June 6, 2010
by Gordon Duff

Marine Hero Ken O’Keefe

“All I saw in Israel was cowards with guns”…US Marine Ken O’Keefe
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
The moment Netanyahu and his cabal of right wing thugs got wind of the Freedom Flotilla, the propaganda machine went into high gear.  School children began “duck and cover” exercises, sirens were tested and the warnings of an “armada of death” filled every media outlet, every classroom and, worst of all, the barracks of Israel’s IDF, her once proud fighting force, now cited as 2nd rate at best. 
Years of using “commandos” to battle anti-government demonstrators, Jews who now flood the streets opposing apartheid policies, years of blowing up homes and fighting gun battles with rock throwing teens has left Israel’s military a shadow of what it once was.

YouTube – Veterans Today –
Beatings by gangs of right wing thugs is an everyday occurrence.  Uri Avnery, 86 year old veteran of the 1948 and 1967 wars was attacked by a dozen Netanyahu goons while leaving a rally with his wife Rachel, Adam Keller and his wife Beate Siversmidt.  Avnery was entering a taxi when a dozen thugs attacked and tried to drag him onto the street. 
 Police arrived and managed to extricate several injured thugs from Avernery’s wrath.  Adam Keller said, “These cowards did not dare to attack us when we were many, but they were heroes when they caught Avnery alone.”
Political instability in Israel, rigged elections, ethnic cleansing, political violence and massive financial corruption are tearing at the fabric of society.  Netanyahu has taken a lesson from the playbook of the former Maoist regime in Albania with some of the polish and sophistication of his idol, former US Vice President Dick Cheney.  “Keep em’ scared, keep em’ at each other’s throats.”

US Marine Ken O’Keefe, Tortured But Strong

The years of the athletic and hard working fighters, doing their compulsory national service are over.  In a country with a million “guest workers” doing the heavy lifting, Israel’s young soldiers aren’t a shadow of America’s professional military, not anymore. 
“Crack units on the Golan Heights still measure up but, in general, the IDF is kids, much like American kids, some are American kids, make up a highly unmotivated “draftee” army whose training and morale have deteriorated significantly,” says a top US army specialist on the IDF.  “Our kids could eat them for breakfast, something that wasn’t true of the American military in the years just after Vietnam.  Today’s American military is head and shoulders above Israel and they know it, know it well.”
Israel’s propaganda machine, drunk with its successes in managing the news in the US through its stranglehold on the media, went overboard in reaction to the powerful forces aligned against them in the Freedom Flotilla, a virtual army of highly credible and dedicated activists from countries around the world. 
Israel started by contacting the US and Britain indicating that the Flotilla was carrying weapons of mass destruction, including a missing atomic bomb, part of a secret inquiry in Britain tied to the death of weapons expert Dr. David Kelly. 
Israel then briefed her own forces, troops she calls “Commandos” but actually semi-trained draftees with little but crowd control experience, by telling them that the Flotilla was an Al Qaeda “invasion task force,” that was “armed to the teeth.”  The initial attack on the unarmed peace activists was vigorously opposed and several Israeli “Commandos” were disarmed and captured, only after executing two civilians and wounding over a dozen more. 
United States Marine Ken O’Keefe, a combat veteran of Gulf War I, with help from another peace activist,” seized two heavily armed “Commandos,” he saw involved in killings, disarming them and detaining them:
“I said this straight to Israeli agents, probably of Mossad or Shin Bet, and I say it again now, on the morning of the attack I was directly involved in the disarming of two Israeli Commandos.  This was a forcible, non-negotiable, separation of weapons from commandos who had already murdered two brothers that I had seen that day. 
 One brother with a bullet entering dead center in his forehead, in what appeared to be an execution.  I knew the commandos were murdering when I removed a 9mm pistol from one of them.  I had that gun in my hands and as an ex-US Marine with training in the use of guns it was completely within my power to use that gun on the commando who may have been the murderer of one of my brothers. 
 But that is not what I, nor any other defender of the ship did.  I took that weapon away, removed the bullets, proper lead bullets, separated them from the weapon and hid the gun.  I did this in the hopes that we would repel the attack and submit this weapon as evidence in a criminal trial against Israeli authorities for mass murder.
I also helped to physically separate one commando from his assault rifle, which another brother apparently through into the sea.  I and hundreds of others know the truth that makes a mockery of the brave and moral Israeli military.  We had in our full possession, three completely disarmed and helpless commandos. 
These boys were at our mercy, they were out of reach of their fellow murderers, inside the ship and surrounded by 100 or more men.  I looked into the eyes of all three of these boys and I can tell you they had the fear of God in them.  They looked at us as if we were them, and I have no doubt they did not believe there was any way they would survive that day.  They looked like frightened children in the face of an abusive father.”
The subsequent “Commando” task force sent to rescue the captive “Commandos” from the peace activists holding them was given an even grimmer briefing, confirmed by multiple sources.  The IDF forces were told their comrades had been “hanged by Al Qaeda” forces in command of the Turkish humanitarian ship and to come in “guns blazing” and “leave nothing moving, not man, woman or beast.” 
Reports from detainees, including United States Military have been universal in describing brutal abuse of those taken off the Flotilla ships in international waters.  American Marine, Ken O’Keefe, who was on the flotilla with Army Colonel Ann Wright, describes his experience:
While in Israeli custody I, along with everyone else was subjected to endless abuse and flagrant acts of disrespect.  Women and elderly were physically and mentally assaulted.  Access to food and water and toilets was denied. 
Dogs were used against us, we ourselves were treated like dogs.  We were exposed to direct sun in stress positions while hand cuffed to the point of losing circulation of blood in our hands.  We were lied to incessantly, in fact I am awed at the routineness and comfort in their ability to lie, it is remarkable really.  We were abused in just about every way imaginable and I myself was beaten and choked to the point of blacking out… and I was beaten again while in my cell.
In all this what I saw more than anything else were cowards… and yet I also see my brothers.  Because no matter how vile and wrong the Israeli agents and government are, they are still my brothers and sisters and for now I only have pity for them.  Because they are relinquishing the most precious thing a human being has, their humanity.
When Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967, killing 34 American sailors and wounding 171, they submitted “gun camera” footage to justify the attack.  Their film showed no flag on the American naval vessel.  However, when a rescue ship arrived to aid the Liberty, her flag was flying, filled with holes, but flying on a ship that was bombed, strafed and torpedoed in repeated attacks for hours.  This was the first of many shoody video and photo con jobs Israel would use to cover criminal acts.
The 2001 filming of the World Trade Center attack by a Mossad team using sophisticated High Definition cameras, set up in advance of the attack, was broken up when NYPD arrested the team as terrorists.  Were it not for the diligence of the New York Police and the enraged citizens who witnessed the film team dancing in the streets when the planes hit the twin towers, we would have even more evidence.  Was the intention to show Osama bin Laden waving from the pilots seat?
With the now widely confirmed death of Osama bin Laden on December 15, 2001, the regularly “found” audio and video tapes of “department store Santa” versions of bin Laden are more Mossad-IDF workmanship.  IDF run “SITE Intelligence,” the source of the endless stream of bogus terrorist warnings “found on the internet” averages one a month.
Film crews working for the IDF, not only heavily edited films of their brutal attack on the Freedom Flotilla but digitally altered sections and added footage staged later.  Photos of weapons seized onboard ship, given to international press, had digital signatures indicating they had been taken in 2006.  Actual photos of the “weapons cache” on the Turkish ship were received through sources in the French government.



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