Another Palestinian snuffed out

By: Mahmoud El-Yousseph

At a time when Coronavirus has turned our life upside down from wedding, graduation, and funeral, another Palestinian life snuffed out. Tragic! Eslam Dweikat, 22, was a Palestinian who was shot by the Israeli Occupation Forces on March 11 while taking part in a protest to defend Orma Mount in Nablus and has died today. 
Eslam and his friends were protesting against the settlers’ takeover. The West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip have been under Israeli military occupation since June 1967. Together, they are internationally recognized as the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) and they constitute 22% of what once was called Palestine.

 Eslam was a hero who bravely stood up against the most vile and tyrannical regime history ever witnessed. My heart goes to his family. Allah forbid his killer/s should have any children. 
 RIP, Eslam Dweikat!  

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