Documents reveal how ‘Russiagate’ was used for Twitter censorship

Internal documents from Twitter made public on Tuesday show how the social media platform was pressured to follow the US intelligence community’s lead on censorship back in 2017. Key Democrats in the US Congress, a British university and two media outlets – Politico and BuzzFeed – played a major role in the process, which revolved around the ‘Russiagate’ conspiracy theory, according to research by Matt Taibbi.

In a pattern established in just six weeks, from August to October 2017, Twitter went from being on nobody’s radar to agreeing to take orders from US spies as to whom to censor, Taibbi wrote on Substack.

“Threats from Congress came first, then a rush of bad headlines (inspired by leaks from congressional committees), and finally a series of moderation demands coming from the outside,” he added. … continue

Greta’s gangster friend the target of a recent bombing
Free West Media | January 3, 2023

Abas Abdikarim Bakar, 25, the gangster rapper who previously campaigned with climate activist Greta Thunberg, lives at the address of a recent bombing in Grimsta, Sweden.

Swedish outlet Samnytt revealed that the rapper, who goes by the name “1.Cuz”, was allegedly targeted after mocking the now-deceased rape gangster Mehdi “Dumle” Sachit, who was shot dead on Christmas Day.

In addition to his violence-glorifying music, the man, who is Somali, has also been involved in politically expedient issues such as climate change and vaccine campaigns together with Greta Thunberg, according to Samnytt.

Abas Abdikarim Bakar is also active in gang crime and has been convicted of transporting five automatic weapons and ammunition through Stockholm. He spent two years in prison.

The Net Zero death cult taking over ‘our’ NHS
By Stephen McMurray | TCW Defending Freedom | January 3, 2023

The climate change cult is insidious in every government department or institution it infiltrates. However, it is at its most dangerous when those people it infects are members of the medical community. When their apocalyptic hysteria starts affecting their decisions regarding patient care, urgent action is needed.

A disturbing document was recently published in the Lancet, entitled The Report of the Lancet Commission on the Value of Death: bringing death back into life. It was written by numerous medical professionals in the palliative care sector. It is nothing less than a propaganda piece promoting the idea that people who are suffering from possible life-shortening illness should not be given any potential life-saving treatments but, to help reduce our carbon footprint, should be allowed to die and actively encouraged to do so.

The authors make their feelings clear when they say: ‘The commission believes it is healthy to die . . . We are embodied creatures who are ultimately no more important than lizards or potatoes.’

It soon becomes obvious that their Net Zero zeal is driving this agenda when they state: ‘Treatment at the end of life will be an important contribution to the carbon footprint of health care . . . Everything, and especially death, must be thought of in the context of the climate crisis . . . In the report we explore the many values of death.’

The article is replete with climate change apocalyptic rhetoric, saying humanity is near extinction, one of the reasons being overpopulation, so we had better change our ways and stop trying to cure patients with potentially fatal illnesses and let them die. … continue

Alena Buyx, chair of the German Ethics Council, warns against assigning blame for pandemic failures
eugyppius: a plague chronicle | January 3, 2023

The German Ethics Council is an independent advisory body which has existed in some form since 2001, and which has a mandate to advise the government especially on matters of bioethics. It met its first serious test during the Corona era, when the entire political and bureaucratic leadership decided that the best way to respond to SARS-2 would be to commit massive human rights violations. Naturally, the Ethics Council not only failed to oppose these extraordinary policies, but supported them wherever possible.

Among the failures serving on the Ethics Council is its chairwoman, a medical ethicist and professor named Alena Buyx. Like Emily Oster, Buyx is an archetypal Head Girl – highly conscientious, deeply conformist, mildly intelligent, and totally bereft of all originality and independence of thought.

Also like Emily Oster, Buyx has decided that it would be better not to blame anyone for the hell that the Corona brigade has put all of us through. Her most pointed remarks to this effect come in a long and otherwise unremarkable New Years interview she gave to Die Zeit… continue

Over a Quarter of Americans Think They Know Someone Killed By the Covid Vaccines

Nearly half of Americans think COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame for many unexplained deaths, and more than a quarter say someone they know could be among the victims – including 22% of the vaccinated and 33% of Democrat voters. … continue

Rasmussen Survey on Covid Vaccine Deaths Proves Antivaxxers Right!
By Igor Chudov | January 2, 2023

… the Rasmussen report provides another, completely INDEPENDENT proof that people do not simply fabricate vaccine deaths:

More Republicans (60%) than Democrats (44%) or the unaffiliated (43%) think there are legitimate reasons to be concerned about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. However, there is less political difference in the number who suspect someone they know might have died from vaccine side effects – 33% of Democrats and 26% of both Republicans and the unaffiliated.

Think about this: fewer Democrats think that there are reasons to worry about Covid vaccines. And yet, MORE Democrats know someone killed by the vaccines than Republicans!

Is that a paradox?

Not at all!

The explanation is right here:

More Democrats (85%) than Republicans (63%) … have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Democrats are more likely to be vaccinated. Their social circles include more (highly vaccinated) Democrats. Republicans are the opposite – they are less likely to be vaccinated, and they are more likely to be friends with (less vaccinated) Republicans.

