבע מאשימה כלפי המדיניות הפושעת של ארה”ב ושל האיחוד האירופי

אנו מפנות אצבע מאשימה כלפי המדיניות הפושעת של ארה”ב ושל האיחוד האירופי. ללא הסיוע הצבאי, הכלכלי והדיפלומטי שאלה מעניקות לישראל, לא תוכל ישראל להמשיך ולזלזל בחוק ובקונצנזוס הבינלאומיים, להתעלם מיוזמות השלום המוצעות לה ולהתעקש על המשך מפעל ההתנחלויות, הנישול והאפרטהייד. כל זאת מבלי להפחית מאחריותה הישירה של מדינת ישראל לפשעים אלה.

בימים אלה נפתח קמפיין חדש נגד הסיוע של ארה”ב והאיחוד האירופי לכיבוש הישראלי. אנו דורשות מארה”ב להצטרף לקהילה הבינלאומית במעש ולא רק בדיבור, להענקת הזכויות הלגיטימיות של העם הפלסטיני. הקמפיין העתידי יפנה את תשומת הלב גם אל חלקן של מדינות המערב.

הצטרפו אלינו ביום חמישי | 3.3.11 | שעה 19:00 מול שגרירות ארה”ב, רח’ הירקון 71, ת”א!

“נושאת המטוסים האמריקאית במזרח-התיכון”:,7340,L-4031964,00.html,7340,L-4030523,00.html

רשימת הטלות הווטו האמריקאיות לטובת ישראל:


2.  [forwarded by Sam Bahour]

February 25, 2011


Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem’s visa revoked’s-visa-revoked-20875.html#

by Arieh Cohen

Sheil Dawani is considered a foreigner, having been born in Nablus, while the Anglican cathedral and offices are in East Jerusalem. Without a visa, in theory he can be arrested and deported at any time. Appeal already submitted to an administrative tribunal could have the negative effect of giving reason to the government.

Jerusalem (AsiaNews) – Israel’s Interior Ministry has revoked the permit for the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, The Rt Revd Suheil Dawani, to live in Jerusalem, and has refused requests to reinstate it, in spite of protests by Anglican authorities in the West specifically the United States.

The Bishop is a native of the Holy Land and has spent most of his life and ministry here, but cannot obtain either citizenship or legal residence in Israel, since he was born in Nablus, i.e. in the West Bank, which has been under Israeli occupation since 1967, but has not been annexed to Israel. East Jerusalem, on the other hand, where the Anglican Cathedral and Diocesan offices are situated, was also occupied at the same time, but Israel annexed it and considers it part of its national territory (although no other  country in the world recognizes this annexation). Therefore, Bishop Dawani is considered by Israel to be a foreigner who can only visit – let alone live in – East Jerusalem with a special permit, which the Israeli authorities can either grant or deny at their sole discretion. In fact, even the original Palestinian inhabitants of East Jerusalem, and their descendants, are considered by Israel to be foreigners who are no more than  possessors of a residence permit, which Israel can revoke.

Since the Bishop has of course remained at his post, in Jerusalem, without the permit, he could be arrested at any moment, be put on trial for being in Israel illegally, be sentenced to a prison term – or simply be forcibly removed from Jerusalem.

This situation is causing deep worry to all the Churches in the Holy Land. Because of the representative function of the Churches in the Holy Land, on behalf of the world-wide Christian communities, and because of various personnel needs, a large portion of the bishops, clergy and religious serving in Jerusalem and elsewhere, come from other countries. Israel does not allow them to acquire citizenship or even legal residence, and they can only remain in Israeli territory in virtue of visas that need to be renewed every year or two years – at the Government’s sole discretion. Indeed, as has been made public by news reports over the years, the issue of entry visas and residence for Catholic clergy and religious is a priority item on the agenda of the negotiations between the Holy See and the State of Israel, right from their beginning in 1992 – with no agreement yet. So the predicament of the Anglican Bishop is being watched closely by all the Churches here.

The Bishop has now applied for an Israeli administrative court to intervene, but the prospects for his lawsuit are far from certain. As a matter of general principle, the Government is free to issue or to withhold the kind of permit he needs, without giving detailed reasons, except essentially raisons d’état. There is an opinion, too, that turning to the court is a mistake, since an unfavourable decision by the court (the likelier outcome perhaps) would give the Government the cover of law. It might have been better for him, some say, to rely instead on rousing Western public opinion, in the name of religious freedom and natural justice. Time will tell.

