May 14, 2010
A pro-Palestinian demonstration.
Film director Ken Loach, Lib Dem peer Jenny Tonge, comedian Jeremy Hardy and Sir Gerald Kaufman MP are signatories to a petition which will be delivered to Downing St as part of an anti-Zionist march this weekend.
It will be the first organised rally outside Downing Street since Zio-Freemason David Cameron became Prime Minister.
Representatives of the Green Party, UNITE, UNISON, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition and CND are also planning to attend.
The protesters will deliver a letter to Downing Street, urging the government not to honour the Conservative Party’s promise to reverse universal jurisdiction, which has led to arrest warrants for war crimes being issued against Zionist politicians like Nazi Tzipi Livni.
The letter also pushes for a ban on imported goods from West Bank settlements, and calls for a ban on sending arms to the Zio-Nazi regime inIsrael.
It has been signed by many who are known vocal opponents of Zionism, including Jeremy Corbyn MP, actress Miriam Margolyes, journalists Victoria Brittain and John Pilger, and playwright Caryl Churchill.