So, no wonder Democrats, whose social circles are more vaccinated, know MORE people who died from Covid vaccines than Republicans! Democrats are more exposed socially to Covid vaccine effects – and report more of them.

And yet, those Democrats, while knowing more Covid vaccine deaths, are less likely to question the safety of Covid vaccines due to their party brainwashing and the TV programs they watch. Very sad. Democrats are good people – but sadly influenced by the wrong news sources. … Read full article

Injury on ‘Monday Night Football’ prompts 20 vaccine observations …

An uncomfortable question: Could one death save many lives?

By Bill Rice, Jr. | January 3, 2023

By now, millions of Americans (who can still find somewhere to practice free speech) have commented on the apparent heart attack of Buffalo Bills’ safety Damar Hamlin, which occurred last night on “Monday Night Football.”

The extreme interest in this case further confirms that millions of Americans understand a giant elephant has been sitting in our family rooms for more than two years. … continue

Interpreting Damar Hamlin’s Sudden Collapse
By John Leake | Courageous Discourse | January 3, 2023

Dr. McCullough is in the midst of a long deposition, so he is unable to respond to the flurry of queries he received this morning about the sudden collapse of Damar Hamlin on the playing field last night. He just sent me an E-mail with the following assessment that he developed last night… continue

Jordan Peterson threatened over political tweets
RT | January 3, 2023

Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson said on Tuesday that may lose his license unless he submits to mandatory “social-media communication retraining” by the College of Psychologists of Ontario, his home province’s licensing authority.

“I face public disgrace, mandatory political re-education, disciplinary hearing and potential loss of my clinical licensing for agreeing with [Conservative MP] Pierre Poilievre and criticizing our standing [Prime Minister] Justin Trudeau,” Peterson said on Twitter.

According to Peterson, “about a dozen people from all over the world” submitted complaints to the CPO, alleging his views and comments “harmed people.” None of them were actual clients of his, but lied about it so their complaints would be accepted, he added.

The CPO demands that Peterson undergoes the “retraining” and submits “progress” reports, or face an “in-person tribunal” and suspension of his license to operate as a clinical psychologist. … continue

Senator Ben Cardin: Those that “espouse hate” are not protected by the First Amendment
By Dan Frieth | Reclaim The Net | January 2, 2023

Sen. Ben Cardin said that those who “espouse hate” should not be protected by the First Amendment. Cardin also called on the federal government to be “more aggressive” while combating hate speech.

Cardin is the chairman of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), aka the Helsinki Commission.

In early December, Cardin, as well as Senators James Lankford and Jackie Rosen, sent a letter to President Joe Biden urging a “unified national strategy against anti-semitism.”

In a Helsinki Commission hearing held on Dec. 13, titled “The Alarming Rise of Anti-Semitism and Its Threat to Democracy,” Cardin said: “If you espouse hate, if you espouse violence, you’re not protected under the First Amendment.”

“So I think we can be more aggressive in the way that we handle that type of use of the internet,” he added. “We know that Europe has done things, I think that we can learn from each other.” … Full article

Death toll of recent Israeli airstrikes on Damascus rises to six
The Cradle | January 3, 2023

The Deputy Chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation, General Oleg Yegorov, reported on 3 January that the death toll of Israel’s recent assault on Damascus increased to six casualties.

On 2 January, Israel launched airstrikes against Damascus, killing two members of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), according to initial reports. However, Moscow claims six SAA personnel have been killed and several others wounded.

Yegorov added that four Israeli F-16 fighters attacked “defense facilities” at two airfields near Syria’s capital, further noting that the attacks had been launched from the Golan Heights without flying through Syria’s airspace. … Full article

Israeli Soldiers Demolish Five Palestinian Homes In Hebron

On Tuesday, Israeli soldiers demolished five Palestinian homes in Yatta town, south of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.

Rateb Jabour, the coordinator of the National and Popular Committees, said several army vehicles, including two bulldozers, invaded the Ma’in community in Yatta town before storming a home and forcing the family out.

Jabour added that the soldiers demolished the 170 square meter home owned by Hamad Issa Mohammad.

The soldiers also invaded the Shu’ab Al-Batim area in Masafer Yatta and demolished four homes, each about 80 square meters. … Full article

Israel was never a democracy, so why is the West lamenting the end of a ‘liberal’ state?
MEMO | January 3, 2023

Even before the new Israeli coalition government was officially sworn in last week, angry reactions emerged, not only among Palestinians and other Middle Eastern governments, but also among Israel’s allies in the West. As early as 2 November, top US officials told Axios that the administration of US President Joe Biden is “unlikely to engage with Jewish supremacist politician, Itamar Ben-Gvir”.

In fact, the US government’s apprehensions surpassed Ben-Gvir, who was convicted by Israel’s own courts in 2007 for supporting a terrorist organisation and inciting racism. US Secretary of State Tony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan reportedly “hinted” that Washington will also boycott “other right-wing extremists” in Netanyahu’s government.

However, such concerns looked to be absent from the statement made by the US Ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides, on the following day. Nides explained that he had “congratulated [Netanyahu] on his victory and told him that I look forward to working together to maintain the unbreakable bond” between the two countries. In other words, this “unbreakable bond” is stronger than any public US concern regarding terrorism, extremism, fascism and criminal activities. … continue

Israeli Soldiers Shoot Eleven Palestinians, Abduct Father, And Son, Near Ramallah

On Monday evening, Israeli soldiers shot eleven Palestinians and abducted a father and his son in Beit Rima town, northwest of Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said undercover soldiers infiltrated the town to abduct a young man before a large military force invaded the town, leading to protests.