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See also11/03/2006 VATICAN – ISRAEL – PALESTINE

Vatican: Negotiations “without pre-conditions” for “two state solution” in Holy Land


Patriarch of Jerusalem: we fear Muslim and Israeli extremists


Build bridges of peace, not walls, Jerusalem Churches say


3.  Haaretz

Monday, February 28, 2011

What if Israeli forces treated West Bank settlers like Arabs?

A black day for the settlement movement, as journalist asks settler official, if settlers are even losing Netanyahu as a supporter.

By Bradley Burston

Around here, you Ignore omens only at your peril.

The settlement movement knows how the omens have been running for it today. All black. All unexpected.

Imagine a sunny day in winter, on which someone brilliant, compassionate, articulate, truly peace-minded, and actually popular, announces candidacy for the head of – of all things –  Israel’s Labor Party.

Unheard of. Absurd. But true. The name is Shelly Yachimovich.

And try to wrap the head around Benjamin Netanyahu, quoted by sources as telling his Likud Knesset members, later the same day, “The whole world is uniting against us over the issue of construction in settlements.”

And while we’re trying to assimilate the unanticipated, try this on for size: What might be the reaction among settlers if Israeli forces in the West Bank suddenly began treating them as if they were Palestinians?

Turns out, the answer is fury.

“We are outraged over this deranged, deranged use of weapons against civilians,” said settler leader Gershon Messika, chairman of the Samaria Regional Council, the administrative umbrella of northern West Bank settlements. “Where can you find even one democratic country where they fire on people just shouting at police?”

What sparked Messika’s astonishment Monday was a pre-dawn operation in which bulldozers of the Civil Administration, the IDF’s occupation arm, broke into the Havat Gilad outpost and demolished an illegal caravan home and a tent on the contentious site. Two other homes under construction were also razed, settlers said.

Fifteen people at the site were wounded in clashes, when police opened fire with riot-control ordnance. Eight settlers were arrested, allegedly in possession of knives and a saw.

“I’ve never seen police firing on innocent bystanders and on women,” Messica told Army Radio. “I’ve never seen things like this – maybe only with Gadhafi in Libya, or in Bil’in. But (firing on)  children, Jews…”

He said police had used rubber bullets tipped with glass. Police sources said paint cartridges had been fired. One soldier, a religious member of a the IDF’s Kfir brigade, which carries out much of the military work of occupation, took to the television news to announce that he had gone AWOL in protest.

“This was unprecedented and disproportionate use of means to disburse demonstrations,” outpost spokesman Yehuda Shimon was quoted as saying of the police action. “There was massive rubber bullet, percussion grenade and tear gas grenade fire,” Shimon said. “The residents here are enraged. We’re considering what to do next.”

The settlers’ Yesha Council has reportedly filed a complaint alleging police brutality. Wrappers from the police ammunition found at the site warned that close-range fire could be fatal, Messica said.

Havat Gilad, a landmark of the Jewish Wild West Bank, has long been a lodestone for the devout- cum-Easy Rider radicals among settlement youth, who view it as a privately owned ranch. Israeli authorities have ruled it an illegal outpost, more than once expelling the residents, who soon returned.

As is often the case with settlement official Messica, the observation citing Bil’in and Gadhafi was unintentionally revealing. Bil’in, a Palestinian village west of Ramallah, has been the site of weekly protests against Israel’s adjacent West Bank barrier for the past six years. Every Friday afternoon, Palestinians and supporters from Israel and abroad, march to the fence, which Israel’s Supreme Court has ruled was wrongfully built on the villagers’ land (the Defense Ministry has yet to comply with an order to move the barrier).

Typically, clashes erupt, in which troops fire tear gas and rubber-clad steel bullets, at times causing serious and even lethal injury, while Palestinian youths throw rocks and other objects at them.

In the area of Havat Gilad, meanwhile, the army and police were said to be on alert for possible “price tag” attacks on Palestinians in the area, a form of third-party retaliation practiced by radical settlers in response to official Israeli curbs on their activities.

Given the Lewis Carroll reality of Israeli and settler politics, there may, in fact, be a connection between the omen of Shelly Yachimovich’s candidacy and a renewed effort by Defense Minister – and self-deposed former Labor chairman – Ehud Barak, to crack down on radical settlers.

And maybe even try for peace with Syria.

For the settlers, perhaps the unkindest cut came late in the day, when an an interviewer quoted Netanyahu as having said that the only country not uniting against Israel over settlement construction was “one country in the Pacific Ocean,” an apparent reference to Micronesia.

“Are you even losing Netanyahu?” Messika was asked.

