The land issue is not the point. The land issue is one element of a comprehensive piece that should not be made the only element, as your Israeli guest said, because the crux of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is over the refugeehood of the Palestinians from our side, the exile, displacement and refugeehood, and from the Israeli side, it’s the acceptance by the Arabs of an Israeli state that is predominately Jewish.
That’s where the tradeoff is going to come and where the agreements have to satisfy the core needs of both sides. West Bank and Gaza is an important piece of land that will hopefully become the core of a Palestinian state or the territorial element of a Palestinian state, but the resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict needs much, much wider parameters, and the refugee issue has to be resolved in a manner that is negotiated by both sides and acceptable to both sides on the basis of international law.
I don’t know where these men come down on the full implementation of the right of return, which is addressed beautifully in this video Adam posted. But this core injustice has to be addressed at last. And Khouri seems to be suggesting, you can keep your Jewish state, if you just let the Palestinians who want to come home, come home.
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