Deterioration of the health condition of the prisoner, Sultan Khalaf

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Palestine: The Mujahed al-Quds Foundation for the Martyrs, Prisoners and the Wounded said that the health condition of Mujahid Sultan Ahmed Mahmoud Khalaf (38 years), who continues his open hunger strike for 56 days in a row, refused to transfer him to administrative detention without being charged with any deterioration. Continued due to the intransigence of the Israeli occupation authorities to end his administrative detention.

Sultan Khalaf said in a letter that the administration of the Nazi camp Authority transferred him from the isolation of Nitzan Nazi camp to Kaplan Hospital due to the continuous and serious deterioration in his health, where it is at a very difficult stage .

In the letter, which arrived in Jerusalem, he said that he refuses to take salt or sugar, medical examinations, and supports .

Regarding his health, he explained in his letter that he suffers from severe aches all over his body, permanent headache, pressure on his chest from the left, his inability to sit or sit, difficulty in movement, as well as the emaciation and weakness in his body, and his inability to speak. -This in addition to persistent dizziness, significant weight loss .

He pointed out that the so-called occupation prisons informed him that there is a trend by the Nazi Gestapo intelligence to renew his detention for four months substantially in return for stopping his hunger strike, but he refused this offer, insisting to continue his open-ended hunger strike despite the seriousness of his health until he gets freedom or Certificate .

It is worth mentioning that the occupation forces arrested the prisoner Sultan Khalaf on 08/07/2019, he is married and is from the town of Burqin district of Jenin, and was born on 27/02/1981, and on 18/07/2019 informed the administration of Megiddo prison Mujahid Sultan Khalaf the issuance of a ruling Al-‘Askari was transferred to administrative detention for six months without charge.

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