BOOKS : After the Gaza Freedom Flotilla: Israel’s Days are Numbered By SHOAHFebruary 10, 2011Literature NOVANEWS Early on the morning of Monday 31 May, in international waters some 90 miles from Gaza’s coastline, and in direct contravention of international law and the Geneva conven- tions, Israeli commandos forcibly boarded a peaceful convoy of aid ships that was headed to Gaza city. Articles in this pamphlet tell the story of the attack, as well as setting out the consequences for Israeli zionism and for the Palestinian struggle for freedom. Following the attack on the flotilla, Israel has never been more isolated, in spite of all her weaponry, while, despite the Palestinians’ lack of arms, their cause has never been so strong. The question of Palestinian freedom is not merely an academic or altruistic one for British workers. When Isr- ael finally falls, Anglo-American imperialism will receive a massive blow – and the sooner that blow comes, the sooner will our own struggle against imperialism be succe- ssful.