AAI Hosts Virtual Brownbag on Syria | The Arab American Institute

Today AAI hosted a virtual brownbag discussion on Syria, featuring two Arab American activists with very different perspectives on the conflict.
Rana Khoury, an independent researcher who has lived in Syria and written for media outlets like Jadaliyya, Huffington Post, and Al Jazeera, spoke about the many pitfalls of Western intervention, though she acknowledged that the situation on the ground is already experiencing “ a form of de-facto foreign intervention, including the arming and funding of rebels, the provision of technical and non-lethal support, warfare by proxy and the presence of foreign fighters.”She stressed the important of a “negotiated transition,” despite the fact that neither side has thus far been willing to come to the bargaining table.
She referred to the “dominant elements of the opposition” as following a “dead-end pursuit…squandering time, money, and political capital on the question of intervention.” Khoury argued that despite these efforts, “they are not getting the external intervention they have been appealing for. The Obama administration is not choosing intervention.” [ed note;Obama by allowing its proxy regimes in gulf(GCC) wich it sells arms to,to manage the destabilization of Syria ,then that is intervention lady,its also called irregular warfare see. “IRREGULAR WARFARE” – the US Govt. Document … – thenakedfacts ).She warned that external actors may be interested in ridding Syria of Bashar Al-Assad, but not necessarily strategically inclined to promote a democratic transition for the Syrian state. Their primary interests lie in changing the regional balance of power, rather than promoting human rights and democracy for the Syria people.
Given this reality, Khoury argued that the best way to encourage a moderate alternative to the extremist elements, who have come to dominate the armed opposition, is to promote a non-violent alternative that may win over the support of the “silent majority” of Syrians who have sat out the conflict.“There are many elements of the Syrian opposition that are pursuing peaceful and nonviolent means of change, and preparing for a transition[ed note;here is an example of these non violent activists…THE SYRIAN HASBARA NETWORK IN TURKEY … – thenakedfacts cia front ziocon iri training syria womens network – THENAKEDFACTS
The opposition calling for intervention should give up on a failing strategy that portends more violence and bloodshed, and get on board for a democratic and just future. That is, after all, what I’ve always understood to be the purpose of the uprising: not just the overthrow of Bashar Al-Assad.”
salaam, i’m openly serving zionist ran
us interests when it comes to Syria
Yisser Bittarthe government relations and advocacy assistant for the Syrian American Council, argued for supporting the armed rebel elements on the ground, as well as the opposition’s “civilian government structures that are now appearing.” She claimed that beyond the humanitarian mandate,[[[[[action on Syria is vital for America’s national security interest, because it would marginalize Iran and Hezbollah in the process.]]]]] [[[[[[Bittar called on the US government to cut off all diplomatic relations with the Assad regime, emulating the example of Qatar which today handed over control of the Syrian embassy in Doha to the Syrian Zio-NATO Rats.
She also called for greater support to the Syrian opposition leadership, and argued that the Syrian National Coalition could not gain more legitimacy on the ground unless they can safely operate inside Syria without fear of government airstrikes.
Following their opening remarks, both speakers participated in a lively debate with each other and dozens of online viewers, who submitted questions via Twitter and Livestream.
[ed notes;and who is syrian american council shes promoting?? Treasonous syrian umbrella groups meet with neo… – thenakedfacts also see..  Older PostTHENAKEDFACTS Older Post – THENAKEDFACTS now, who is the arab american institute hosting event?oh thats just lil old zogbys think tank.. yes same zogby from CFR and HRW and regular at saban center.. Saban Center for Middle East Policy. Saban Center for Middle East Policy  All Guest Speakers ·
Marc Lynch (1); James Zogby Saban Center for Middle East Policy – Events | Brookings Institution THAT ZOGBY”!(i used to call his show in past and confront him on his affiliations to these fronts,he would tremble and tell me he would answer them after a break lol pali you remember the one i played over pl6?) Moving on to get the real truth from arab americans on Syria,see aa4s… Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney presentation … – thenakedfacts

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