Arrests and injuries in a campaign of intensive raids of the Nazi occupation army


By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Illegally Occupied West Bank – Quds News : Israeli occupation forces launchedcampaignarrests in different parts ofoccupied West Bankdawn today, resultedarrestsix Palestinians and injuring others, during intense raids.

In Nablus, the Nazi occupation forces arrested the two brothers, Ahmad and Mahmoud Abu Zeitoun, after they raided the house of their relatives in Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus, during the storming of the city at dawn today, amid heavy gunfire, tear gas canisters and sound, injuring a number of residents of the area.

Nazi occupation soldiers arrested two students at Birzeit University, Amir Hazboun, 22, and the liberated prisoner Yazan Maghames, 21, during their incursion into Birzeit, north of Ramallah. Mohammed Turkman, a journalist , was  wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets while covering clashes between dozens of youths and troops. Occupation that stormed the town.

In Ramallah, local sources reported that the Nazi occupation forces stormed the villages of Kober, Abu Qash, Barham, Abu Shkheidim, Al-Mazra’a Al-Gharbiya, Jifna and Birzeit, north of Ramallah, Ein Sinaia, Dura Al-Qara’a and Al-Jalazoun refugee camp northeast of Ramallah.

Nazi soldiers arrested Abdel-Karim Athamneh after storming the village of Faqou’a and raiding his family’s home.

In Bethlehem, the Nazi occupation forces arrested the young Bakr Musa Kawar, “20 years”, after raiding his father’s house and searched in the town of Doha, west of the city.# Arrest# Israeli occupation# raids

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