Bradley Manning – The Last Nail in the Coffin of the American Democracy


It was a sad day when we all heard about the sentencing of Bradley Manning. A 25 years old man who has followed his moral obligations and exposed the horrendous war crimes committed by the American soldiers in Iraq, will spend 35 years behind bars.

Bradley Manning (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
Bradley Manning (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)

By Sergey Baranov

One would think that instead, Bradley Manning should be rewarded a Nobel Peace Prize ( the same one Barack Obama has recently received, even though, in my opinion, the President deserves it less) and praised as a hero, while becoming a prosecution witness against the helicopter pilots who should be brought up on murder charges for shooting and killing civilians in Iraq. (see full version here) (1)
‘’Light ‘em all up. Come on, fire! (Machine gun fire) ‘’Keep shooting. ( Machine gun fire) ‘’Keep shooting’’ (Machine gun fire) ‘’Bunch of bodies laying there’’ ‘’Alright, we got about 8 individuals’’ ‘’Yeah, we got one guy crawling around down there’’. We’re shooting some more. ‘’Yea.. you shoot I’ll talk.. ‘’Oh yeah, look at those dead bastards’’.’’Nice’’. ‘’Nice’’. ‘’Good shooting’’. ‘’Thank you’’ ‘’We have a van that’s approaching and picking up the bodies. Can I shoot? Come on, let us shoot’’. (Machine gun). ‘’Clear. Clear’’. ‘’Oh, yeah, look at that, like thru the windshield’’. Roger, I’ve got 11 Iraqis killed and one small child wounded in the belly’’. ‘’It’s their fault for bringing their kids into a battle’’. ‘’That’s right.’’(next thing you see is a tank moving on the street crushing an Iraqi like an insect) “.. just drove over a body’’. (Laughter) ..
You’ve got to see it to believe it.
This isn’t a script for a Hollywood movie. This is actual, heartless chatting between the helicopter pilots during the shooting civilian targets. Bradley Manning felt like he must bring this and other crimes to the public attention so people would learn the truth about despicable acts of violence and atrocities being committed in the Iraq war, which was based on lies in the first place. One would think that in a just society, a sense of humanity and morality would be considered as virtues. However, in reality, Manning was convicted for being a virtuous man and sent to prison essentially for life, while those who are responsible for collateral murder are still walking free.
This military trial is especially disturbing in the light of the latest news about the Department of Justice requesting that George W. Bush, Richard “Dick’’ Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and Paul Wolfowitz ‘’be granted procedural immunity in a case alleging that they planned and waged the Iraq War in violation of international law’’. (2) An immunity from justice, so to speak.
So where is this WMD? (3) It has been 10 long years of looking for it. ‘’Not here, not there, it’s got to be somewhere’’ –  G.W. Bush have jested on March 24, 2004 at the Washington Hilton for the annual Radio and Television Correspondents’ Association Dinner. (4),(5)
But according to two former senior CIA officers, Bush knew that Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction.(6) However, it didn’t stop him from taking the nation to yet another war.
Richard ‘’Dick’’Cheney, Vice President of the United States from 2001 to 2009, under President George W. Bush, was also supporting the invasion of Iraq  (7). We learned later, that Halliburton gets awarded a 7 billion contract to rebuild Iraq, the company of which Dick Cheney was a chairman and CEO from 1995 to 2000 and the only company which was allowed to bid. (8)(9)
But besides the oil fields, there was a big demand for weapons to be supplied for endless war.
However, there was another business flourishing those days – trafficking of young women and children, a scandal erupted after the Dyncorp, a private military contractor, was exposed. (10)
Even more disturbing news came out about the Pentagon child porn scandal in 2006. The federal investigation operated under the code name “Operation Flicker” has identified more than 5,200 individuals who had subscribed to child pornography websites providing their military email addresses. However, 1,700 of those suspects were never investigated. Eventually, the investigation was halted without making big news. Senator Charles Grassley received a letter from Pentagon Inspector General Gordon Heddell saying that child pornography was “not one of DCIS’ (Defense Criminal Investigative Service) investigative priorities.”(11),(12).
Well, if investigating your employees who are interested in watching kids as young as 3 years old are getting raped is not a priority for the employer, then what kind of employer is it and what are his priorities? Who else in the world would like to keep sick perverts on its staff? And who would to explain how a 25 year boy, Bradley Manning, armed only with truth and a sense of justice is guiltier or is more dangerous to society than pedophiles with nukes? And if he isn’t, why he is the one who has been sent to prison?
[1] Collateral
[2] Dept. of Justice asks to Grant Bush Immunity – War is Crime
[3] George: Saddam Hussein Has Weapons of Mass Destruction  – Youtube
[4]President Bush at 2004 White House Correspondents Dinner – Youtube
[5] Bush jokes about search for WMD, but it’s no laughing matter for critics – The Guardian
[6] Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction– Salon
[7] Liar Liar Iraq On Fire – Youtube
[8] Halliburton Defends No-bid Iraq Contract – Information Clearing House
[9] No Bid Contract – Wikipedia
[10] Dyncorp exposed for the trafficking of Women and Children – Youtube
[11] Thousands of Pentagon Personnel Bought or Viewed Child Pornography with Impunity – Moral Low Ground

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