They added that the soldiers fired a barrage of live fire, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades.

Medical sources said the soldiers shot seven Palestinians with live rounds; one in the shoulder, one in the thigh, and five in the lower extremities.

The army also abducted Samer Barghouthi and his son Bassel from their home after the soldiers invaded and ransacked the property.

Also Monday, the soldiers abducted two children from the Dyouk Al-Foqa village north of Jericho in the northeastern West Bank. … Full article

Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Child In Bethlehem

On Tuesday dawn, Israeli soldiers invaded the Deheishe refugee camp south of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, leading to protests, and killed a Palestinian child.

Media sources said a large Israeli military force invaded the refugee camp before the soldiers stormed, violently searched homes, leading to protests, and fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades.

Medical sources said the soldiers killed a Palestinian child, Adam Essam Ayyad, 15, after shooting him with a live round in the chest.

The soldiers also shot another child with a live round in the arm before the medics rushed him to a hospital.

During the searches of homes in the refugee camp, the soldiers abducted a young man Anan Ahmad Sarabta.

The child is the third Palestinian to be killed by Israeli soldiers in the occupied West Bank in the first three days of this new year, 2023.

On Monday dawn, dozens of armored Israeli military vehicles, including bulldozers, invaded Kafr Dan town, west of the northern West Bank city of Jenin,  demolished the homes of two slain Palestinians, killed two young men, and injured at least eight others, one seriously.

Qassem Soleimani in Venezuela: The lesser known motive behind his assassination
By Hasan Illaik | The Cradle | January 3, 2023

On 3 January 2020, the US military assassinated Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the elite Quds Force in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), along with his companion, the deputy head of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

Three years later, the motives for this decision – and its timing -are still being debated. The reasons for the US’s shock killing, however, may not be solely related to Soleimani’s role in regional conflicts, but could also arguably stem from his growing international clout. … continue

More than 3,000 Yemeni civilians killed, injured by Saudi-led coalition’s airstrikes in 2022
Press TV – January 2, 2023

More than 3,000 civilians, including women and children, were killed or injured in the airstrikes launched by the Saudi-led coalition against Yemen in the year 2022, according to a Yemeni rights group.

The Humanity Eye Center for Rights and Development issued a report on Monday, showing that the total number of casualties was 3,083 during last year’s war on Yemen, which included the death of 643 citizens and the wounding of 2,440 others.

The report said 102 children lost their lives and 353 others sustained injuries, in addition to 27 women killed and 97 wounded.

The Yemeni rights group confirmed that 514 men were killed and 1,990 others injured.

As for the damage to Yemen’s infrastructure in 2022, the report said the Saudi-led coalition warplanes destroyed 14,367 homes, 134 mosques, 5 tourist facilities, 12 hospitals, 64 educational centers, 1987 agricultural fields and seven media facilities.

The aggression also destroyed 22 power stations, 974 roads and bridges, 46 communication towers and stations, 334 tanks and water stations, and 57 government facilities. … continue

A Gloomy 2023? Here Are Some Bright Spots
By Ron Paul | January 2, 2023

The prospects for peace, justice, and the advancement of liberty in 2023 may at first seem further away than ever. Washington’s determination to overthrow the Russian government via a proxy war in Ukraine has brought the threat of nuclear war closer than ever in history. The mainstream media is even “normalizing” the idea that a nuclear attack on the US is really no big deal. Yahoo News wrote yesterday that a “public health expert” is “concerned” that Americans are not sufficiently prepared for nuclear bombs hitting major US cities!

The Yahoo article even links to a FEMA-authored “nuclear detonation planning guide” to help us better get through a barrage of nuclear missiles. Are they insane? They act as if a nuclear attack on the United States is just another inconvenience to plan for, like an ice storm or a hurricane.

The FEMA guide’s advice on what to do during a nuclear attack is, “Get inside, stay inside, and stay tuned.” Stay tuned to what? Have they not seen the photos from Hiroshima or Nagasaki?

While we are foolishly edging toward war, with the media and Beltway neocons cheering it on, there are still some bright spots we can look to in 2023. … continue

Spies and More Lies Add Confusion to the Ukraine Conflict

As has frequently been the case in America’s recent wars, in Ukraine a largely hidden clandestine conflict is paralleling the actual fighting on the ground. One should assume that a variety of western spies using various kinds of cover are operating at all levels as well as in adjacent areas in Poland and the Baltic states. The Russians certainly have their own informants inside the Ukrainian government itself and Kiev has proven itself capable of carrying out so-called covert actions in Moscow, to include the car bombing assassination of Darya Dugin on August 20th. At the same time, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Britain’s MI-6 are known to be working assiduously to collect information that suggest vulnerabilities in the Russian offensive capabilities while also seeking to identify those potentially recruitable individuals who do not support President Vladimir Putin’s intervention to liberate Donbas. The activities of spies and the agents that they direct should be considered a major part of the overall war effort by both sides. … continue

Zelensky Expands Crack Down on News Media in Ukraine
By Kyle Anzalone | The Libertarian Institute | January 2, 2023

President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a new bill into law that boosts Kiev’s control over the public’s access to news in Ukraine. Zelensky has already used his martial law powers to nationalize Ukraine’s media.

