Dear All,

This senator could cost you
$12,000 a minute.

Lisa Murkowski
Tell the Senate to make BP pay to clean up their own mess.

take action

It’s all of us vs. one Senator from Alaska.
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R- AK), is blocking legislation to make BP pay the full clean up costs for the disaster in the Gulf.1 She wants BP to only be responsible for the first $75 million of the spill. But the real cost is more than $650 million, and the bill goes up another $12,000 every minute.2
And even though she’s just one senator, we’re running out of time to stop her. The Senate is about to go on vacation for Memorial Day, leaving us taxpayers holding the bill until they come back. We can’t let that happen.
Tell your Senators not to wait another day. Tell them to push Murkowski aside, make BP pay and start investing in clean energy alternatives NOW.

This won’t be easy. BP and other oil-industry giants are ramping up their donations to conservative Senators like Murkowski.1 The oil companies are counting on these politicians to bail them out when trouble hits.
Fortunately, not every politician is in Big Oil’s pocket. And if enough of our senators get a backbone and stop kowtowing to BP and the other CEOs, change is possible.
Help your senators find their backbone. If enough of us work together, we can make BP pay for the clean up, stop the drilling and focus on clean energy alternatives.
Drew Hudson
TrueMajority / USAction
P.S. Just how much is BP looking to avoid paying? Checkout our Oil Spill Clean up Counter here.
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