Congressional Vacation Period Opportune, I$raHell Now at Risk of Strike


A chunk of the American population questions if the U.S. funded rebel chemical attack was a good idea as Israel is now at risk.

(Photo by David Silverman/Getty Images)
(Photo by David Silverman/Getty Images)

By Shepard Ambellas

WASHINGTON — The Obama Administration has managed to pull off another great heist on the American people with the formulation of a pre-determined and rather organized plan to constitute a ‘U.N. legal’ attack on Syria is in effect.
And to top it off, what perfect timing for a congressional “summer vacation”. reported, “Members of Congress are on summer vacation, ignoring their 15 percent approval rating like students who flunked remedial math might ignore their report cards. If House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wanted to boost public approval of Congress, they would urge the president to call a special session so they could vote on military action against Syria.”[2]
However the absence of congress is not all we need to be worried about.
It was recently reported that Hossein Sheikholeslam, the Director-General of the parliament for International Affairs stated Monday, “the Zionist regime will be the first victim of a military attack on Syria”[1], making some question whether the U.S. sponsored rebel chemical attack on Syria was truly a good idea.
The puppet masters behind the curtain, the ones truly in control of the Obama Administration are playing with fire.
[1] Parliamentary Official: Israel Prime Victim of War on Syria –
[2] Obama should call special session of Congress before attacking Syria, but he won’t –

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