According to the New York Timesthe law expands Kiev’s control over news outlets to print and online sources. In March, Zelensky nationalized broadcast media, effectively quashing dissent.

The Kyiv Independent explains the law will allow a governmental body to give licenses to outlets, any media organization without the proper paperwork can be shut down. The Kyiv Independent noted the body handing out the permits will be under total control of Zelensky. … continue

Ukrainian MP Deletes Hoax Photo She Claimed Showed Victim of ‘Russian Artillery Attack’
By Wyatt Reed – Samizdat – 03.01.2023

… It’s far from Vasylenko’s first brush with forgery. Back in April, she attempted to pass off horrifying war crimes inflicted by the Ukrainian military’s neo-nazi Azov militants as the doing of Russian soldiers.

The notoriously-mendacious legislator is the daughter of Volodymyr Vasylenko, who was at one point not only the Ukrainian Ambassador to NATO and the EU, but representative to the UN Human Rights Council.

The elder Vasylenko previously sat on the ‘international tribunal’ which oversaw the prosecution of former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milošević and which openly admitted it wouldn’t prosecute NATO nationals.

Despite the extensive reach of Vasylenko’s false post, only independent and non-Western media outlets fact-checked the incorrect claim. Indeed, no Western media outlets even mentioned the post – perhaps due to the fact that, according to Mint Press News, “most of the fact-checking organizations Facebook has partnered with to monitor and regulate information about Ukraine are directly funded by the U.S. government, either through the U.S. Embassy or via the notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED).” – Full article

Who should Fauci be more afraid of?
By Meryl Nass | January 2, 2023

The 300 million Americans who got at least one lab-created COVID infection he helped pay to produce?

The 60 million Americans injured or killed by his poisonous vaccines? (60 million is a guess)

The rulers of the Great Reset (the real Godfathers) who relied on him to create a viral bioweapon that could never be traced back to a lab; and also relied on him to create a vaccine that did not fail so fast and miserably and allow us, the despised masses of humanity, to figure out what was going on before the Godfathers’ traps for humanity were ready to snap shut?

America’s War

De-patterning and Re-patterning the West

By Douglas Farrow | Desiring a Better Country | December 31, 2022

… The defeat of Nazism never was a defeat of eugenics. It wasn’t even a setback, really, at least not in the national security community or among its cultured collaborators. Experiments in eugenics have continued unabated, with little effort to say what idea of the human, or whose idea of improvement, is operative. Consideration of such matters is undesirable, for several reasons. … Read full article

Scientist: ‘There Is No Climate Crisis’ And ‘No Particular Correlation Between CO2 And Temperature’
By Kenneth Richard | No Tricks Zone | January 2, 2023

The modern notion that human CO2 emissions are equivalent to a “deadly poison” may one day be viewed as “the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world.”

In a new paper published in the Journal of Sustainable Development, Manheimer (2022) summarizes some of the evidence for the lack of correlation between CO2 and temperature in the paleoclimate as he rips apart the claim that humans are driving a changing climate.

About 4000 years ago the limit of Northern Hemisphere tree growth extended 322 km (200 miles) farther north than it does today, as it was much warmer back then.

Vikings were able to grow barley for centuries. Today Greenland is too cold to grow this crop.

The Romans grew wine grapes in northern Britain, indicating the climate was much warmer than today about 2000 years ago. Wine vineyards cannot flourish at these latitudes today (unless the new “hybrid” grapes, bred to survive in colder climates, are used).

Observing paleo temperature and CO2 concentration charts for the last hundreds of millions of years, it can be affirmed there is “no particular correlation between CO2 and temperature.”

Overpopulation: Bill Gates, George Soros, other Billionaires Convened to Make Plans in 2009

Is the current depopulation an accident?

By Igor Chudov | January 1, 2023

… Bill Gates did not merely hold private, personal thoughts about depopulation; he convened a meeting of leading billionaires, in secret, to discuss his favorite cause, make plans, and execute those plans! …

What was the billionaires’ secret strategy to curb overpopulation? It is difficult to say as no information was made public. … Read full article

Yet another ‘conspiracy theory’ comes true – Vaccines fuelling variants and causing sickness

WSJ catching up

The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter | January 2, 2023

Can we have a tally of how many ‘conspiracy theories’ actually become ‘true’ within a number of months?

The latest one appears in the WSJ – ‘Are Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants? The virus appears to be evolving in ways that evade immunity.’

What is this blasphemy? These pharmaceutical products are a gift from the gods, surely they can’t be making things worse… like the conspiracy theorists said?

Allysia Finley, who wrote the article, begins by describing panic over the new Omicron variant – XBB. It is rapidly spreading across the U.S and whilst it is unlikely to be any more lethal, its mutations are evading antibodies. According to Ms. Finley, growing evidence also suggests that repeated vaccinations may make people more susceptible to XBB and fuelling it’s rapid evolution.

