Walter Scott wrote,
‘Oh! what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!’
Now the law on charities is complicated but essentially they must be for the public benefit, which is why Britain’s public schools are complaining that they have to provide too much for the local yokels.
There are also a number of charitable objectives, which in recent years have been expanded – things like the promotion of religion, relief of poverty and distressed, giving alms to soldiers etc. As long as you are not a political campaign then, in theory, you should be able to register as a charity with the Charity Commission.
The problem for the CST is that it combines at least two different roles. On the one hand it compiles statistics on anti-semitic incidents, and in the process conflates these with either anti-Zionism or the reaction of people to being told that Jewish people all support horrors like the bombing of Gaza.
And on the other hand its role is to act as an unofficial policeman, not against real racist or anti-semitic attacks, but against Jewish dissidents, left-wingers and anti-Zionists.
There is of course a third role that it is widely suspected of performing, given the large number of ex-Israeli military in its employ. And that is to act as the eyes and ears for Israeli Intelligence i.e. Mossad who, as Victor Ostrovsky pointed out 20 years ago in his book ‘By Way of Deception’ have a network of 2,000 Jewish people willing to help it in London alone.

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