
Al-Manshiyya Quarter: Nusra, aided by Jordanian terrorism-enablers, found themselves surrounded yesterday when the SAA appeared to relax its defenses to permit the terrorists to hole up in an area they cannot defend. As of today, the terrorists are losing one rat every hour to rockets, snipers and artillery. SAA intercepts of the rodents’ communications confirm the enemy knows he has no escape route. One commander was heard to beg for help receiving only a promise to “look into the matter”. This pack of vermin has only 48 hours to live.



الجيش يسيطر على 9 قرى في ريف حلب الشرقي

These villages were just rendered rat-free by the Syrian Army and PDC forces:

1. Maghaarat Abu Jabbaar

2. Mashrafat Abu Jabbaar

3. Biyjaan

4. Tal Beejaan (Very strategically important)

5. Rasm Al-Kimaa (It’s famous for its truffles)

6. Rasm Al-Kabeer (Another oxymoron)

7. Shuwaylikh

8. Tal Hameema

The SAA’s engineers are clearing out all the mines and IEDs planted there by the enemy to slow down the advance of the SAA and its allies.

ISIS is collapsing in Eastern Aleppo Province. There are reports that packs of these rats are being removed and transported to Al-Raqqa – all this as Mosul in Iraq starts looking a lot like Aleppo City’s liberation.



Panorama: The Syrian Army and its allies foiled another attempt to enter this area from the southern flank. According to sources not on the ground there, the ISIS gang suffered significant casualties with many, almost all foreigners, leaving their positions in order to return to their base. SAA visual assessment put the number of dead rodents at 11 with scores wounded. It is also clear that ISIS is having difficulty replacing their wounded rats which is why they took a lot of care to evacuate those they could. Normally, under such circumstances they leave the wounded behind or give them the coup de grace.

Cemeteries: (Al-Maqaabir): The Syrian Air Force is flying 24/7 in this area to prevent any large concentration of ISIS vultures. Since the cemeteries, by definition, have no living beings inside, the bombers drop their loads at will normally killing or wounding scores of vermin. This same scenario is also taking place at the Old Air Base, Al-Hameediyya (abandoned) and Al-Sinaa’ah.


At Tallat Al-Rawaad southwest of the City, the drone you see above was brought down by SAA anti-aircraft fire. It has been weaponized to carry bombs. It is believed that British terrorists helped to design this aircraft.



The action is intensifying with each centimeter gained by the SAA and its allies. This morning, Turfat Al-Gharbiyya (Western) was liberated by the SAA near the Bayaaraat (plantations or irrigation wheels). This area is crucial to the SAA’s ability to set up fall-back positions when the assault on Palmyra begins.


One branch of the Jund Al-Aqsaa group, allied with ISIS, has completed negotiations for withdrawal from all Hama and Idlib Provinces. It has been agreed by Abu ‘Abdullah Al-Ghazzaawi (a Palesteezian hypocrite and child molester) who heads the group that the final destination will be Al-Raqqa where he will set up shop to further shake down innocent Syrian civilians. All told, the number of rodents is around 850 with scores more to be added from their families. Nusra/Alqaeda has agreed to guarantee safe passage for these insects all the way to Qassr Ibn Wardaan in Hama. After that, it appears, they are on their own.

The deal was brokered by foreign imbeciles belonging to the Turkistaani Islamic Party and the Hay`at ‘Ulamaa’ Al-Shaam (Committee of Syria’s Scholars – yawn). The latter is made up of rodents like Abu Maariyyaa Al-Qahtaani and ‘Abdullah Al-Muhaysini.

The only fly in the ointment is the group’s second-in-command, one Abu ‘Abdul-Wakeel, who has rejected the deal and who has expressed his desire to remain in place along with other allies groups. It is very likely that Nusra/Alqaeda will exterminate him and his allies because of the antipathy which exists between Nusra and ISIS. Jund Al-Aqsaa has been roundly accused of “overreaching”, “corruption” and “sedition”.

Kafr Zaytaa: The SAA, which received a huge resupply of rockets and missiles 8 months ago is now putting them all to good use here. Yesterday and today, the SAA has shellacked Nusra/Alqaeda positions killing or wounding many.

Al-Tamaani’ah: The SAAF’s air strikes, yesterday, killed a major Nusra/Alqaeda leader by the name of ‘Abdul-Razzaaq Al-Ashhab.

Al-Habeet and Rikaayaa Sijnaa Villages: 3 pickups were either damaged or destroyed with scores killed and wounded by intense SAA artillery and rocket fire.

Atshaan Village: Vague reports of heavy clashes between the SAA and Alqaeda.

Al-Salamiyya Area: The Popular Defense Committees have seized 2 vans loaded with weapons and ammunition and one KIA truck belonging to ISIS. This was done during an ambush set up by the PDC as a pack of rodents was headed to Al-Tanaahij Village on the way to Palmyra where they were expected to bolster the terrorist defenses of that ancient city. The ambush was placed at Waadi Al-‘Adheeb close to Atharyaa on a dirt road. All the ISIS rodents were exterminated since they were foreigners.


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