Who would have thought!? Certainly not the ‘conspiracy theorists’ who warned from the very beginning that training the immune system on a specific spike protein was not a clever idea. Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and/or Original Antigenic Sin (OAS) were always a concern but apparently not to the big-brained scientists who know better than everyone else. … continue

World Economic Forum will plot how to counter “misinformation” at its 2023 annual meeting
By Tom Parker | Reclaim The Net | January 2, 2023

The World Economic Forum (WEF), an unelected global organization that seeks to “shape global, regional and industry agendas,” has announced the schedule for its 2023 annual meeting which includes a panel on countering “misinformation.”

The panel is titled “Countering Threats in the Age of Black Swans” and will take place on January 18, 2023 at 9 am Eastern Standard Time (EST).

The description for the panel doesn’t define misinformation but claims that “a wide range of actors” have access to “an ever-increasing capacity to spread misinformation.” This capacity, according to the WEF, is supposedly compounding “threats that were once considered outliers.”

During the panel, speakers will discuss how to predict, mitigate, and counter these threats that are supposedly aggravated by misinformation.

While the panel description doesn’t define misinformation, a recent post promoting the WEF’s annual meeting suggests that the group deems criticism of the WEF and challenging mainstream Covid-19 narratives to be misinformation. … continue

The Twitter Files
By Dr. Joseph Mercola | January 2, 2023

If you’re still under the naively mistaken belief that there is no Deep State, the Twitter file dumps1 from Elon Musk detailing how Twitter, before his acquisition of the company, was coerced into doing the FBI’s bidding, with actual FBI agents on its staff to control the online narrative, ought to set the record straight.

In fact, the lawlessness of our intelligence agencies and the psychological warfare against the American public is far worse than most people ever expected.

FBI paid Twitter huge sums of money — your tax dollars, might I add — to censor certain views and stories, such as the damning Hunter Biden laptop story, which likely would have sunk Joe Biden’s bid for the presidency had it received the attention it legitimately deserved.

The FBI even ran a tabletop exercise about “hacked” information relating to Hunter Biden ONE MONTH before the real story broke. During that exercise, they practiced the narrative (i.e., lies) that weeks later became “official truth.”

There is a Deep State running the show, and they’re doing whatever they damn well please, without regard for the law or the U.S. Constitution. They’re acting completely outside the rules of our Constitutional Republic and the laws of the land, and they’ve weaponized the very agencies that are supposed to protect us and act in the public’s best interest and turned them against us. … continue

Senator Klobuchar wants to allow platforms to be sued for promoting misinformation

Klobuchar calls for an end to Big Tech immunity, to “focus on certain kinds of speech, misinformation.”

By Dan Frieth | Reclaim The Net | January 2, 2023

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) expressed support for legislation to regulate Big Tech. The lawmakers expressed their opinions on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” … continue

Mauritius & Britain Launch Talks Over Chagos Islands
By Muhammad Osman – Samizdat – 02.01.2023

Since Mauritius got its independence from the United Kingdom in 1968, the African country has long called for the full return of the Chagos islands, where the UK set up a joint military base with the United States in 1966. In 2019, the International Court of Justice ruled that London’s administration of the Indian Ocean territory is “unlawful.”

Mauritius and the United Kingdom have finally opened negotiations on the exercise of sovereignty over the disputed Chagos archipelago in the Indian Ocean, where the UK has a joint military base with the United States, Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth announced on Sunday.

“The latest developments on the Chagos issue are very encouraging. Negotiations between Mauritius and Britain have begun,” Jugnauth said.

Occupied by Britain since 1814, the Chagos archipelago was not fully returned to Mauritius when it won independence from the UK in 1968, as the European kingdom had established a joint military base with the US two years earlier on Diego Garcia, the largest of the 60 small islands of the Chagos archipelago.

The government of Port Louis and the Chagossians, the indigenous population of the archipelago that was forced to leave the island upon the establishment of the UK-US base, have long fought in British courts to get the occupied territory back. … continue

Israeli occupation forces kill two Palestinians in Jenin raid
Palestine Information Center – January 2, 2023

JENIN – Israeli occupation forces (IOF) shot and killed two Palestinians after breaking into Kafr Dan village, west of Jenin in the occupied West Bank, at dawn Monday.

The Palestinian Health Ministry affirmed that the young man, Muhammad Samer Hoshiyeh, 22, was killed after being shot in the chest, and the young man, Fouad Muhammad Abed, 25, died after being shot in the abdomen and thigh.

Six other Palestinians were injured during the military raid, one of them in critical condition.

The IOF troops stormed overnight Kafr Dan village accompanied by a military bulldozer as a prelude to destroy the family houses of two killed Palestinians involved in a shooting attack that left an Israeli army officer killed.

The IOF surrounded the two martyrs’ family houses and arrested one of their family members, which led to the outbreak of violent clashes that erupted amid heavy firing of teargas bombs and live ammunition.

Early on Monday morning, the IOF managed to blow up the family house of the martyr Ahmed Abed in Kafr Dan.

Under its collective punishment policy, IOF demolishes family houses of Palestinians accused of conducting anti-occupation attacks in flagrant violation of international laws.

224 Palestinians were killed by IOF gunfire in 2022, including 59 in Jenin.

Israeli settlers storm agricultural warehouse in Tulkarm, destroy its contents
MEMO | January 2, 2023

Israeli settlers on Sunday destroyed the contents of an agricultural warehouse in the West Bank village of Shufa, southeast of Tulkarm, for the second time in a week.

