On Wednesday 25 April 2012 freelance journalists and broadcasters will enter the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand in London, to fight for Judicial Review on the Dale Farm Production Order.
The National Union of Journalists has called the “Not FIT” protest at 9.15am outside the court, to defend journalism and to send a clear message the police – we will not be forced through production orders into being evidence gatherers for the police. ”Not FIT” refers to police evidence gather units known as Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT).
All those involved in the Dale Farm production order case have shown great concern at the increase in the use of production orders against the media over the last 18 months and the fear is journalists are being forced into becoming the eyes and ears of the state. The consequences of this can have serious implications towards the impartiality and safety of journalists in the future.
Please come and show your support in the latest battle for press freedom, to tell the police and the state, we are “Not FIT”.
The protest will be held at 9.15am, Wednesday 25 April 2012.
The Defending Journalism Parliamentary Meeting will be on Thursday 19 April 2012.
Previous posts
NUJ and Broadcasters Granted Judicial Review
Why I’m Resisting the Dale Farm Production Order
Journalists Not Evidence Gatherers