Bethlehem: Nazi Army Abducts Two Palestinian Teens

Nazi soldiers abducted, on Wednesday evening, two Palestinian teenage boys and confiscated a car in Husan town, west of Bethlehem, south of Nazi occupied Jerusalem, in the occupied West Bank.

Mohammad Sabatin, the head of Husan Village Council, said the Nazi soldiers invaded the eastern area of the town before stopping and interrogating several Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

He added that the Nazi soldiers abducted Mohammad Rashed Sha’er, 17, and Qussai Fuad Hamamra, 17, while walking in the area and took them to the nearby Etzion military base.

The Nazi soldiers also confiscated a Palestinian car during the invasion and took it to Etzion.

In related news, Nazi soldiers assaulted a young man after forcing him out of his car in Bab al-Jadeed in the Nazi occupied capital, Jerusalem, in the West Bank.

Also on Wednesday evening, a group of fanatic illegal Nazi colonizers attacked several Palestinians on their lands in the Jabal Jales area, east of Hebron city, in the southern part of the Nazi occupied West Bank.

On Wednesday at dawn, the Nazi soldiers abducted twelve Palestinians from their homes in several parts of the West Bank.

Nazi Army Demolishes Four Wells Near Hebron

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