The owner of the warehouse, Tahsin Hamed, said that he was surprised on Sunday morning when he arrived at his land near the settlement of Avni Hefetis to find that settlers had destroyed the contents of the warehouse and destroyed the agricultural equipment inside it.

The Palestinian farmer added that this is the second such attack on the same warehouse in one week. There were also similar attacks by Jewish settlers over the past year.

The settlers have repeatedly stormed the village’s agricultural lands, prevented farmers from grazing their livestock, and forced them to leave at gunpoint.

Latest Israeli attack on Syrian capital kills two soldiers, causing material damage
Press TV – January 2, 2023

Israel has launched a new missile attack on the Syrian capital Damascus in continuation of the regime’s acts of aggression against the Arab country.

According to Syria’s official SANA news agency, citing a military source, the early Monday attack targeted positions south of the capital Damascus.

The military source added that Syria’s air defenses intercepted most of the Israeli missiles, which were launched from the direction of Lake Tiberias, targeting the Damascus International Airport and its surroundings.

The source noted that the attack left two Syrian soldiers dead and several injured, while causing some material damage as well, bringing the airport’s operations to a temporary halt.

Israel frequently carries out missile attacks on targets in Syria, mostly using the airspace of Lebanon or the occupied territories.

The regime launched a similar attack on the Syrian capital in December last year, during which most of its missiles were shot down by the Syrian air defenses. … Full article

Eighteen civilians injured in Saudi shelling on Sanaa
The Cradle | January 2, 2023

Eighteen civilians were injured in Yemen on the evening of 1 January after Saudi-led coalition border troops launched several rounds of artillery fire into residential areas in the northwestern province of Saada, Yemeni media reported.

According to local sources, 10 people were wounded by coalition artillery fire in the province’s Monabbih district, while eight others sustained injuries in another attack on the district of Shadaa. There were reportedly two African migrants among the injured.

This latest bout of violence follows a significant escalation in tension last week between the Ansarallah resistance movement and UAE-backed coalition troops, which left around 32 people from both sides killed and injured on 29 December.

As Yemen enters its fourth month since the expiration of the UN-brokered humanitarian ceasefire agreement, the Saudi-led coalition has taken no steps to lift the severe economic blockade on the country, continues to loot its natural wealth, and has persistently withheld the salaries of Sanaa-affiliated government employees in blatant violation of the truce terms.

With the persistence of these violations, it seems less likely with each day that a ceasefire extension will be reached.

Just in the last two days, the Saudi-led coalition seized another four UN-inspected humanitarian fuel vessels and barred them from entering the country’s main port of Hodeidah, which has been under Saudi blockade since 2015. … continue

Foreign Ministry: Assassination of Gen. Soleimani by US, ‘glaring example of an organized terrorist act’
Press TV – January 2, 2023

Iran’s Foreign Ministry says the assassination of the country’s top anti-terror commander Lt. Gen. Qassem Soleimani by the United States is a “glaring example of an organized terrorist act.”

The ministry made the remark in a Monday statement, issued to mark the third anniversary of the assassination of Gen. Soleimani and his companions on the direct order of then US President Donald Trump.

“Indubitable as it is, the criminal act of assassinating General Soleimani, designed and executed by the United States, constitutes yet another glaring example of an ‘organized terrorist act’,” the statement said.

It added that based on legal and international regulations, “the American regime bears ‘definite international responsibility’ for this crime, noting that all the agents, instigators, perpetrators, aiders and abettors of this terrorist crime bear responsibility.

“In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in conjunction with the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran and other agencies, has adopted, from the very outset, a number of measures premised upon the legal principle of ‘combating impunity of crimes’ in order to hold the above-mentioned to account and bring them to justice,” it added. … continue

The High Cost Of Blowing Up The World: Ukraine & The 2023 NDAA
By Matthew Ehret | Zero Hedge | January 2, 2022

Will Americans wake up to the reality that they’ve been walking on the wrong side of history for too long or has the point of no-return been crossed?

Bipartisan insanity was on display again this week as the U.S. congress responded to Biden’s requested $37 billion in additional aid to Ukraine by giving him $45 billion bringing the total U.S. support to its Davos-managed disposable ward up to $111 billion.

The aid was part of an overall omnibus spending bill passed by both houses of Congress was a gargantuan $1.7 trillion and included $858 billion in defense spending which far exceeds any sum ever spent by a U.S. government in history.

Of that $858 billion, $817 billion is allocated directly to the U.S. Department of Defense while the remaining $29 billion will be allocated to national security programs within the department of energy. … continue

Sweden Ditches Barbaric ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care for Kids

The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW) recently published new treatment guidelines which completely abandon recommendations that children with gender identity issues undergo so-called “gender-affirming care.”

Sweden’s new treatment guidelines for youth with “gender dysphoria,” which came out last week, say that the first line of treatment should be psychosocial support rather than giving kids dangerous drugs to stop puberty or mutilating their bodies.

“Psychosocial support that helps the young person live with the body’s pubertal development without medication needs to be the first option when choosing care measures,” the new guidelines read.