Taken aback, Messica’s response was instructive, if not helpful to his cause. “First of all,” he said, “Netanyahu is losing us.”

Stay tuned.


4,  Haaretz,

March 01, 2011

Settlers attack West Bank villages following outpost demolitions

Police and Palestinians say settlers threw petrol bomb into a house, damaged several cars in West Bank.

By The Associated Press and Reuters

Tags: Israel news

Israeli settlers damaged houses and cars in a Palestinian village in the West Bank on Tuesday, police and witnesses said, in an apparent show of anger over the Israeli demolition of homes in an unauthorized settler outpost.

Police say settlers are suspected of smashing windows of seven Palestinian cars and throwing a fire bomb at a Palestinian house.

Resident of the village of Hiwwara also said settlers threw petrol bombs into a house, broke the windows of another, and burned several cars in the overnight rampage before moving on to nearby Burin, where Israel Defense Forces soldiers prevented them from attacking a mosque.

“We tried to put off the fire but we could not, because it was huge. The whole front room burned down and part of the sitting room,” said Rami Edmeidi, the owner of the home that came under attack.

Police said Tuesday that the incidents appear to be part of a campaign Jewish extremists call “price tag” – violence against Palestinians following Israeli government action to curb settlements.

On Monday, Israeli forces demolished two homes at the unauthorized West Bank outpost of Havat Gilad, a hilltop settlement built without government permission, sparking fury among settlers in the area.

Eight settlers were arrested Monday during clashes with security forces conducting the demolitions. Israel Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said Tuesday that a total of 37 people have been arrested in all in disturbances related to the demolitions at Havat Gilad.

In remarks to legislators from his Likud party on Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted he was limiting the scope of construction as a result of international pressure.

But Likud MK Danny Danon said he and other settler supporters in the party intend to rachet up pressure on Netanyahu to boost construction in settlements.

“We are not prepared to accept any discrimination between Jews living in the cities of Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] and the rest of the Jews in Israel,” Danon told Reuters.


5. The Wide Gap of Hypocrisy- Marilyn Robinson

January 10, 2011

Federal charges have been filed against Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in a shooting rampage at a Safeway supermarket in Arizona during a political event that left six dead and 14 wounded, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

The five-count criminal complaint includes an attempt to kill a member of Congress, two counts of murder in the first degree and two counts of attempted murder.

The “shooter” kills 6 people, wounding 14 others. The “gunman” is white, caucasian..a young man.. labeled in a delusional state. He is the “suspect”, the “accused’, a “deeply disturbed young man”.

No one calls him a “terrorist”. Nobody calls this an act of terrorism. The attempt of murder on a member of Congress and the murder of U.S. District Judge John M. Roll.

Oh, no. he is a “gunman“ But, god forbid, if his skin was darker or he was, oh no, of the Muslim faith, you tell me he would not be called a terrorist. Bigots, racists would once again have a field day. Prejudice rules. 
Can’t you hear it? Can’t you hear the media, or the government then calling this an act of terrorism…if he was Arab, his skin color dark or oh yes, if he was Muslim. But no, he is misguided. He uses drugs. He is “mentally unstable”…all the refined manners we bestow.

Yes, let us be politically correct. 

Of course, has anyone checked his religious background…maybe his great aunt, maybe a distant cousin’s influence..? 

Everyone’s blood is the same color. We all bleed the same but somehow, it seems fit to grade one blood a bit more valuable than another. 
We don’t dare blame the color of his skin or his religion….no, not this gun packing, Caucasian murderer.

I listened to the media handling this crime using an air of sadness to massage our minds. Is soft music playing in the background? 

I heard on Sunday, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik spoke at a news conference in Tucson, Ariz commenting on the role media newscasters play as “Far too many broadcasts now and so many outlets have the intent of inciting, and inciting people to opposition, to anger, to thinking the other side is less than moral. And I think that is a context in which somebody who is mentally unbalanced can somehow feel justified in taking this kind of action. And I think we need to all take cognizance of that and be aware that what we say can, in fact, have consequences.” 

And, on the “shooter: 

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., who appeared with Clyburn, said she is not aware that alleged shooter Jared Lee Loughner is tied to a political movement or engaged in a politically motivated act.
“You know, his favorite books are ‘the Communist Manifesto’ and ‘Mein Kampf.’ I think it’s important that we recognize that this is an individual that had — that has mental challenges, and we need to act appropriately in dealing with him and making sure that justice prevails here,” she said 

Justice. Would the same words be said if the “shooter”, the “accused” was Arab, Muslim or his skin was dark? No. I do not think so. Wouldn’t happen. 
What I do know, is what has happened before. This above scenario has played out many times. The hypocrisy of it all is what finally put me over the edge.