According to NBHW, “the risks of puberty suppressing treatment with GnRH-analogues and gender-affirming hormonal treatment currently outweigh the possible benefits, and that the treatments should be offered only in exceptional cases.” … continue

I understand ‘The Most Important Thing’ for our rulers …

But, going forward, what’s the most important thing for ‘We the People?’

By Bill Rice, Jr. | January 1, 2023

Author’s note: The start of a new year is perhaps a good time to reflect on lessons gleaned from almost three years of observing our surreal Covid New Normal. In this meditation, I try to identify the bigger themes and the many scandals still concealed. I think I now understand how vast conspiracies and cover-ups could occur … and what thinking will have to change if a country that is listing seriously is going to right itself. … continue

Will Republicans investigate ‘Died Suddenly’?
By Daniel Horowitz – conservative review – December 6, 2022

It’s the 800-pound gorilla in the room and the shot not heard ’round the world: “Died suddenly.” The safety signals from the COVID shots are light-years past the point of no return. Until now, despite the CDC’s own VAERS and V-Safe data, over 2,500 case studies, over 1,000 peer-reviewed studies on vaccine injury, and endless safety signals on excess deaths and disability coinciding with the take-up of the vaccines, nobody in power had interest in investigating it. Will that change with a GOP-controlled House or in any of the numerous GOP-controlled state legislatures?

Our government has promoted and continues to promote these shots and the technology being built from them like nothing our government has ever promoted before. But name the Republican who wants to investigate it? Sure, Senator Ron Johnson, the lone ranger, is interested, but he is in the minority. What about the House majority under Kevin McCarthy? Most assuredly, there are numerous existential crises that require investigation and oversight, but “died suddenly” and the implication of millions of deaths and injuries from a product that continues to enjoy more support and immunity than anything in human history should rank at the top of that list.

According to an analysis of all-cause mortality of over 1 billion people in India, there was barely any excess mortality in 2020 before the vaccines. The mortality then exploded by over 300% in the spring of 2021, according to the analysis published in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

This excess mortality coincides almost perfectly with the vaccine take-up period by age in the country… continue

Fauci Fibbed on the Day Everything Changed
By Jeffrey A. Tucker | Brownstone Institute | January 1, 2023

Anthony Fauci is finally gone from his government perch. Let us recall that it was he who set this calamity in motion, squandering his credibility, while taking down public health and much else with it. More than anyone, he bears responsibility, even if he was acting on others’ behalf. That is especially true if he was carrying out a hidden agenda (take your pick of theories).

There was already growing political and societal panic on March 11, 2020, when the House Oversight and Reform Committee convened a hearing on the new virus circulating. Fauci was the key witness. The only question on everyone’s mind came down to the most primal fear: am I going to die from this thing, like in the movies?

This was one day before Trump’s announcement of the travel ban from Europe, the UK, and Australia, essentially sealing the borders of the US to an extent never before attempted, thus separating families and loved ones and trapping billions of people in their nation states. It was five days before the evil declaration by all health authorities to immediately shut down all places where people could congregate.

These few days will remain a case study in irrationality and crowd madness. Fauci, on the day of his testimony, however, seemed like a paragon of stability. He was calm and clear, nearly bloodless in his tone. The substance of what he said, at the same time, was clearly designed to generate panic and create the conditions for a full lockdown.

He had the countenance of a doctor who was telling the family that a beloved father was terminally ill with 30 days to live.

In particular, and in contrast to the testimony prepared by CDC/NIH, Fauci spoke to the severity of the virus. To the average member of Congress, the answer here was crucial because it addressed the only two serious issues: “Am I going to die?” and “Will I be blamed and politically punished if my constituents die?”

To this, he responded with what seemed like science but was actually completely wrong, dreadfully wrong, catastrophically wrong. He claimed that we knew for sure that at best Covid was 10 times deadlier than the flu. In fact, he threw around so much data confetti that a person could have easily believed that he was downplaying the severity to promote calm. His intention was the opposite. … continue

Pfizer and Moderna Begin New Myocarditis Trials
By Rav Arora | The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter | December 31, 2022

As reported in a handful of media outlets, Pfizer and Moderna’s new trials closely investigating vaccine myocarditis are underway. As part of its vaccine approval, the FDA has mandated (pdf) both companies to conduct clinical trials tracking vaccine myocarditis months and years beyond diagnosis.

As NBC reports, “Moderna has already launched two trials, the most recent in September. Pfizer confirmed that at least one of its trials, which will include up to 500 teens and young adults under age 21, is slated to begin in the next couple of months.”

As has been long-established, mRNA vaccines induce myocarditis at alarmingly high rates in young men. A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology compares rates of myocarditis between the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine. It finds a vaccine myocarditis rate of 1 in 3,636 in men ages 18 to 29 following a second dose of the Moderna vaccine. For Pfizer, the authors report a rate of 1 in 20,000 in the same age group—roughly equal to the rate for Moderna in men ages 30 to 39.