It is not a joke, what happened in Arizona. It is indeed, reality. It is also a fine example of hypocrisy. I just had to express my complete disgust at how we treat each other. How the media blatantly shows us to be. And we stand by and let it happen. Most of us go on with our day in a numbed state, oblivious of how we are letting this all shape us to be….to each other.

Somehow for many of us, we have grown a somewhat blind acceptance of this constant parade of injustice. Our blinders have been exchanged for a thorough lack of caring period. Just don’t think about it, it will go away. Or, change the channel. Or, this happens all the time. Or, it’s always someone else’s fault, but, not our own. Why aren’t our elected officials doing a better job, we say, at one of our polite luncheons. Such a terrible condition this world is in, we add. We blame it on the fact of feeling overwhelmed. Or on some other external happening. When confronted, we are likely to blame our scarce, limited reactions on our “busy” lives. We show who we truly are and what we seriously believe in, when these moments happen in our lives; how we really view our fellow people, our friends, our fellow human beings. Yet, when someone calls us on our inaction, we puff up our psyches and react angrily. How can someone say we don’t care? How can someone say we are the ones letting it go on and on? Because, for some of us, we just don’t care. We can’t be bothered.
We just can’t get involved. But, you see, that is it. We have to get involved. One way or another it does indeed affect us. We really are not better than another. No matter what the media says or the government officials or anyone else for that matter. We creatures of privilege need to stand up for all the people singled out by those spewing power as less than we are. Get involved in one cause. One injustice, one people’s difficulties, one country’s struggle. But, get involved and stay with it. Do not spread yourself too thin getting involved in too many causes or sending $10, $20 or $100.00 here and there and calling it satisfied. It isn’t. Write letters, make telephone calls..for crying out loud have you noticed the number of cell phones out there attached to everyone’s ears? Make a call
that counts for more than what’s for dinner, who won the football game or how slighted your friend made you feel. Dedicate. Make the effort even when you are tired or when you want to give up. Don’t give up. Don’t wait till it is easy or when you think you will have the time. Do it now. Do not go quietly into the night. Don’t let injustice win. 

6.  Forwarded by the JPLO List

Mona Eltahawy’s speech signals shift in mainstream discourse

that Zionists don’t want

by ALEX KANE < > on FEBRUARY 28, 2011\ft-in-mainstream-discourse-that-zionists-don%E2%80%99t-want.html

Egyptian journalist Mona Eltahawy’s speech

< > at the J Street conference was more than

just another good speech–it’s a further indication of the shift

in discourse < > on the Middle East following the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and around the region. Slowly but surely, alternative narratives about the Middle East and Israel/Palestine, voiced by Arabs, are making a dent on how Americans think about the region.

Eltahawy < > didn’t mince words in

speaking to the liberal Zionist lobby group, and she received a standing

ovation. She called the 2008-09 assault on Gaza a “massacre” and

told the audience < \ -when-she-calls-on-peaceful-revolution-to-come-to-israel-and-palestine.\html  > that Arab “hatred for Israel… will not end until you lift the siege on Gaza and treat Palestinians with freedom and dignity.” It’s a message that, coming from a woman who has become one of the corporate media’s go-to people on the Middle East, is significant,

and not something you would hear at some of the other J Street panels

(Nachman Shai of Kadima said < <!/MitchellPlit/status/41988112150298624 > that

Israel won’t lift the siege until Gilad Shalit is freed).

Eltahawy’s star speech at the conference is part of what is

shattering the Zionist narrative on Israel/Palestine, and they’re

not liking it one bit.

Ron Radosh at the neoconservative Pajamas Media goes after Eltahawy here <\g-anti-israel-tirade/2/ > . And Ben Sales, writing for the Jewish student magazine New Voices < > , derides the response Eltahawy got by saying the J Street crowd was “clapping for hate.”

Eltahawy’s speech is concerning to Radosh and others because it

exposes Israel as what it is to an American audience: a state that is in

deep trouble, a state that is an occupier state, a state that committed

war crimes in Gaza. Indeed, as Phil Weiss put it,

< > “the Egyptian revolution is coming–to the USA.”

And Eltahawy is one of the leaders.

Alex Kane, a freelance journalist based in New York City, blogs on

Israel/Palestine at

< > , where this post originally appeared

<\-shift-in-mainstream-discourse-that-zionists-dont-want/ > . Follow him on Twitter@alexbkane. <>


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