While the clinical myocarditis rate has been quantified in several high-quality studies, many serious concerns remain unaddressed. One major concern is subclinical myocarditis—the rate of serious myocardial symptoms post-vaccination that don’t formally qualify as myocarditis. The FDA has required (pdf) Pfizer and Moderna to conduct a “substudy to prospectively assess the incidence of subclinical myocarditis following administration of the second dose of [vaccine] in a subset of participants 5 through 15 years of age.” … continue

Let’s Emancipate Ourselves From Mental Slavery In 2023
A Better Way to Health with Dr Tess Lawrie | January 1, 2023

In 2023, I have resolved to be especially curious and open minded and I’m trusting you may wish to join me! Where signposts say “Go this way” we’ll be exploring the other way, where television presenters say “Look over here” we’ll be looking over there, and where people have been labelled “conspiracy theorists” we will be hearing them out with an open mind. This desire to investigate the contrary is not for the sake of being contrarian but stems from the profound realisation over the past three years that all is not as it seems. … continue

Merriam-Webster Declares ‘Gaslighting’ 2022 Word of the Year
By John Leake | Courageous Discourse | January 1, 2023

… Gaslighting is a particularly malevolent form of psychological warfare, most often deployed in interpersonal relationships by what the Austrian psychoanalyst Otto Kernberg called “malignant narcissists.” The concept of the malignant narcissist is closely related to Dr. Robert Hare’s concept of the psychopath. Incidentally, in a recent conversation with the British cardiologist, Aseem Malhotra, he observed that the pharmaceutical industry displays distinct traits of psychopathy in the way it conducts business.

I suspect that the spike in usage of ‘gaslighting” is an outcome of our current Orwellian administration. As Orwell memorably wrote in 1984:

The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

I frequently thought of this command as I was reading Edward Dowd’s new book, Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022. Every day we see reports of young people suddenly dropping dead, and our mainstream media would have us believe the cause is unknown.

This is a crazy-making form of mass deception and pretending that indeed bears a resemblance to the original meaning of ‘gaslighting.’ – Full article

From Verdun to Nuremberg
By Eugenio de Dobrynne | The Postil | January 1, 2023 

With all due respect, it seems that the times we are living through, in regards to the war in Ukraine, take us back to times and moments gone by. The apparent stabilization of the front and the call to judge those responsible for this conflict bear many similarities with past historical events. Although the Western media insist on a propagandistic rather than informative narrative, largely co-responsible for the continuation of this war, and continue to maintain the superiority of the Ukrainian forces and their forthcoming victory, the reality on the ground is different.

The recent visit of President Putin to the General Staff of the Russian Army where he was informed about the development of the military operations, and his visit to his Belarusian counterpart, Lukashenko, the visits of the Minister of Defense Shoigu and his second in command, General Gerasimov, suggest that in the coming days there will be some relevant event in the evolution of the conflict. According to the statements of the presidential office spokesman, Putin visited the front line in the Donbass. If he did so, something that remains to be confirmed, he did so in the manner that corresponds to his former role in the past, with total discretion. Nothing to do with Zelensky’s propagandistic visit that has been on the front page of all the media.

General winter has already made its appearance on the Ukrainian front. The cold is hardening the ground, which has been muddy up to now due to the numerous autumn rains, and the colder temperatures are beginning to take their toll on soldiers and equipment. However, despite this, the war continues its slow progress. … continue

Culture of hope: 2022 and the margins of victory in Palestine
By Ramzy Baroud | MEMO | January 1, 2023

Another critical year for Palestine has folded. While 2022 has wrought much of the same in terms of Israeli military occupation and increasing violence, it also introduced new variables to the Palestinian struggle – nationally, regionally and internationally. … continue

Israeli Soldiers Shoot A Palestinian Near Hebron

On Saturday night, several Israeli army jeeps invaded Beit Ummar town, north of the West Bank city of Hebron, leading to protests before the soldiers shot a young man and caused many to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

Local media activist Mohammad Awad said the soldiers fired many live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades at the protesters and surrounding homes.

Awad added that the soldiers shot a young man, 20, with a live round in the leg and caused dozens, including many in their homes, to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.

In related news, the soldiers invaded Qarawat Bani Hassan village, west of the central West Bank city of Salfit, and confiscated a car owned by a local farmer, Ayman Sa’id Mer’ey.

The Palestinian was planting olive trees in his orchard in the Wad Abbas area, in the eastern part of the village.

Ansarallah seeks ‘permanent ceasefire’ in Yemen
The Cradle | January 1, 2023

Yemen’s Ansarallah movement seeks a “permanent ceasefire,” according to a spokesperson of the resistance group.

Mohammed Abdel Salam, a spokesperson of the Ansarallah movement, said on 1 January that a permanent ceasefire would require the opening of all ports, airports, and roads, and that all government wages are paid from oil and gas revenues. … continue

Chinese Media Says Washington ‘in No Position’ to Lecture Beijing How to Deal With Moscow
By Oleg Burunov – Samizdat – 01.01.2023

On Saturday, Chinese President Xi Jinping underscored that relations between Moscow and Beijing may “find new opportunities for growth” in 2023.

A Chinese media outlet has reported that the US is “in no position” to point the finger at China and lecture Beijing on “how to deal with its relations” with Moscow.

“Compared with the US’ alliance system, the China-Russia relationship, which is based on non-alliance, non-confrontation and non-targeting of any third party, not only conforms to the interests of both sides, but also can be more conductive in addressing global challenges,” the report said.

The solid ties between Beijing and Moscow “can help the world advance toward multipolarity, and prevent the international community from slipping into unilateralism.” … continue

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